Psychological Health and Help

Resource Method "Ancient Shop" Vice Versa

Resource Method "Ancient Shop" Vice Versa

The projective technique "Ancient Shop" is used by most of the colleagues to search for and find the internal resources of the client. I "figured out" how to use this visualization the other way around - to free the psyche from unnecessary "

Why Is It So Hard To Break Free From Love Addiction?

Why Is It So Hard To Break Free From Love Addiction?

Emotional (love) addiction is one of the most common problems of our time. Statistically, 98% of people tend to create addictive relationships. And psychologists have seriously dubbed emotional addiction the disease of our century. Why is it so difficult to get free, to get out of love addiction?

From Caterpillar To Butterfly

From Caterpillar To Butterfly

From a caterpillar to a butterfly … excess weight as a symptom of imbalance in life. Completeness is what interferes with a quality and enjoyable life, taking away beauty, and most importantly, health. You want and need to get rid of it. Enough has been written about being overweight.

The Role Of The Psychologist In The System Of Rehabilitation Of Chemically Dependent And The Main Urgent Problems Arising In The Course Of His Work

The Role Of The Psychologist In The System Of Rehabilitation Of Chemically Dependent And The Main Urgent Problems Arising In The Course Of His Work

1) The problem of determining the spheres of the psychologist's activity. The problem of motivation. Supervision problem. 1. In the rehabilitation center "Megapolis-Medekspress", the process of therapy for chemically dependent people is carried out using the "

An Existential View Of Internet Addiction

An Existential View Of Internet Addiction

Imagine an hourglass. Each grain falling into the lower vessel is a lived minute of your life. What's in it? What is it filled with? What emotions, thoughts, actions? Whose plan are you realizing - yours or someone else's? If you spend this minute in the virtual space, most likely you are a consumer of someone else's intellectual product.

Am I The Most Beautiful In This World?

Am I The Most Beautiful In This World?

Author: Ekaterina Sigitova Tell a woman a million times that she is beautiful and she will never believe it. Tell her once that she is ugly and she will never forget it. Why are we women always unhappy with our appearance? "Love yourself

Inner Child

Inner Child

"The Inner Child is that part of our psyche that is eternally full of life and strength, creative impulses and pleasure. This is our Real I - who we really are …" And it would be so great, but! We all live in the post-Soviet space, where this inner part of the child was either traumatized, or suppressed, or ignored.

I Need More Money

I Need More Money

“I need more money! They come just as much as is necessary for my existence, but no more. If I need to pay for my tuition or my boots are worn out, then the required amount is always found. As soon as there are a little more of them, and a small surplus appears, something immediately happens, then the microwave breaks down, then the grandmother was admitted to the hospital, or something happens to my best friend and she begs for a little money, or I buy a pointless purchase, af

How To Overcome Life Deferred Syndrome. An Exercise

How To Overcome Life Deferred Syndrome. An Exercise

Have you heard excuses like: - I will start doing what I love when I get the appropriate education! - I'll start writing articles when I take another copywriting course! “I will start my private practice when I receive my… 155th certificate in Gestalt Therapy / CBT / Constellations

EVOLUTION OF CHILDHOOD Or What Historians Don't Want To Talk About

EVOLUTION OF CHILDHOOD Or What Historians Don't Want To Talk About

EVOLUTION OF CHILDHOOD: how children were treated at different periods of history "Childhood story is a nightmare from which we have only recently begun to awaken." L. De Mose This is how the Evolution of Childhood section of Lloyd De Mauz's Psychohistory begins.

If “bomb” At The Very Beginning Of A Relationship, Or Traps Of Hope And Acceptance In Codependency

If “bomb” At The Very Beginning Of A Relationship, Or Traps Of Hope And Acceptance In Codependency

If the “bomb” is already at the start, then it is most likely not worth continuing. But what if something else can be done? Let's talk about everything in order. Why do we have strong unpleasant feelings? (Often these feelings are pain and anger due to feelings of rejection and uselessness.

Birthday As Your Personal New Year

Birthday As Your Personal New Year

A great way to intelligently program your success! September 15th is my birthday. I am glad that it finally came, because about a month before the birthday, anyone usually feels heightened anxiety. No wonder, because in us, more precisely, in our Unconscious, the early trauma of birth is alive.

Communication Skills: How To Develop Elephant Conversation

Communication Skills: How To Develop Elephant Conversation

Sometimes conversations take place superficially, without deep contact. The interlocutors, as it were, remain each in their own reality, without meeting on a common territory of meanings and experiences, and without understanding each other's position.

Signs Of A Healthy Family

Signs Of A Healthy Family

Oddly enough, the absence of fights is not an indicator that everything is fine in your house. But how to understand that in building family relationships you are on the right path? Here's a list of signs that are signs of a healthy family.

Codependency. Self-esteem. Relationship

Codependency. Self-esteem. Relationship

Author: Maria Gasparyan Gestalt therapist, family psychologist Research has shown that there is a strong relationship between healthy self-esteem and relationship satisfaction. Self-esteem influences not only our opinion of ourselves, but also our understanding of how much love we are able to receive and how we relate to others, especially in personal relationships.

How We Mirror Others And Others Us

How We Mirror Others And Others Us

We are perfect in our imperfection. Perhaps this is the only perfection that is present in us. We most often see our imperfection in others. They say that people are our mirrors. We reflect to each other exactly what is in us. It responds within and instead of analyzing ourselves, we look at the other.

Little Emo Corns: About The Biggest Vulnerability In A Relationship

Little Emo Corns: About The Biggest Vulnerability In A Relationship

There is such a dirty trick in the everyday life of dermatology: corns. These are seemingly barely noticeable and invisible seals of skin on the feet or toes. They do not appear suddenly. They can be ignored for a long time. But sooner or later, the "

About Love. When Does It Start And When Does It Go Away?

About Love. When Does It Start And When Does It Go Away?

Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist St. Petersburg Each couple goes through several stages of relationship development and is faced with their characteristics. By reading this article, you can analyze your relationship now and guess at what stage you and your spouse are now.

The Person Is In Conflict. Understanding And Behavior

The Person Is In Conflict. Understanding And Behavior

Are you familiar with the state after conflicts, when you are not satisfied with either the unfolding situation or your own behavior? Or even just a vague dissatisfaction with yourself / partner / the world after a conflict and quarrel? If familiar, let's figure it out.



I want to tell you an anecdote. Once on a clear spring day (well, or a cloudy autumn), a little Dragon was sitting on one of the streets of a big city (however, perhaps not a big one, and maybe even a village) and was crying bitterly. He was so sweet, so touching.

Obsession With The Animus

Obsession With The Animus

Observing myself and listening to the revelations of other women, I noticed that as soon as a woman tries to behave femininely in the outer world, in the inner world the influence of masculine energies immediately increases. This manifests itself in the form of a controlling voice that whispers:

Why Doesn't Love Come?

Why Doesn't Love Come?

The mistake many of us make is to think of love as having a life of its own. It happens by itself, independently of us. As if this feeling is different from others. However, to live a love story is similar to how we devote ourselves to any situation, feeling, emotion.



like and let's go Wives and mistresses regularly ask me: "What is the" risk group "of those married men who are prone to long-term betrayal and leaving the family", what are the distinguishing features of these men? "



Why can't you come to an agreement with your mistress? In the work of a family psychologist, there is such a regularly repeated situation: “A man comes and says: I had a mistress! I always knew that I would not leave my family! And the mistress and immediately at the beginning of the relationship and many times clearly communicated this

MARRIAGE: Four Ages Of Relationship

MARRIAGE: Four Ages Of Relationship

How many words have been said that marriage is titanic work and patience, that the joint life of two adults is constant work on oneself. But one day the hard work ends and happiness begins. Psychologists conditionally divided the life of a married couple into stages.

How To Overcome Loneliness? An Exercise

How To Overcome Loneliness? An Exercise

I decided to continue the topic started in the articles: New year alone. Is it really how you will meet him and will you spend? If you feel lonely on a holiday The general isolation has further exacerbated the problem. After all, lonely people used to be were "

Where Is My Prince? Cinderella's Modern History

Where Is My Prince? Cinderella's Modern History

I want to tell you a little fairy tale story about the girl Tatyana. The character is fictional, and any resemblance to someone is pure coincidence. It is rather a collective image of each of us who could find ourselves in a similar situation.

Male Codependency Pt. 2

Male Codependency Pt. 2

4. Portrait of a codependent woman Their wives / women / girlfriends can be very emotional, bringing the relationship alive and compensating for the mental numbness that many codependent men feel inside. In the beginning of a relationship, a man may feel strong by helping a girlfriend or wife in need and giving her attention, care, custody, or gifts.

Why Do I Have The Same Thing With All My Men! (6)

Why Do I Have The Same Thing With All My Men! (6)

I'm not sorry that I suffer It's a pity that the time has passed. I continue to illustrate the logic of the action of the scenario game using the example of the relationship between Igor and Masha, or rather, only Masha, since this couple broke up.

What Is This Song About For You?

What Is This Song About For You?

Let's remember an old urban romance? It is short, beautifully arranged by Zhanna Bichevskaya, so be sure to listen! For me she not about love, but about dependence on a man who is indifferent to her about hopelessness about the ostentatious bravado of a desperate woman He does not need her either as a wife, or as a sister, or as a stranger - a man does not need this woman in any form

Reproduction In A New Love Relationship Of The Scenario Game That Destroyed The Old Relationship (5)

Reproduction In A New Love Relationship Of The Scenario Game That Destroyed The Old Relationship (5)

Scenario game. Relationship # 2 People sometimes notice that all their love relationships develop according to the same pattern, that they constantly step on the same rake. Ideally, it would be good to get out of the scenario game as soon as it starts, when you first notice that something is changing in your relationship and something is starting to repeat itself with depressing consistency.

Divorce Due To The Presence Of Scenario Games In The Relationship (4)

Divorce Due To The Presence Of Scenario Games In The Relationship (4)

People who are hooked on a scandal and are prone to scenario games usually part for a long time and painfully. First, the "drug addiction" of the scandal requires more and more new doses, and why look for another supplier of the potion, if there is already a familiar supplier at hand.

Age Regression And Scenario Games (3)

Age Regression And Scenario Games (3)

Age regression in love affairs sometimes leads to the fact that the conflict in the current relationship evokes from the past memories of long-played dramas. And it turns out that these two scenarios seem to merge into one. Or you can put it another way:

Flirting Or Misunderstandings With Your Husband - "I-message" Technique

Flirting Or Misunderstandings With Your Husband - "I-message" Technique

Author: Mezhidova Svetlana I want to ask you how long you flirted with your husband? Do you know how to do it again, push him to courtship, gifts and other female joys? Having lived for some time in marriage, we very quickly forget that a man wants to receive the same joyful emotions as during the period of acquaintance.

Love Your Husband Again

Love Your Husband Again

Notes on the margins of consultations) The article is focused on women, while it will be equally useful for men) There in life it happens that feelings grow cold between a husband and wife, and in the heads of both more and more often there is a thought - "

Ideal Body Neurosis

Ideal Body Neurosis

When the natural desire for self-expression through appearance takes forms that are harmful to health, and preoccupation with appearance absorbs a person so much that it becomes an obstacle to establishing close and vital relationships with other people, there is every reason to talk about the "



I will repeat this article often. I like her. And the topic is important. After all, the theme of satisfaction is the base. This is something that is associated with all areas of life. Even with sleep. I'm generally silent about sex and food.

5 True Reasons For Avoiding Intimacy

5 True Reasons For Avoiding Intimacy

What is going on inside of you that makes you avoid intimacy, even in a relationship? Do not take into account the false factors that you brush aside, trying to justify yourself - I can't find the very person, a lot of work, I don't go anywhere, etc.

If I Stop Resenting You

If I Stop Resenting You

Resentment, insidious feeling. Whoever is familiar with this feeling knows that once having appeared in the heart, the offense remains there for a long time or forever. And as water wears away a stone, so resentment gradually destroys a person's life.

Reflections On The Reasons For The Change In Sexual Orientation

Reflections On The Reasons For The Change In Sexual Orientation

Thinking out loud… I just wanted to share one of the options why people change their orientation … a lot of hypotheses are spinning in my head, but this one seems to me to be defining. And the roots of this hypothesis originate from the past centuries, in which the woman was deprived of many rights.

What To Do When You Want To Go To Family Therapy And Your Partner Doesn't?

What To Do When You Want To Go To Family Therapy And Your Partner Doesn't?

Sometimes situations happen: it is obvious that there is a problem, and you can even outline it more or less clearly (for example, a specific problem in a relationship). And there are specialists who help to solve just this kind of problem (for example, family and couple psychologists).



Otto Kernberg wrote that one of the forms that aggression associated with oedipal conflicts can take is the unconscious tacit agreement of both partners about the search for a real third, which is a condensed ideal of one and a rival of the other.

Ask For Stroking Why Is It So Difficult?

Ask For Stroking Why Is It So Difficult?

Stroking is a generic name for any behavior that confirms the presence of another person. In transactional analysis, this is one of the fundamental concepts. The name suggests that the roots go back to our childhood, where literally touching a child is of great importance.

Multiple Orgasms And G-Spot

Multiple Orgasms And G-Spot

Author: Burkova Elena, Psychologist, CBT approach German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg (German Ernst Gräfenberg) in 1950 suggested the presence of a special erogenous zone on the anterior wall of the vagina, located at a depth of 2, 5-7, 6 cm, behind the pubic bone and urethra, an analogue of the prostate gland in men … This erogenous zone was later called the "

New Year Wishes. How To Make Wishes For The New Year Correctly

New Year Wishes. How To Make Wishes For The New Year Correctly

WISHES FOR NEW YEAR While the New Year's chimes are striking, most Russians make wishes. The list is not that wide. Usually it is: “Get married - have a baby - lose weight - get a good education - find a decent job - start earning more - not get sick - buy your own home - buy a car - quit smoking - quit alcohol - start eating right and lead a healthy lifestyle - improve relationship with someone (family, etc.

Everyday Life Of A Psychologist

Everyday Life Of A Psychologist

In this topic, I would like to note not psychological centers and not psychologists who work in the centers or exclusively in the office. We will talk about those psychologists who want to scale their services by offering information products in the form of articles, master classes, trainings, etc.

Rule 5 Of 64. Believe In Yourself

Rule 5 Of 64. Believe In Yourself

Continuing to move towards improving the quality of your life, I offer you another good rule, rule 5 of 64 called “Believe in yourself”! And let me remind you that if you follow these rules for two years, your life will improve twice. The quality of life, success, free time, etc.

The First Step Of A Woman. What's The Worst That Will Happen? An Exercise

The First Step Of A Woman. What's The Worst That Will Happen? An Exercise

Especially if it's just the first to write warm words of greeting to the man you like! Let's do the exercise right away? Take a piece of paper and answer honestly to yourself the questions: - What is the worst thing that will happen if you write to a man first?

How To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

How To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

What do I call "The Art of Learning"? This is one of my favorite areas of work. It is about the fact that we learn every day without knowing it. This is our feature as people. We study. We learn to either get new results every day, or get "

Take Action

Take Action

There is no smoke without fire. The feeling “I am nothingness” does not arise out of the blue. It is often the result of inaction, which leads to apathy, dissatisfaction in life and low self-esteem. Here are some proven ways to deal with inaction and take your life to the next level: