Psychological Health and Help

Why Is The Wife Cheating?

Why Is The Wife Cheating?

Cheating a wife to her husband for reasons and consequences is fundamentally different from a man's betrayal. It is rarely a sudden accident and develops in several stages . Due to the fact that in society there is a stereotype about female monogamy, girls are taught to have sex only with their beloved man.

Argument. Instructions For Use

Argument. Instructions For Use

"The truth should be served politely, like a coat, and not thrown in the face like a wet rag." Mark Twain - Honey, let's make up. - Let's make up ?! Yes, we still have to swear and swear before we can make up! Quotes from life Whoever has never quarreled, let him get up, or let him throw a stone at me first, according to his mood.

Emotional Hunger For Love. If You Are Constantly Hungry

Emotional Hunger For Love. If You Are Constantly Hungry

Food is different. And these are not only buns and cheesecakes, but also everything that fills us from the inside. Something that gives a feeling of satiety, satisfaction, fullness, integrity, warmth. Of course, first of all it is Love.

Battles In Our Head

Battles In Our Head

To begin with, anecdote. The guy's trousers are not ironed. But he has no iron. He decides to borrow an iron from a neighbor. He goes to a neighbor and on the way reflects: "Now I will come and ask for an iron. The neighbor is a cultured woman, she will offer to come in and have tea.

How To Tell Children About Death

How To Tell Children About Death

When we are faced with the topic of death, we are scared ourselves: we worry, we fall into a stupor, we are aggressive towards fate / circumstances, or we ignore the fact of a person's death, showing both ourselves and others that “everything is fine”.

How To Get Through The Tough Times? Where To Get Strength For Life

How To Get Through The Tough Times? Where To Get Strength For Life

There are different ways to solve problems. The only question is which method is within the power of you personally. And in the quality of life that he provides you. We all feel bad at times. Stress at work, family conflicts, life disorder, loss of a loved one, midlife crisis, rethinking yourself and life in general.

I Won't Be Easier: Allowing Myself To Be Difficult

I Won't Be Easier: Allowing Myself To Be Difficult

"Keep it simple!" - every now and then the advisers teach: most often they are uninvited. They can be understood: the simpler you are, the more comfortable it is for them. You can respond to these calls, or you can allow yourself to be difficult and get multi-stage, multi-layered and multi-component pleasure out of life.

Without Parting - You Will Not Meet. Reflections On The Importance Of Parting

Without Parting - You Will Not Meet. Reflections On The Importance Of Parting

These are reflections not about a physical separation, but rather an emotional one, when everyone is alive and well, and something else has disappeared. My feelings and experiences, relationships, values. They are no more. And then I part not with people, but with my feelings that I lived next to them … I part with some of myself, with some of my part, my experiences that were … And it is very painful, because they are not return.

Emotional Abuse Victims. The Beginning (Part 1)

Emotional Abuse Victims. The Beginning (Part 1)

Emotional abuse is a method of communication that sets the sole goal of complete power and control over another person. Children in families and women are often subject to emotional abuse. At the same time, it is characteristic that in relation to a child aggression can be directed from both parents, and in relation to a woman - most often from a man.

Save Yourself And That's Enough For You

Save Yourself And That's Enough For You

There are people who choose to help others with their Life Path and their profession. True, they pretty soon understand, due to complete immersion in the process of helping their neighbor, that their initial motivations fail, do not always lead to positive changes and not in the quantities that they would like and that the "

Therapy Or Re-trauma?

Therapy Or Re-trauma?

I will make a reservation right away, this time I will write about those adults whose childhood was spent under the slogan: “Grow up as soon as possible; when you are little, you are inconvenient for us. " Those who, from childhood, had no right to children's pranks and joys, to their feelings and deeds, to those who had to be educated and polite from the cradle.

Addiction To Negativity

Addiction To Negativity

We noticed that in the same situation there are people who see the fulcrum and the positive, and there are those who see only the negative side of the situation. And there are those who have a unique ability - to see negativity everywhere and be sure to report (warn) others about it.



It is sometimes surprising how the work with the client takes on a metaphor, and therefore a well-perceptible meaning, in the last five minutes of the final session. This time it was a metaphor of wings - working with a psychologist for a client was like finding wings, wings that will help carry you out in times of crisis or cope with emotionally exciting experiences.

How To End An Ended Relationship

How To End An Ended Relationship

Author: Kumkov Alexander Source: We repeat our mistakes. With enviable regularity, we go along the trodden path of failures, over and over again plunging into different things of the same thing. And we are surprised … Why

Perfectionists With Love. Chronicles Of Psychotherapy

Perfectionists With Love. Chronicles Of Psychotherapy

She firmly shook her dark, perfectly styled hair and looked at me sternly through equally perfectly matched glasses . - I'm a perfectionist. “I would never have guessed,” I chuckled to myself, looking at her stylish skirt without a single wrinkle, fantastic blouse (business with a precisely dosed drop of femininity), tall heels and “invisible” makeup, which usually takes at least an hour in time.

Finding Myself: My Self-Therapy

Finding Myself: My Self-Therapy

Have you ever wondered how our psychotherapeutic activity would have turned upside down if we could meet with the progenitors of our direction, with those whose books we so eagerly read, which we heard about, watched on video? I, like many psychology students, during my studies, thought a lot about the question of what would happen if I could meet with the masters in my favorite field.

Finding Support Inside. Focusing On Feelings Is An Effective Method Of Dealing With Experiences

Finding Support Inside. Focusing On Feelings Is An Effective Method Of Dealing With Experiences

Finding support inside, you find that it turns out that this state was always available to you through a sensation in the body, which you can trust. This sensation is permeated with the ability to feel life and bring you into harmony with your nature.

The Man In The Procrustean Bed Of Expectations

The Man In The Procrustean Bed Of Expectations

I invite each reader to conduct a thought experiment. Imagine a family with a boy and a girl. Which of the children do you think parents will most often ask to take out the trash, and who will be asked to wash the dishes? I want to talk about how the expectations of others affect the life of each of us.

How To Tell Love From Affection

How To Tell Love From Affection

Affection requires a substitute. When you give up attachment, you feel bad. If you stop smoking, you start eating. You leave a person - you rush to all the hard in search of another. The banality "The cure for love - new love" is not about love at all, but about affection.

“I Don't Want Him Anymore. And I Don’t Want Anyone At All.” The Cycle Of Sexual Contact And Its Breakdowns

“I Don't Want Him Anymore. And I Don’t Want Anyone At All.” The Cycle Of Sexual Contact And Its Breakdowns

The area of intimacy and sexuality is filled with so many myths, dogmas and taboos that on the one hand, it will not interfere with the scientific, on the other hand, the human, adult look. Women often come to my sessions with inquiries on the topic of relationships, and in the process of work, one way or another, questions arise of dissatisfaction with their sex life.



"Pull yourself together" (for children from 5 years old, NL Kryazheva) The child is told: "As soon as you feel that you are worried, you want to hit someone, throw something, there is a very simple way to prove your strength:

Panic Attacks As A Relationship Problem

Panic Attacks As A Relationship Problem

Why are more people suffering from panic attacks, loneliness, depression, anxiety and fear? It seems to me that the answer to this question lies in the field of relationships, or rather, the violation of human relations with other people, the violation of contact in general with the outside world.

Burnout: The History Of The Term, Interesting Research And Recommendations For Action

Burnout: The History Of The Term, Interesting Research And Recommendations For Action

The terms professional and emotional burnout appeared in our lives not so long ago - about 45 years ago. Interest in this topic was due to technological processes of the 20th century, which increased the level of stress affecting humans.

Why Should People Suffer?

Why Should People Suffer?

Suffering is not a feeling, but a state that generates a chain of actions. And no matter how strange it may sound, suffering allows a person not to feel real and actual feelings. Suffering is reminiscent of the usual pain that I have been experiencing for a long time and have long known how to live with it.

How To Respond To Comments And Unsolicited Advice?

How To Respond To Comments And Unsolicited Advice?

- Mom, it's winter outside, and you have a child without a hat! He's going to get sick! - Boy, you can't talk to your mom like that! Almost all mothers have encountered such incorrect remarks. And, of course, such an appeal cannot but provoke a reciprocal aggression.

Shock (acute) Trauma

Shock (acute) Trauma

A trauma is an event that generates unusually strong or uncontrollable feelings, or the very crisis state of a person. In psychotherapy, there are 2 main types of trauma: 1 - chronic, or cumulative (acts and builds up invisibly over the years, starting from childhood), or, in other words, developmental trauma, childhood trauma;

The Pain Of The King

The Pain Of The King

There is a caste of men who are too strong to be weak. They live in a world of the strong, they know those whose names cannot be named, they conclude deals that mere mortals never dreamed of, they look seven years older than their age. They are quite for justice - they like to put things in order and put the bad guys in their place.

Why Did He Choose You, Even If You Later Broke Up ?

Why Did He Choose You, Even If You Later Broke Up ?

Parting is always unpleasant, even if it brings relief to both partners. Men and women, when parting with a partner, often think: what was the real reason for the separation, regardless of who initiated it. Difficulty arises if we cannot find a logical explanation for the reasons and motives for parting.

Gaslighting Or Passive Aggression

Gaslighting Or Passive Aggression

Passive-aggressive defense is present not only in men, but also in women, but in men it is more common. For modern women, an explicit, open form of aggression has become more characteristic. Implicit, hidden aggression is expressed in the absence of open initiative, in shifting responsibility onto others, in indecision, in creating a fog of uncertainty and ambiguity in relationships, in the frequent use of lies and empty apologies.

Self-love. The Pitfalls Of Shame

Self-love. The Pitfalls Of Shame

I notice how my little son treats himself well and what he produces. He likes his photos, videos, where he is fooling around, he really likes his jokes and pictures. I like the reflection in the mirror. This is how small children are. They accept and love themselves.

4 Components Of Psychological Compatibility In A Relationship (what You Need To Consider When Choosing A Life Partner)

4 Components Of Psychological Compatibility In A Relationship (what You Need To Consider When Choosing A Life Partner)

What is psychological compatibility? Psychological compatibility Is the ability to establish, maintain and maintain normal personal and business relationships for a long time, which would satisfy the basic needs of both partners, while their communication and interaction would be accompanied by positive emotions.



The author of the article: Maleichuk Gennady. Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Skype: Gennady.maleychuk I think that many people remember Pushkin's fairy tale about the old man and the fish. Its plot is quite simple: an old fisherman caught a goldfish, which turned out to be magical.



There is a condition that many people try to deny in themselves. This is a state of need. To need something is "bad" because it is associated with poverty and lack of something. There is a more beautiful synonym word - "need"

Amazon Katerina Or About Ass, Bodily Shame And Narcissistic Trauma

Amazon Katerina Or About Ass, Bodily Shame And Narcissistic Trauma

Honestly, I was not going to return to the topic of fitness, bodily beauty, abs and pumped up buttocks, this is absolutely not my topic. And she would not, if it were not for the girl Katerina, who wrote that she personally is going to win in the fight for men, and men, as everyone knows, love slender, fit and with elastic buttocks.

Victim Vs. Author

Victim Vs. Author

There will be no advice or recommendations here, there will be no conclusions or detailed explanations of the reasons. This is a simple description of observations, first of all for myself, but also for those with whom I interact both in a professional context and in everyday life.

Mother-Girlfriend: Breaking The Boundaries Of Mother-Daughter Relationship

Mother-Girlfriend: Breaking The Boundaries Of Mother-Daughter Relationship

"Do not think that I came to bring peace to the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword; For I came to set a man apart from his father, and a daughter with her mother, and a daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law. And a man's enemies are his household"

Mother And Daughter

Mother And Daughter

In early childhood, an almost complete fusion with the mother is necessary for the child in order to survive. “The sense of security that comes from this symbiosis helps him to grow, mature and gradually start an independent life. But if there was no such closeness, the desire to merge with the mother, to feel her unconditional love may remain the most important, the main thing.

Despondency And Adultery

Despondency And Adultery

What should I do with my own life? the man asks. My life is like a favorite book. In the beginning, I opened it and the whole world was revealed to me. One discovery followed another. How much wisdom, how much practical advice, how many opportunities she gave me.

How To Live Life To The Fullest And Find Inner Harmony

How To Live Life To The Fullest And Find Inner Harmony

Lecture by Alfried Langle, Doctor of Medicine and Psychology, on the practical use of existential analysis to gain an inner core, confidence, and meaningful existence. “Life is nothing life is an opportunity to do something " V.

Why Is It Contraindicated To Be A Good Guy In A Relationship?

Why Is It Contraindicated To Be A Good Guy In A Relationship?

If you internally believe that such a strategy is the best and even advise it to others (they say, come on, be good!), Then urgently read everything that will be written below. After all, right now and all these minutes and years that you have lived, you have been destroying your life and your relationships with people with this attitude.

The Path Of Female Individuation

The Path Of Female Individuation

Author: E. Fedorenko The archetype of Beauty is the key on the path of female individuation, and the formation of a woman is viewed through a series of transformations triggered by this archetype. In all the variety of female mythological, fairy-tale and biblical subjects, certain common points can be distinguished - the levels of transformation are the main ideas of the female Path - the Fall, Sacrifice and Love.

Ideal Or Not. Personal Hell

Ideal Or Not. Personal Hell

A perfectionist is every employer's dream. It is they who do not know how to tinker, work for wear and tear and achieve the most significant results. They are envied and equal to them. And what is the life of the perfectionist himself - a person whose whole life is subordinated to the attitude “either ideal, or not at all”?

Psychologist-hot-water Bottle

Psychologist-hot-water Bottle

Cold. In front of me is a cup. I pour boiling water into it, stir it. I sit down in a chair and take a slow sip. Warmly. A client sits across from me. She's cold. She takes her cup of tea and looks down and takes the first sip. Swallows hot liquid greedily.

Profession "tyzhpsychologist"

Profession "tyzhpsychologist"

Quite often they hear in their address the phrase "you are a psychologist …" and this is usually followed by many variations on the topic of what a "real psychologist" should do and not do. For example: -You are a psychologist, advise … (and then the story goes for 40 minutes, with details of the life circumstances of the person who met you at the moment somewhere on the street or in the entrance.

Sincerity As An Elixir From Self-deception

Sincerity As An Elixir From Self-deception

It is not autumn now, but the leaves are still falling. Sometimes its obsolete bark also falls off. I want to share with you the experience of my own observations, observations of myself. More precisely, behind the mechanisms that are now limp:



For me, the essence of psychosomatics is self-violence. And the degree of its malignancy and destructiveness correlate with the degree of self-abuse. I continue to share my professional findings by publishing therapeutic notes. This time I am writing about the phenomenon of self-violence.

Alcoholism Is A Disease Of Emotions

Alcoholism Is A Disease Of Emotions

In most cases, people start and continue to drink alcohol for the sake of affecting their emotions. Alcohol, by virtue of its chemical action, is a powerful emotional regulator. Here are just a few of the "emotional effects" that it can bring:

Because Mom Never Loved Me: Three Steps To Change

Because Mom Never Loved Me: Three Steps To Change

Battle of Borodino. French army. - Why aren't the cannons firing? - The gunpowder is out, Mr. General! Battle of Borodino. Russian army. - Why aren't the cannons firing? - Mr. General! Let's start with the fact that my mother never loved me … Historical anecdote They say that most of our problems come from childhood.

A Short Course In Scientific Optimism

A Short Course In Scientific Optimism

Author: Vladimir Georgievich Romek, PhD in Psychology, Head of the Department of Applied Psychology, South Russian University for the Humanities. The system of education and upbringing is often guided by the techniques of "negative reinforcement"

Nobody Meets Me

Nobody Meets Me

Nobody gets to know me. All my girlfriends are approached by men, but never by me. Am I that ugly? What to do about it? Nobody meets me You wait, you wait for this prince, but he does not appear in any way. All eyes overlooked. I have already been to nightclubs, and at dance evenings, and on dating sites, and in the smoking room of the Lenin library.