Psychological Health and Help

Why Do We Feel Bad?

Why Do We Feel Bad?

There is a certain type of thoughts that directly affect our mood, we are able to notice and track them, but in most cases, we simply do not pay attention to these thoughts. I'm talking about negative automatic thoughts (WE). What it is?

How To Get Out Of The Role Of The Victim And Become A Confident Person?

How To Get Out Of The Role Of The Victim And Become A Confident Person?

If you often have to face attacks from others, devaluation, deserve approval, if you feel disregard for your needs on the part of others, manipulation, if you yourself are offended and think that the world is unfair, if you do not have enough determination in everyday affairs, you are haunted by constant doubts, anxiety, it is difficult to defend personal boundaries, then you need to work on the assertiveness of your behavior.

Two Bodily Forms Of Anxiety

Two Bodily Forms Of Anxiety

What is anxiety? It is an emotion or feeling (depending on whether you are aware of anxiety or not) that reflects the assumption that in the current circumstances it is possible to somehow (or from something) suffer. How do you understand that you are worried?

Knots Of Life

Knots Of Life

Follow your path and let other people say whatever. Dante Alighieri Only the one who goes his own way will never be overtaken by anyone. M. Brando Life path - by no means a straight line … This line consists of separate segments - stages.

Psychosomatics And Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Psychosomatics And Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

In the post-Soviet space, irritable bowel syndrome is still a diagnosis of exclusion. This means that a patient who complains of specific symptoms of gastrointestinal tract disorders is examined in every possible way, checking for all kinds of diagnoses, and without confirming any of them, IBS is determined.

Emergency Psychological Assistance

Emergency Psychological Assistance

Abstracts from the synopsis. Emergency psychological assistance (hereinafter EPP) is provided to people who are experiencing an acute stressful condition. This condition is accompanied by emotional and verbal disorganization. The main principles of EPC for people who have suffered psychological trauma:

Anger As A Driving Force

Anger As A Driving Force

Change is always scary. Change is a step into the unknown. These are processes that entail a number of unforeseen events. Even in spite of the fact that these changes may be desirable, we are often very scared to live them and enter them. Anger is precisely the force that helps us to live to the bottom of despair, and then push away from it with incredible force.

Love Cannot Be Destroyed, Or How To Stop Self-destruction

Love Cannot Be Destroyed, Or How To Stop Self-destruction

Lost at work? 5-6 cups of coffee a day, hunger and sedatives just to meet deadlines? Congratulations! Surely, you are the most valuable employee and the management appreciates you. Now let's come to the main question - how much do you love yourself?

The Artificial World Of Narcissistic Trauma

The Artificial World Of Narcissistic Trauma

The artificial world of narcissistic trauma. In the beginning there was silence. Absence followed her. And then salvation came. Something entered the void and saw you in it, after the grandiose crash of your soul ship flying to the stars happened, when at the very start you suffered a crushing fall, when caring warm hands did not catch your fragile soul, when forces hit the firmament of the soul, it came it, an imperceptible and invisible something that has become your sup

5 Nails To The Coffin Of Your Self-esteem

5 Nails To The Coffin Of Your Self-esteem

Very often during a consultation I am asked the following question: “I have low self-esteem. How can I upgrade it? What do you need to do for this? " I want to share my thoughts on this. In my opinion, there are many false beliefs that form and feed glossy magazines, books on "

Withdrawing Contact: When Withdrawing Is A Healthy Choice

Withdrawing Contact: When Withdrawing Is A Healthy Choice

By Bethany Webster Stopping communication is still a taboo Separation from the parental family is still considered taboo , especially distance from the mother. Sometimes distancing is temporary, like quarantine. In other cases, alienation can become a permanent choice.

"The Theory Of The Janitor" Or "how Long Will All This Continue"!?

"The Theory Of The Janitor" Or "how Long Will All This Continue"!?

Few know what the "janitor's theory" is and why it is needed. But for many of my clients, psychotherapeutic consultations are divided into "before" and "after" they learned about it. And most importantly, we realized that they are the very "

Conflictology Without "water"

Conflictology Without "water"

Important Factors in Conflict Resolution 1. Tone of speech. When we are in the midst of a conflict, we either show aggression or make excuses. Both of these keys are wrong. Why? Because an aggressive tone only leads to an increase in aggression in the opponent's responses.

Sacrificial Lamb

Sacrificial Lamb

During the celebration of the Old Testament Passover, there was a tradition to sacrifice in the name of atonement for the sins of the "immaculate" one-year-old lamb or goat (lamb). The animal was cooked whole, without crushing bones, on an open fire and eaten before dawn.

Author's Technique For Working With The IAC "Bermuda Triangle"

Author's Technique For Working With The IAC "Bermuda Triangle"

To the psychologist's piggy bank EQUIPMENT for working with IAC "BERMUDA TRIANGLE", by PAVLENKO TATIANA Purpose: To help the client in situations when he is in a relationship with two men / women, is confused and cannot make a choice.

Responsibility For Changes

Responsibility For Changes

In one of the conversations with her acquaintance, who is studying to be a psychotherapist and herself at one time underwent psychotherapy with a specialist, she noted the following: “You need to warn about this that getting the result ultimately depends only on you.

There Is A Problem? We Solve Them Together! (practical Recommendations Of A Psychologist)

There Is A Problem? We Solve Them Together! (practical Recommendations Of A Psychologist)

In life, every person has unpleasant problem situations. It is often very difficult to figure out and find a way out of them yourself. Then the person's hands drop, and obsessive thoughts creep into his head: “Now everything is gone. I can’t do anything anymore.

Hungry Leg

Hungry Leg

When I was no longer an intern, in a large psychiatric hospital in the center of the city, and opposite in a large psychotherapy center, opposite the local Kremlin, this story happened to me. Once a close relative married his girlfriend. She could not pay, being disabled.

The Results Of Psychotherapy

The Results Of Psychotherapy

Want to put yourself on a show? Ask a question to psychotherapists what result of their work they guarantee. I mean long-term work, and not one-time ad hoc consultations of a specialist. The answers are usually very polarized. At one end there will be representatives of a self-confident caste who guarantee any result, just come to them.



Where to start the change? First, weigh what exactly are you parting with? What happens if you decide to change something and vice versa, if you leave everything as it is? It is important to analyze not so much external circumstances as your feelings and experiences.

If You Love Unconditionally?

If You Love Unconditionally?

Psychologist, CBT approach - Chelyabinsk Often times in a relationship, love is exchanged. Love is given as a positive reinforcement of desired behavior, as a reward. In commodity-money relations, goods are exchanged for money, just as love is exchanged for the expected actions of another.

A Butterfly That Lives One Day. Vignette From Practice

A Butterfly That Lives One Day. Vignette From Practice

The case is described with the permission of the client. The name and some details have been changed. - I don’t know why I came to you. My friend recommended, she runs to you from Ventspils. It's a long way to chat. So I arrived. Maybe because there is nothing to do … I guess what you will tell me.

Can't Help, Leave

Can't Help, Leave

An amazing effect that I have noticed during long-term therapy. Clients usually start to change at the very first meeting - gradually, sometimes imperceptibly, but confidently and purposefully. But it also happens otherwise. A person walks from week to week, month after month, and it seems that he is walking in vain.

Her Majesty Problem

Her Majesty Problem

“I don't even know if you can help Me. I have such a problem that no one can help Me, no matter who I turn to”. It is with such a "greeting" that meetings with clients of our Center sometimes begin. "Are you now bragging, asking for help, or complaining about the powerlessness of psychologists?

Psychologist Consultation. Step One - Choice

Psychologist Consultation. Step One - Choice

Often a person in need of help is confused, depressed and does not know how to find the specialist he needs. The search can be complicated by the fact that there was once not a very positive contact with a psychologist. You shouldn't stop searching at the same time.

Willingness / Unwillingness To Change

Willingness / Unwillingness To Change

In practical work, there are different views on the willingness to solve the problem between the client and the therapist. In practice, on the part of the psychotherapist, it is often seen that the client is not ready to change and does not understand this on the part of the client, since he declares (and often really intends) about his readiness to solve the problem.



She sat opposite, periodically looked towards the window and plunged into memories of childhood. Not the most pleasant ones. Difficult process. Heavy. It was painful for her. You could see how it was on her face: her eyes were averted, her eyes were moistened, her cheekbones clenched.

Psychologist's Client - Who Is He?

Psychologist's Client - Who Is He?

As far as I know, in the minds of ordinary people, far from psychology, there is a certain image of a person who turns to a psychologist. This is a weak, weak-willed whiner, a loser who does not have his own opinion with a bunch of complexes, who himself does not know how to solve his problems.

Sociopath And Psychopath. Is There A Difference?

Sociopath And Psychopath. Is There A Difference?

Psychologist, CBT approach Chelyabinsk It happens that clients come to a consultation with a request to recognize whether their partner is a sociopath / psychopath or not. Even psychologists sometimes find it difficult to give clear criteria for a sociopath, describing him in polarity:

Depression After Childbirth - Two Cases From Practice

Depression After Childbirth - Two Cases From Practice

Two cases from practice. At the same time, I was approached by two recently given birth women with similar requests - an inexplicable melancholy. depressive state, apathy, I do not want to do anything and, as a result, a desperate "

Why Is My Child Like This?

Why Is My Child Like This?

"Why does the child behave like this?" Sometimes parents are ready to hear the truth and look inside themselves, in order to understand the true reasons for this or that behavior of their daughter or son. Example 1. Mom and Dad are examples of modern people.

Mom And Kids

Mom And Kids

Everything went well and according to plan: all the necessary studies were carried out on time and professionally, the treatment algorithm was followed. Good contact was established with the staff, medicines were selected The period of hospital stay was coming to an end … And then suddenly a woman cries for two days, does not want to talk to anyone, and at the same time her pressure is kept at 180 to 100.

Are You A Psychologist For Sure ?

Are You A Psychologist For Sure ?

Once, in one topic, I can't remember who, asked: "What criteria can be used to define a specialist (psychologist)?" "How do I understand that I have a professional in front of me?" I thought about these words for a long time afterwards, undertook to write something.

Bubble Of Personal Space

Bubble Of Personal Space

Equestrian sport makes you look at many things in a new way. They tied two horses next to each other. It would seem that what a difference. But in a horse herd everything is not simple! There is a strict order! Each horse has its own status.

Dry Joy

Dry Joy

At the reception, a pretty, energetic and curious woman. One of those amazing people who, even at 90, do not lose their sparkle in their eyes and interest in life. Let's call her Masha. We have been working for a long time, the alliance is warm and sincere.

How Long Or Short

How Long Or Short

There are clients who come for changes. They want to change, get rid of the old itchy scars and habitual patterns of behavior that poison their lives. There are those who come to solve a specific problem - clearly formulated, very local. There are people who come for advice:

Interesting Movie. How A Psychological Technique Was Accidentally Born

Interesting Movie. How A Psychological Technique Was Accidentally Born

Not so long ago I found myself at a free master class at a private film school. There were about thirty people of different ages and sexes. They waited for the lecturer for almost two hours, then a young determined lady-director appeared, announced that cinema was a collective process and invited us to introduce ourselves, tell about ourselves and how we got here.

I Hate You For Leaving Me Dad

I Hate You For Leaving Me Dad

28 days from the date of death … I can't help but write … Thank you for your interest, reading, comments. Grief. So hard and multifaceted. How interesting it turns out to be! Yes Yes! This is not cynicism, this is the reality of the human soul.

Death. Anger, Fear And Joy

Death. Anger, Fear And Joy

About anger, part 2. There was anger at the parent … and at life. Yes, after the death of a loved one, there is anger at Life. How it works. Remember Woland's words: "Yes, man is mortal, and that would be half the trouble, it's bad that he is also suddenly mortal

I Can't Find A Place For Myself

I Can't Find A Place For Myself

The client's request: "I can't find a place for myself, I'm tormented by anxiety and anxiety." A girl approached me with a request to relieve anxiety and anxiety. She described this state as if she could not find a place for herself physically.

Birth And Death - The Duality Of Life

Birth And Death - The Duality Of Life

Mom. People are born - each in his own way and die as well … And in this there is some very unique and inimitable human experience, in my opinion. The birth of a new long-awaited person is generally and generally welcomed. They rejoice at the newborn, prepare for his appearance, look forward to getting to know him and his features, dream of contemplating his personal formation and development.

Skype Sand Therapy - Transformation And Analysis

Skype Sand Therapy - Transformation And Analysis

In a previous article, Skype Sand Therapy - Trauma Painting, I detailed the scope, materials and benefits of using this approach, and the creation of the first sand painting. For many of you, this may be enough to apply an effective and interesting technique.

Find Yourself Behind A Black Hole

Find Yourself Behind A Black Hole

About the hole inside Aching, all-consuming hole in the middle of the chest. In the depths of her, somewhere is you: free, confident, loved, respected, valuable, important. One who is loved and accepted, whose feelings and experiences they are interested in.

And Again About Diabetes. Rather, About Life With Diabetes

And Again About Diabetes. Rather, About Life With Diabetes

I know it's hard to get sick. And it can be just as difficult to ask for help. But perhaps the most difficult thing is to realize that you need help. What help is needed and from whom. Diabetics face the same challenges as people without diabetes.

Resources In My Life

Resources In My Life

The word "resources" is translated as auxiliary means, something that helps us to continue living, despite various difficulties, to continue to live successfully - skills, our ways to recover, means, loved ones … Sometimes people ignore their limitations and stand against a high wall, waiting for it will become a door.



Ancient roving instincts They fray the chain of habits and centuries, And, waking up from deep sleep, Once again, the wild beast comes out of the shackles /Jack London/ What do we remember about our early childhood? About father, mother, family celebrations and events related to some secret, which, even after many years, cannot be revealed?

Mental Pain In Borderline Personality Disorder

Mental Pain In Borderline Personality Disorder

People with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are sensitive to the world around them. They are able to very subtly feel and experience strong emotions, experience mental pain. It is because of the experience of unbearable mental pain that they commit suicidal attempts.

Psychological Characteristics Of People With Borderline Personality Disorder

Psychological Characteristics Of People With Borderline Personality Disorder

The life stories of people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are like a roller coaster ride. Only this is not at all fun entertainment. Some people call borderline disorder "the apocalypse." The fates of people with BPD are reminiscent of a series of crises, abrupt changes in events, succession of ups and downs, disappointments and delights, rapidly changing emotions and lack of control.

Disabled Toys

Disabled Toys

Have you ever noticed how difficult it is for us (not all of course, but most) to communicate with people with disabilities. I could never understand the peculiarity of the Russian people. What makes us so different from Europeans and Americans that we cannot, not only integrate a disabled person into our system, but even with difficulty we are in the same space with him.

Operation. Preparing For Death

Operation. Preparing For Death

(From the Author: I bring to your attention an excerpt from my client's diary on the topic of fear of death.) I had an operation, a simple one - removal of a polyp by hysteroscopy. Everything would be fine, it is necessary - it means it is necessary, but here the doctor uttered one key phrase: