Summer: Time To Get Naked

Video: Summer: Time To Get Naked

Video: Summer: Time To Get Naked
Video: SUMMERTIME 2024, April
Summer: Time To Get Naked
Summer: Time To Get Naked

It is generally accepted that with the onset of spring, and especially summer, people tend to pay more attention to themselves. This is understandable: as the winter clothes are thrown off, the body tired during the winter wants to breathe freely and easily. And this body does not always please with its reflection in the mirror.

Only the lazy is not talking about physical inactivity, wrong and other harmfulness now. But the fact remains, and the scale arrow goes off scale. Of course, you can direct your efforts, and even money, to a beauty salon, or even to a plastic surgeon. You can cut off your next belly or perform liposuction of the triple chin again, but until the true cause is eliminated, the effect may not be as persistent as you would like. As a rule, such pleasant at first new forms, rather quickly acquire the usual outlines, even often, b Othe most, which is much more offensive. As a consequence of such disappointment - a fall in self-esteem, depression, apathy, the desire to "seize stress", which further exacerbates the situation.

The thing is that overweight, along with metabolic disorders, has certain psychological reasons, and increased weight is just the tip of the iceberg. Usually people "seize" stress, irritation, loneliness, depression. The mechanism is the oldest: when a baby is upset about something, cries, mommy calms him down with a nipple or gives him a breast. Thus, from the very first days - months of life, a conditioned reflex is formed: you feel bad - you need to take something in your mouth. The child grows up, but the stereotype remains. This can also explain another habit: to smoke out of excitement, but that's another story.


If we consider the psychosomatic mechanisms of obesity, then it is generally accepted that a person is “protected” by a layer of fat from a hostile world or people.

There is another mechanism, according to which, a woman "hides" in a fat suit, as she does not accept her sexuality and does not love her body.

Quite often, obesity occurs in "calm and kind" people. Yes, the quotes here are not accidental. Such people, as a rule, are not annoyed with anyone, they feel sorry for everyone, they are often reliable, very responsible. They are very fond of, people are drawn to them, sometimes they even sit on their necks; they are ready to support with advice, come to the rescue … Everything is fine, only for some reason the clothes have become too narrow, and the pressure is off scale …

In this case, we are talking about the so-called somatization of repressed emotions.

Aggression, including its other manifestations, such as irritability, anger, anger, etc., is in every person. Without it, humanity, as a biological species, would not have been able to exist and survive. But in animals, aggression manifests itself openly, and a person is burdened with social frameworks and childish prohibitions, such as “good girls are not angry,” “irritation is bad,” and so on. Thus, a ban on "negative emotions", aggression, in particular, is formed. But, getting into a critical situation, and not experiencing irritation or anger, a person begins to react to it with his body. Hence the rise in blood pressure, pain in various parts of the body, a feeling of weakness and weakness, increased weight, up to obesity.

It looks like something like when a person says: KAMAZ almost ran over me, I didn't even have time to get scared! Only his heart was beating, his palms were sweating, his legs were cottony … In other words, he did not realize fear as an emotion, did not feel it, and his body responded with unpleasant sensations. So it is with suppressed aggression: I am not angry, but the body reacts.

We have considered just a few of the psychological causes leading to overweight.

The problem of overweight should be addressed in a comprehensive manner. A psychotherapist, endocrinologist, therapist and other specialists work with the patient.

Like any disease, obesity does not need to be "started", because it is more difficult to treat it further.

The main thing is to remember that "the road will be mastered by the one walking."

And then you will get the result that will be reflected not only in the mirror, but also in the admiring glances of complete strangers, somewhere in hot countries, on the shores of the big blue sea!
