Strength Of Fighting Spirit Or 5 Techniques To Increase Motivation

Video: Strength Of Fighting Spirit Or 5 Techniques To Increase Motivation

Video: Strength Of Fighting Spirit Or 5 Techniques To Increase Motivation
Video: How To Stay Motivated - The Locus Rule 2024, April
Strength Of Fighting Spirit Or 5 Techniques To Increase Motivation
Strength Of Fighting Spirit Or 5 Techniques To Increase Motivation

Hello! Continuing the daily marathon of articles, today we will analyze the topic of motivation.

I will warn you right away - the topic is very voluminous and it cannot be fully disclosed in one article, so, perhaps, you will see more than one article on

this topic.

Before we look at algorithms for increasing motivation, let's start with the basics - how the brain works and why our motivation drops.

If we drop into the very nature of man, into his physiology, then we can see that the brain consists almost entirely of adipose tissue.

and never wastes its energy in vain - the brain is the most perfect creation of nature.

Our brain contains 3 levels that have evolved evolutionarily:

1. Reptilian brain or brain of instincts;

2. Mammalian brain or herd brain;

3. Neocortex or human brain;

This structure resembles a pyramid where at the base lies an ancient supercomputer, which in structure resembles

the reptile's brain is responsible for basic functions: hitting, running, eating, making love.

The main purpose of this brain is to protect us, and if that doesn't work out, our gene pool.

The second level is herd, it was formed on the basis of the socialization of our distant ancestors, it is he who constantly solves questions for us

the next ones are whether we are adequate to the environment, whether we observe social norms, whether something threatens our tribe with you.

The task of this level is to ensure the survival of the population and the expansion of the group's influence.

The third level is the neocortex, which is the smallest layer in size - no more than a film on a huge mammalian brain, but it is this layer that allows us to enjoy painting and music, send people into space and discover endlessly

an expanding universe.

If a person has synchronization of all three levels, then he resembles a super-computer on two legs.

In our nervous system, an innumerable number of neurons make several trillions of contacts with each other every second - this is more powerful than the entire Internet put together.

Imagine that you can direct all this avalanche of super-computers to solve any problem - this will give

explosive result !!

But if there is a desynchronization of levels in the brain, then we get a feeling of demotivation when conflicting signals from

environment, our gray matter begins to defend itself where you can love, slow down where you need to accelerate, and are afraid there

where you need to create a new world …))

Based on this model, I offer you a 5-step system to work with your level of fighting courage, as Andrei Parabellum said - courage is a feeling from which great things are done.

These 5 keys are:

1. Well-formulated result;

2. Lever;

3. Self-discipline;

4. Force of causes;

5. Closed gestalts;

Now, in order:

1. Our brain, as we have already said, is one of the most effective tools in the universe and of course it will not waste energy

to achieve it is not clear what. If we do not have an inspiring goal in front of us (see the article on goals), then it (the brain) will protect us

from excessive consumption of energy to waste. You have seen thousands of people with blank, dull eyes - this is a consequence of the lack of an inspiring purpose.

There is a principle that perfectly reflects this mechanic: a resource for the purpose.

We receive as much energy as it takes to achieve

the set goal and if we do not have well-developed goals, then we will not have any energy!

Think about this: if you had the money to cover all the needs of you and your family for life, then how

would you do the rest of the time? what else would you pay extra for on top?

If you dig deep into this question and remove

all the husks (travel, shopping, money for the sake of money), then you can find an endless source of energy within yourself.

What really turns you on?)

2. Having prescribed a goal, we must start our reptilian brain, for this it needs to see a real threat.

Take a piece of paper and divide it into two columns: what happens if I reach the goal and what happens if I do not achieve the goal.

In each column, you need to associate in your mind the actions of achieving the goal with pleasure and non-achieving the goal.

with suffering.

How will achieving your goal improve all aspects of your life?

What kind of pain will you feel when you are left with a broken trough?

Having written 2 lists of 10 points on a separate piece of paper, fix it in front of your eyes at the workplace, I hung mine on the wall

next to the monitor, and your reptilian brain will constantly receive information about the threats posed by inaction and

about pleasure, from achieving a goal.

To paraphrase the classics, we can say this - The reptilian brain is a good horse, but a bad rider …))

By taking control of this level, you launch the power of instincts to achieve the goal, working personally with clients, we work out this level especially deeply, it stores tremendous power.

3. Motivation is needed only where you need to start a project, self-discipline helps to continue it in time - the most useful skill

which you can embed in yourself.

If you train yourself to do a certain ritual in the morning, then you will begin to pump up the muscle of self-discipline, which will indirectly develop your motivational ammunition.

My morning usually starts like this - getting up, a contrast shower, yoga or jogging, meditation or work with the unconscious, and then

work on the agenda.

Every time we accustom ourselves to follow a certain ritual, we improve within ourselves the skill of doing what we need to do, even when we really don't want to. This is the determining factor for high achievement.

But you need motivation to develop self-discipline too !! and it can be obtained by awakening the power of good reasons …

4. I don't remember exactly the name of the philosopher, maybe it was Nietzsche, but he said - if a person has enough WHY he will find any HOW.

Of course, I misinterpreted the whole phrase, but I hope you got the essence - the more reasons we have to do something, the more active we will be

move in that direction.

For example, in order to start writing on an article a day, I made a promise that for non-compliance with the promise I will eat canned cat food on camera, it is quite a good reason to spread it 5 days a week according to a good educational article)))

But in reality, the matter is more serious here, our brain is always in a state of conservation of energy and only very significant

reasons can move him from place, think for example about the question:

What would you do, where would you get money if

would your loved ones and relatives be evicted on the street within a month?

After meditating on this question, you can find very interesting solutions, and if you feel this situation in your body, then you will understand that you have all the answers - how to change your life, you just haven’t been pushed to the corner yet and life hasn’t thrown you

you will move on for a number of good reasons.)))

Write a list of 50 reasons why you should achieve your goal and you will feel coherence inside - this is your brain received a competent command and joined in the work to achieve the goal.

5. A huge amount of energy is sucked out of us by unfinished business (unclosed gestalts), these can be:

unsaid words, unfinished projects, not lived feelings, not shed tears, not forgiven insults …

If I recommend going to a personal consultation regarding subtle matters, then regarding unfinished business I can advise a simple technique:

Take a pen and a piece of paper and write a list of all the unfinished business that you once gave the word to do, but they are hanging in the air, write down the time it takes to finalize them and shoot (finish) all the shortest tails.

A person can be thought of as a pipe through which energy flows towards the target.

If there are unresolved cases or obligations, feelings or unspoken words, then a leak is planned in the pipe and many people live a gray and dull life only because they do not finish their tails, but get stuck in the emotional past.

Summing up - what you can take from this article and implement right away:

1. List your goals;

2. Write down the lever and hang it in the most conspicuous place (at least 10-20 answers in each column);

3. Have a morning ritual;

4. Write down your reasons why you should go to the front ?;

5. Make a list of unfinished business and final one tail a day;

In this article, we have discussed the basic techniques that can immediately increase your level of motivation, This topic has not yet been revealed by 1%, there is still a lot to say in the psychology and neurobiology of motivation …

It's time to determine the topic of tomorrow's article, and therefore I will ask you:

If you had 2 questions for me, what would you ask me?

- write the topics that are relevant to you now and we will analyze one of them tomorrow.
