A Hyperactive Child. Part 1

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Video: A Hyperactive Child. Part 1

Video: A Hyperactive Child. Part 1
Video: Understanding Hyperactivity in Children 2024, April
A Hyperactive Child. Part 1
A Hyperactive Child. Part 1

The frightening "we have a hyperactive child" or the diagnosis of ADHD sounds quite often among modern mothers. In the Internet resources you can find a lot of information for self-diagnosis of your child. Let's see what it is? Why is it scary and what does it threaten? What to do about it and what can specialists do about it?

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. You can also find such names as motor disinhibition syndrome, hyperactivity syndrome, hyperkinetic syndrome, or even hyperdynamic syndrome. All these names are quite complex and equally ambiguous.

For convenience, let's consider a portrait of a child with this syndrome. Maybe it's not about your child at all.

Portrait of a child

Such a child is called "fidgety", "restless", "perpetual motion machine", "lively". Such a child, standing on his feet, immediately ran and since then he has been in a hurry everywhere and always. He is very active, especially his hands are disobedient: they touch everything, grab, break, pull, throw. About the legs of such a child, we can say that they never get tired. They are running around somewhere all day, catching up with someone, jumping, jumping over. Such a child tries to see more all the time, he often turns his head and is in motion. It is difficult for such a child to concentrate and he rarely grasps the essence, often satisfying only momentary curiosity. The coordination of movements in such a child is impaired, he is clumsy, when running and walking, he drops objects, breaks toys, hits, and often falls. Such a child does not seem to have the instinct of self-preservation at all. He is covered in scratches and bruises, alas, he does not draw conclusions and this is repeated over and over again. Restlessness, absent-mindedness, inattention, negativism are characteristic features of his behavior. Such a child is characterized by impulsiveness with frequent changes in mood: either unrestrained joy, or endless whims. He often behaves aggressively. Usually he is the noisiest, in the center of the fight, where pampering and pranks are. It is difficult for him to learn new skills, does not understand many tasks poorly, and is hard to learn. Self-esteem is often underestimated. He does not know how to relax and calm down. Silence comes only during his sleep. They rarely sleep during the day, only at night and even then they are restless. In public places, such a child can be seen immediately. He screams, knocks his feet, rolls on the floor, touches everything, tries to climb everywhere, grab something, does not react to his parents. It is not at all easy for parents from the very birth of a baby. They have to cope on their own with their shame and guilt towards their child. And, as a rule, only when difficulties cross all boundaries, they can ask for help.



There are several ways to classify the causes of ADHD in a child. I propose to consider one of the concepts of causation:

  • Neurophysiological - violation of the formation of functional relationships between the internal structures of the brain. Namely, the midline structures and various areas of the cortex. The impulses that are generated in different parts of the brain do not interact well with each other, which leads to disinhibition, fatigue of the child.
  • Biochemical - the influence of such mediators and hormones as adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine has been proven. These substances are called catecholamines, and their metabolism in the body is catecholamine. This function is most likely still poorly formed in a young organism. The biochemical cause is confirmed by the effectiveness of treatment with certain psychostimulants that affect this metabolism.
  • Neuropsychological - underdevelopment and / or deviation in the development of higher mental functions responsible for motor control, self-regulation, inner speech, attention and working memory.
  • Genetic - 10-15% of children have a hereditary predisposition to this disease. With the advancement of molecular genetics, abnormalities in several genes have been found that are associated with ADHD symptoms.

Besides, the reasons for the hyperactivity of the child can be considered from the following two positions:

  • Biological - organic brain damage during pregnancy, birth trauma
  • Socio-psychological - microclimate in the family, alcoholism of parents, living conditions, wrong line of upbringing


The hyperactivity syndrome is primarily based on functional immaturity or disturbances in the work of a specific system of the brain - the reticular formation. It is she who ensures the coordination of learning and memory, the processing of incoming information, and the retention of attention.

For a more accurate diagnosis, this syndrome is listed in the DSM-IV Diagnostic Manual for Mental Disorders. So we can look at the criteria on the basis of which the doctor can establish this diagnosis.


It is often difficult to diagnose this syndrome. Diagnosis is carried out in two directions: attention disorders and hyperactivity / impulsivity.

To make such a diagnosis, the presence of 6 out of 9 criteria for both impaired attention and hyperactivity is necessary.

If one of the symptoms predominates in the diagnosis, it is indicated. For example: "attention deficit disorder with a predominance of hyperactivity and impulsivity." There is also a "combined form of ADHD".

Of the very important diagnostic criteria for symptoms:

  • symptoms of the disorder must appear before age 8;
  • be observed for at least 6 months in 2 areas of the child's activity (at school and at home);
  • should not manifest themselves against the background of a general developmental disorder, schizophrenia, any neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • should cause significant psychological discomfort and maladjustment.

The last criterion is extremely important. This is not just an active, restless child, exhausting the parents, it is, first of all, a disease that leads to severe psychological discomfort for the child and his loved ones. This disorder is not intermittent, and not only at home or on the street on the site, not on the way home from the store or visiting your beloved aunt. It is very difficult for such a child to adapt, adapt to social life, he needs the help of both specialists and relatives.

For diagnostics, a psychiatric doctor, a medical psychologist, a clinical psychologist use a number of psychological techniques, as well as neuropsychological techniques, observation, and dialogue. An important role in the development of this symptomatology is played by the parents and the close environment of the child. The specialist observes such a patient in dynamics.

It is not possible to diagnose ADHD in one consultation

Due to the fact that children with ADHD have motor disinhibition, which manifests itself in all types of body and eye movements, a mandatory neurological examination is recommended, if necessary, even additional methods: EEG, CT, etc.


It is difficult to diagnose hyperactivity syndrome in a child. Such manifestations are very similar to the ryaz of other conditions and diseases. First of all, it is important to distinguish between ADHD and the normal high physical activity inherent in many children. These symptoms may be personality traits of your child. Do not forget that the functions of attention and self-control in children are in the process of natural development and may simply be immature.

There are other cases of special behavior of the child

  • This can be a reaction to a crisis in the family, a divorce of parents, a bad attitude towards a child, pedagogical neglect, sometimes overprotection.
  • The reason may also be a violation of adaptation to school, a conflict between a child and a teacher, a child and parents, a child and friends.

We cannot stand aside, because these symptoms can also manifest themselves in more serious diseases, such as depressive conditions, sleep disorders, manic-depressive syndrome, language and communication disorders, coordination disorders, chronic tics, etc.
