Ryaba Chicken Challenge

Video: Ryaba Chicken Challenge

Video: Ryaba Chicken Challenge
Ryaba Chicken Challenge
Ryaba Chicken Challenge

Everyone knows the fairy tale Chicken Ryaba. And many consider it one of the most meaningless Russian folk tales.

What is it about? Why all this? What a strange grandfather and a woman? Why don't they understand how to handle gold? Why are they beating the egg? How can a simple consolation after the golden egg? What does the mouse have to do with it?))

But this is the case with fairy tales, if there is no hidden message - a fairy tale cannot take root in the centuries, and certainly not become the first fairy tale of almost every Russian-speaking child. Secretly - for me this is one of my favorite fairy tales on the topic - changes and how to deal with them.

So what does Ryaba Chicken want to tell us?

It is not customary to talk about this, but it is often very difficult to survive sudden pleasant changes. Sometimes even more difficult than unpleasant. Because how to cope with difficulties - there are social rules and "prescriptions", but how to cope with joys (why should we cope with them ??! Aha.) - no. Moreover, it is considered almost indecent to have difficulty getting used to joyful moments. But after all, everyone has heard about rock stars and other creative personalities who have not coped with their sudden fame. And here are some more familiar situations about our life with you:

  • The client suddenly went up and received a significant increase in salary. In just a week, he fell into such a state of anxiety due to fear of inappropriateness that he practically stopped sleeping. And all this despite the absence of any complaints from the authorities.
  • The client ended a painful, exhausting relationship, fell in love with a caring, caring man and fell into horror.
  • The client received a bunch of orders, but there was no strength to rejoice, because "don't cook a pot!"
  • When I went into private practice, I got used to my freedom for more than a year))) Many who went to freelance, after many years of work in organizations, will understand me;-)

So the "lucky ones" are running around with their golden egg, not knowing how to deal with it or where to get away from it. And that's okay! You also need to get used to joy. Give yourself time to do this. Look for ways to place the added happiness in your life. It can be really difficult and normal not to feel ready for this. It is normal to need support.

“Ryaba Chicken” tells us exactly about this - not all happiness is within our powers, one must also be ready for it. Lack of readiness often leads to meaningless reactions (Let's break the golden egg, and then we'll cry? Come on!) And unnecessary fuss. Somewhere you need to drain such an amount of internal stress.

Moreover, we do not really need all golden eggs and it is normal to want a simple egg instead of a golden one. Strange as it sounds.

And this is also the truth that Ryaba Chicken teaches us.
