The Value Of The Former. How To Forget Your Ex And Start Living?

Video: The Value Of The Former. How To Forget Your Ex And Start Living?

Video: The Value Of The Former. How To Forget Your Ex And Start Living?
The Value Of The Former. How To Forget Your Ex And Start Living?
The Value Of The Former. How To Forget Your Ex And Start Living?

One of the last stages of experiencing grief and loss (somewhere in the integration stage) is the period when you begin to understand the value of the person who left you, breaking off the relationship. What is important, valuable, necessary, wonderful he brought into your life? Why can't you mentally in your head let him go?

Quite often it seems to us that this cool thing that Vasya, Petya, Sveta gave us, we cannot find anywhere else. In reality, such a belief is an illusion, so it is worthwhile to consciously conduct an analysis within your consciousness (What did this person give you?). Possibly guaranteed safety? If we are talking about a man - conventionally, he "brought home a mammoth"; in relation to a woman - she provided warmth and comfort in the house, gave a feeling of recognition and acceptance, affection. You generally felt like a whole person next to your partner, your communication was filled with interesting conversations, walks, you had common interests, you loved spending time together, etc. valuable that was in your relationship.

Having identified all the positive points, you need to realize that all this can be created with another person. Yes, maybe it will be much more difficult, and in the first case, you were lucky to easily get along with the previous partner. It is worth understanding here - everything and everyone does not happen!

The next step is to take the second sheet of paper and write down what you would like from your future partner (safety, recognition, love, care, interests, etc.). There are 7 billion people in the world, and among them there will certainly be someone who can repeat the "trick" of your ex; someone who will be to your liking, with whom you will feel alive. Analyze the situation without illusions, and when the feelings calm down a little, start looking at the world with an open view of the future. If a year after the breakup you still cannot calm down, you should think about visiting a psychotherapist - there is a chance that you will "catch" the grief and remain in this state for several years, and such situations are not uncommon.
