Art Therapy. Exercise "Trainer Of Emotions"

Video: Art Therapy. Exercise "Trainer Of Emotions"

Video: Art Therapy. Exercise
Video: πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… 2024, April
Art Therapy. Exercise "Trainer Of Emotions"
Art Therapy. Exercise "Trainer Of Emotions"

Emotional intelligence is a group of mental abilities that are involved in the awareness and understanding of both your own emotions and those around you.

People with a high level of emotional intelligence understand well their emotions and feelings and other people, manage their emotional sphere, therefore, in society, their behavior is more adaptive and they more easily achieve their goals in interaction with others.

One of the tasks of a practical psychologist can be the development of the client's emotional intelligence and understanding of emotions. To do this, you can create a simulator for self-diagnosis of emotions.

I would like to present a simulator used by psychologists at the Center for Practical Psychology of the Rivne Institute of the University "Ukraine".


It is very easy to create such a simulator. You need a simple ice cream stick and cardboard circles. The circles are fixed on the edges of the sticks with glue, drawings of basic human emotions are drawn or pasted on them. You can start with the two polar emotions, positive and negative, and gradually add other emotions.


The main condition for working with the simulator is that the client independently chooses a picture and determines the emotion that is depicted.

What you can do with the Emotion Trainer:

1. Monitoring the state in which the client is.

2. Analysis of changes in the emotional state.

3. Fixation and analysis of states associated with memories.

4. Analysis of predictive emotional expectations for certain life events.

5. Translation of emotional states associated with relationships.

6. Analysis of the states of the internal components of the "I".


List of basic emotions: pleasure, joy, glee, delight, pride, confidence, trust, sympathy, admiration, love (sexual), love (affection), respect, affection, gratitude (appreciation), tenderness, complacency, bliss, gloating, feeling satisfied revenge, calm conscience, a sense of relief, a sense of self-satisfaction, a sense of security, anticipation, curiosity, surprise, amazement, indifference, calm-contemplative mood, displeasure, grief (sorrow), longing, sadness (sadness), despair, grief, anxiety, resentment, fear, fright, fear, pity, sympathy (compassion), regret, annoyance, anger, feeling of insult, indignation (indignation), hatred, dislike, envy, anger, anger, despondency, boredom, jealousy, horror, insecurity (doubt), distrust, shame, confusion, rage, contempt, disgust, disappointment, disgust, self-dissatisfaction, remorse, remorse, impatience, bitterness.
