Unbearable Burden: Psychological Causes Of Slouching

Video: Unbearable Burden: Psychological Causes Of Slouching

Video: Unbearable Burden: Psychological Causes Of Slouching
Video: What Causes Headaches? Intro to Postural Headaches 2024, April
Unbearable Burden: Psychological Causes Of Slouching
Unbearable Burden: Psychological Causes Of Slouching

Often stooped people do not have the courage to convince themselves and others. They cannot understand their purpose in life, determine what they like, and calmly do it. Such people are said to be “non-whole persons”. Sometimes they find it difficult to force themselves to do posture-correcting exercises.

Is there a connection between the health of the back and spine and the character of a person, his fears?

Many healers pay attention to the fact that the back and spine show whether a person feels support in his life. A hunched man is said to have bent under the troubles of life. And about the dignified, on the contrary, that he has an inner core.

If you have any problems with your back and spine, then analyze your attitude towards life. Chances are, you are insecure and afraid of what might happen in the future. So it's time to start trusting yourself and believe that everything depends on you. “There will be a day and there will be food” - this biblical proverb has helped many people to believe in tomorrow. Do not be afraid of anything, since life supports everyone, you just need to believe it.

As an exercise, train yourself to repeat every day, "I know that life will always support me."

If the back personifies the presence of vital support as a whole, then the spine is a symbol of flexible life support. It helps us to adapt to the situation and events, to adapt to them. By the way, the spine is part of the body's skeletal system. And bones are our framework, the base on which everything else is built. Often, problems with the spine coexist with other diseases of the skeletal system.

In this case, repeat as often as possible: “I have a strong body and excellent health. My constitution is excellent. I am confidently building the building of my life."

With osteoporosis, a person is also usually accompanied by the feeling that there is nothing to grab onto in life.

In this case, healing thoughts will help: “I can stand up for myself. Life always lovingly supports me in the most unexpected way."

Having problems with the lower back is often due to the fear of not having enough money. Many of us are nervous, believing that there is not enough money for everything. We fear that tomorrow we will be left without financial support, and this will lead to loss of confidence, fear, tension and lower back pain.

Repeat to yourself several times a day: “I trust the life process. I always get what I need. Everything is all right with me."

The middle part of the back becomes unsettling when we are too focused on past events. Often a person feels guilty about some past events, not wanting to part with these thoughts.

In such cases, you need to say to yourself the following healing words: “I forgive myself by letting go of the past. With a pure heart and love, I move forward freely."

If a person has a pain in the upper back, then this means a lack of moral support. In any case, the patient is haunted by the thought that he is not loved, that he has no one to help him. It happens that because of this, the person himself begins to restrain the feeling of love, which brings even more troubles with his health and forces him to disapprove of himself.

Repeat morning and evening these phrases: “I love and approve of myself. I am loved by life and those around me. Life and the Universe support me."

Why not straighten your back?

Posture disorders, stooped back can also tell a lot about the owner of these defects. Any curvature of the spine indicates that a person cannot float freely with the flow of life. He is afraid of everything, does not trust life and people. Even if such a person realizes that his views are outdated, he still struggles to keep these thoughts and feelings full of distrust.

Often stooped people do not have the courage to convince themselves and others. They cannot understand their purpose in life, determine what they like, and calmly do it. Such people are said to be “non-whole persons”. Sometimes they find it difficult to force themselves to do posture-correcting exercises.

If this portrait reminds you, then pick up a few useful phrases. They will help you tune in the right mood and feel more confident.

In the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed, repeat: “From now on I put my trust in life and divine providence. I know that life is for me. I boldly look at everything that happens. I have a straight and proud posture. I am full of love and self-confidence."

A person's shoulders symbolize his ability to meet life's difficulties with joy. If you have sloping shoulders, then this suggests that you have endured a lot of life's hardships and now treat life as a burden. Perhaps you feel helpless, hopeless, do not believe that life can improve.

In this case, use the following phrases: “From this moment on, all my life experience will be joyful. Every day my life is getting better and better. I love and approve of myself. I am happy to live on this Earth. I have a straight posture. I feel confident and free."

WHEN FEAR PRESSES ON THE SHOULDERS. Psychological reasons for stoop.

Have you noticed how differently people gesture and move? And how do gestures and demeanor change in one person, depending on his condition? The same is the case with posture. The position of the spine and shoulders is quite strongly influenced by both the character of a person and his condition at the moment.

What problems contribute to slouching? When you are very shy or afraid of someone, you reflexively assume the so-called "passive-defensive posture." Your shoulders rise and move forward. So you instinctively close your neck - one of the most unprotected areas in the body.

With frequent repetition of uncomfortable, frightening situations, this position can become habitual.

Slightly different is the stoop, which appears due to chronic fatigue and emotional depression. In this case, the shoulders do not rise, but, on the contrary, fall and become sloping. The head moves forward a little and also drops. A man with all his appearance shows that his "burden is beyond his shoulders."

As you can imagine, in such situations, posture correcting corsets and similar devices will not help much. But the way you hold your back can be changed by other methods.

If slouching is associated with fear, then you have to work on your self-confidence. When you are talking with someone who "presses" on you causes you to fear, the desire to "close" from him, try to do the opposite. Imagine that you are 100% confident in yourself and that you are much stronger than your interlocutor. Smile, stand up straight; proudly straighten your shoulders and lift your chin. Force yourself to maintain this position. You will notice that you really feel more confident.

If the reason for the stoop is fatigue and depression, think about whether you are "putting too much on your back", whether you are objectively assessing your capabilities when you take on additional responsibilities.

Keep in mind that not only work or study can be an overwhelming burden. It is also the burden of guilt, old resentments of the hardships of life. What emotions weigh you down and make you hunch back? Express them in a story, a picture, another kind of creativity. This will help you get rid of them and no longer carry this "burden on your shoulders."
