Psychosomatics. Psychological Causes Of Diseases And Methods Of Their Elimination With Hypnosis

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Video: Psychosomatics. Psychological Causes Of Diseases And Methods Of Their Elimination With Hypnosis

Video: Psychosomatics. Psychological Causes Of Diseases And Methods Of Their Elimination With Hypnosis
Video: Treating Psychological Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction) 2024, April
Psychosomatics. Psychological Causes Of Diseases And Methods Of Their Elimination With Hypnosis
Psychosomatics. Psychological Causes Of Diseases And Methods Of Their Elimination With Hypnosis

Psychosomatics. Psychological causes of diseases and ways to eliminate them

I will try to explain in an accessible way how psychosomatics works.

I advise you to do a simple experiment. Light a match and start slowly bringing it to your palm. Watch your palm. After a short time, you may notice that the palm begins to fade in the place closest to the fire. This means that the vessels in this place have narrowed. Why? Because you realized that fire can cause burns, and you felt a little scared. Fear means danger to life, danger of injury to the body. To minimize the possible loss of blood in the place of danger, our subconscious mind constricts blood vessels so that blood flows more slowly.

Scientists have noticed that different fears cause tightness, responses in different parts of the body, and it is in those parts of the body that blood begins to flow poorly. If the fear is short-term, then it does not pose a health hazard. But if the fear is long-term, then the following happens. Blood flows poorly to a certain organ for a long time, therefore, this organ does not receive the necessary nutrition and is poorly cleansed of waste substances. The longer this happens, the more this organ becomes ill.

The still young science of psychosomatics is studying the relationship of various diseases with psychological programs, attitudes that caused them

In principle, the study of psychosomatics is possible in parallel with the study of Reich's "muscle shell", these two concepts are closely intertwined.

Respiratory system diseases. These illnesses are directly related to suppressed, unvoiced emotions. Fear of expressing your thoughts, showing emotions causes muscle tension in the neck, which leads to vasoconstriction and, as a result, respiratory disease.

Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system

The heart is associated with love. When a person does not love himself, he will unconsciously attract people who will not love him. These people will use it, offend him with different statements … They will also evoke negative emotions in response - anger, irritation, nervousness, anxiety or guilt that I am so bad … These emotions cause an unconscious desire to either fight or run away. During such emotions, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, which increases blood pressure and causes heart palpitations. If a person does not have these negative emotions often, not all the time, then nothing threatens the health of the cardiovascular system. If emotions are almost constant, but a person rebuffs offenders, then he will have an increased blood pressure with the possibility of heart attacks. If these emotions are constant, but there is no strength or opportunity to resist, then frustration will occur on this problem. A person will fall into despondency, into an unwillingness to defend himself in any way at all. "Hands will drop" in the literal sense, as the person will begin to slouch (the muscles supporting the back and body are no longer "needed" to resist). Both the heart and the respiratory organs will constantly be in a compressed state due to the stoop, and hence their diseases. In addition, feeling constantly guilty, a person unconsciously expects punishment from the outside, an attack on himself, therefore, he keeps the muscles of the chest and arms, and sometimes the abdomen, in tension in order to be ready to give back. Accordingly, tense muscles squeeze blood vessels and lymph ducts with lymph nodes in the chest area, which interferes with normal blood supply and cleansing of waste substances by lymph.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The stomach is a measure of how well we "digest" life. If we easily achieve everything in life, if we are surrounded by loving people, etc., then the stomach simply cannot work badly. The gastrointestinal tract will be healthy.

The stomach is associated with rational thinking. If a person knows how to analyze various situations well, rationalize, draw adequate conclusions, arrange everything "on the shelves", then there should be no stomach problems. People with a strong gastrointestinal tract will be able to find a way out in any, even very difficult, situation. Therefore, in order to steal the stomach, you need to constantly replenish the stock of knowledge and life skills. In this case, knowledge is great strength and confidence in the future, it is the health of your digestive tract.

Psychosexual disorders

This type of disorder occurs either as a result of low self-esteem, or as a result of the resulting trauma (rape, for example, or a bad sexual experience). Hypnotherapy boils down to identifying the first attitude towards low self-esteem and working it out. In the presence of psychotrauma, through hypnoregression we return the client a few moments before the event that caused the trauma, and then we work with it, rationally convincing the client of the erroneousness of his conclusions.

Skin diseases, allergies

The skin is a mental barrier between "I" and the outside world, the border of its own space. If this barrier starts to hurt, then we can talk about a violation of the border. That is, another person or people come uninvited into my house, or my "I" and put their own order there, which I did not ask for. I can’t prevent this, I don’t have the strength or the necessary knowledge. Hypnotherapy for skin diseases boils down to identifying an “enemy spy”, that is, a specific person or several people who psychologically “rape” the sick person or “raped” the patient earlier. Knowing them "by sight", you can already conduct therapy in a relationship with them, not forgetting to remove all negative suggestions received from these uninvited guests.

All sorts of allergies, eczema, even psoriasis can be easily removed using this method.

Eye diseases

Psychologically, vision enables us to see the here and now, view the past, and see (or speculate) the future. Vision problems begin when a person does not want or is afraid to see the situation that surrounds him now or may happen in the future. If a person is afraid to see the real situation, or prefers not to notice the negativity that surrounds him at a given time, then he will begin to see poorly up close. This is myopia. If he is afraid to even imagine his future, then he will cease to see into the distance. This is farsightedness. When a person does not adequately assess the situation when black sees white and vice versa, when he does not want to see anything at all, he may acquire glaucoma or retinal detachment. Vision is directly related to the work of the liver. The liver is responsible for volitional efforts, for the willpower of a person. A strong-willed person will not "close his eyes" to failures in life, he will fight and overcome them. Therefore, he will look both into the present and into the future without fear. Therefore, liver diseases are diseases of weak-willed, constantly surrendering people. Lack of will and inability to stand up for oneself, to defend one's boundaries also leads to skin diseases. Therefore, the work of the liver is directly related to skin diseases.

Frequent injuries, blows

This is an unconscious desire to harm either oneself (punish oneself) or another person. Usually a person is injured if he is overwhelmed by emotions of anger, hatred, guilt. This is a state of light trance, and sometimes a deeper trance. At such moments, there is a mental dialogue either with the offender or with his conscience. During the dialogue, mental images are built - pictures of the punishment of the guilty person, an ideomotor response of the body to a stimulus-thought-form occurs and muscle movement occurs. That is, these same images of "punishment" are read by their own unconscious, which does not recognize who exactly these images are intended for, and begins to simply give commands to the body to bring these images to life.

Kidney disease.

When a person is afraid of something, adrenaline and cortisol are released into the bloodstream, which make the person tense up and run away or fight. After avoiding the danger, endorphins are released and the person relaxes. This is normal.. But often a person lives in constant anxiety, in constant danger to life. In this case, the muscles are in constant tension, which leads to constantly narrowed vessels and lymph ducts, the function of which is to cleanse our body of waste cells, dead bacteria, microorganisms, poisons, etc. All this rubbish is delayed and begins to be deposited in organs and systems …

As for the kidneys, not only liquid passes through them, but also various deposits of minerals and proteins. With constricted vessels and kidney channels, part of the sediment is retained, accumulates due to the inability to squeeze through compressed channels and vessels, and various inflammations occur - microbes, bacteria or fungi develop in the accumulated sediments. Mineral sediments, accumulating, form sand and kidney stones.

Of course, we are talking here about constant or very often experienced fear. Short-term fear does not lead to such consequences.

In addition, prolonged release of adrenaline and cortisol into the blood most often leads to depletion of the adrenal medulla. In medical terms, this condition is referred to as "acute adrenal insufficiency." This condition is always the cause of sudden cardiac arrest, and, consequently, the death of a person. This is why prolonged stress is a very dangerous condition to be avoided.


Man sweetens his life with sugar. That is, instead of solving constructively arising problems, a person comes up with a beautiful excuse for himself, a “sweet lie” that allows the problem not to be solved. People prone to diabetes often lie, embellishing themselves and the surrounding reality. And they lie without getting sick until the critical mass of unsolved problems turns out to be too huge not to pay attention to it. A person out of habit tries to sweeten his life with stories, but this no longer works. The result is the indigestion of life (gastrointestinal tract disease - pancreas). Hypnotherapy for diabetes mellitus is reduced to identifying events as a result of which the client decided not to solve constructively arising problems, but to engage in self-complacency and self-deception, embellishing and sweetening his life. The work is carried out with false conclusions of the client.

Excess weight

A person builds up a fat layer in order to hide behind it, to protect his “I” and his boundaries. This type of protection is used by people with a leading instinct to hide. So a person can mentally defend himself either from external enemies (people and situations that can threaten a calm, measured life), or hide his “imperfection” behind a layer of fat-barrier. In any case, a person finds himself in a situation in which there are very few positive emotions, in a situation in which he is in constant tension due to a feeling of insecurity. And what does he start to do to change unfavorable external or internal situations? And he does not begin to change his life, he just quickly relieves the symptoms - the tension that has arisen, getting the fastest and most accessible positive emotions - this is the pleasure of eating food. It turns out such a vicious circle: because of self-rejection, self-dislike, a person unconsciously finds himself in a situation that is unfavorable for life (for example, the husband does not love, friends just use it, you just have to endure work in order to somehow survive, etc.) … In such situations, there is a feeling of insecurity, anxiety. A person begins to "knock down" anxiety with food, increasing the fat layer.
