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Video: Richie Krisak & Archie Norris - Happiness Again (Lyric Video) 2024, May

Happiness comes and goes. I was always worried about the question, but how to prolong the feeling of happiness? How to make it so that it does not depend on any external factors, but is completely controlled by me, and how to make this phenomenon a state in which you stay most of your life.

Gradually, I found my definition of happiness, which finally satisfied me, and I took control of my state of happiness.

Happiness is the highest degree of self-satisfaction in the moment

Most people arrive in the past and in the future. They either replay the events of many years ago, then they construct in their heads a future, often consisting of their fears and concerns. And there are people who learn to be in the moment here and now, realizing that their future depends on this moment, and in this moment they can change the past. We can change the past from a point here and now by changing our attitude towards this past. From the point here and now, with our thoughts, feelings, intentions, attitudes, we form the events of our future.

What does the highest degree of self-satisfaction in the moment mean?

This means, in order not to happen, start asking yourself questions:

What do I want now?

What do I choose to feel now?

What thoughts do I choose to scroll through my head now?

And what can I do for myself now in these conditions?

What can I do for myself now to feel better?

Satisfying yourself in the moment means doing for yourself what is possible in the circumstances that are, sometimes it is just to change thoughts, sometimes buy yourself a delicious coffee, sometimes enter into a state of gratitude for what you have now (there is always something for thank life, yourself or someone).

Satisfying yourself in the moment means accepting the fact of what is now. Recognition of a fact without evaluation is good / bad. The absence of value judgments leaves the fact without emotion, and what is happening becomes just a fact, not burdened with reflections: it would be better, but if it were. When something has happened, to fall into reasoning, meaningless and not helping anyone in any way. And then, depending on the situation, ask yourself questions that are able to return to the moment here and now, which means to direct the course of events in the direction that you consciously choose, and not just succumb to thoughts and external factors. So you learn to manage your condition, and therefore your happiness.

Satisfying yourself in the moment means setting a vector of direction for your thoughts.


Thoughts: I am fat, I am poor, I am unhappy, and when I have this and that, then I will be happy, hardly. And then what? As a rule, despondency, print and happiness go nowhere. So you can ask yourself a question, and then what? What do I really want?

Do I want to be rich? Do I want to be healthy? Do I want to feel happy right now?

If so, then what can I do for myself now? Right now.

For example, I will list in my head what I already have in my life: there is life, I breathe, hear, see … and so on. Then I will thank you for what I have. And then I'll think about what I can do to come to what I want: to a slim figure, to an abundant life, to finding a happy family, to peace of mind, professional realization, etc.

The moment here and now determines the level of our happiness, because everything that is is born and originates in this moment.
