The Little Man's Narcissistic Mother

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Video: The Little Man's Narcissistic Mother

Video: The Little Man's Narcissistic Mother
Video: 4 Evil Things Narcissistic Parents Teach Children 2024, April
The Little Man's Narcissistic Mother
The Little Man's Narcissistic Mother

This material is based not only on personal experience, but also on therapeutic observations of how my clients are feeling.

Remember how many Russian classics have arguments on the topic of little people. Only I wanted to find this particular quote, and I also found it, making sure that I had confused the authorship:

If I had not, I dare say, a gift, I would have been lost long ago; would wipe me out little man … Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Sons."

Communicating with my mother for some time, I return home fully convinced of my worthlessness and miserableness as a person.

Next to a narcissistic mother, a child cannot feel otherwise a priori! No matter how old he is!

I am sure that all the children of narcissistic mothers will understand me perfectly, but still, I will make it clear for everyone else what she is. narcissistic mother.


And also

  1. Most often, her children suffer from the fact that they do not love their mother enough and try to compensate for the lack of their love with good studies or success in their careers.
  2. Which narcissistic mother does not notice and almost always devalues.
  3. Narcissistic mother often compares his children with children, conditional РњР ° СЂСЊР'Р ° РЅРЅС ‹, of course not in favor of their own.
  4. Narcissistic mother sincerely upset, not the illness or failure of her child, but the fact that she "has nothing to be proud of."
  5. Narcissistic mother she never admits that she was wrong, her memory is so selective that she reproduces only the misdeeds of her child, but not herself!
  6. But a son or a daughter narcissistic mother feels in relation to her in an irredeemable debt.
  7. With strangers narcissistic mother sweet and friendly, but for the time being, until she gets closer.
  8. In her close environment, people remain who recognize her indisputable authority and absolutely do not strive for leadership or for originality of thinking.
  9. Narcissistic mother prevents the separation of the child, even if he himself already has grandchildren.
  10. I will say more that it is practically impossible to separate from her, even when she is no longer in this world!

It is only necessary to do this, in order to simply live, in the absolutely literal sense of the word! Because without separation, children of narcissistic mothers are doomed to severe psychosomatic illnesses, which can result in early care.

"Mom, forgive me! I'm dying …" Toxic guilt.
