How To Get Out Of "stagnation" And Start Living A Full Life

Video: How To Get Out Of "stagnation" And Start Living A Full Life

Video: How To Get Out Of
Video: How To Remove Setbacks, Stagnation And Evil Attack By Using This...... 2024, April
How To Get Out Of "stagnation" And Start Living A Full Life
How To Get Out Of "stagnation" And Start Living A Full Life

Every day we live events, as a rule, without thinking about it, our actions often remain unconscious of us. Up to the point that we cannot say whether we are satisfied with this or that moment in life or not. We swallow it like a pill, bitter or not, and move on. This state is called the comfort zone or "stagnation". What is it? This is how we live, what we are used to and what we often do not notice. In another way, such a state can be figuratively called a swamp. Because sitting in the comfort zone, a person does not develop, but gets stuck in it more and more.

What should be done in this case? To learn during the time to detect whether you are in stagnation, resorting to the practice of daily awareness, as well as to be able to get out of this state on time.

To begin with, I suggest that you sit down in a relaxed atmosphere and think - how did your day go, what good happened during the day? Thank yourself for what you have done. Then think - what didn't work out for you and what would you like to do on that particular day?

The fact that you did not succeed or you did not do something - forgive yourself and let go of this day.

Think about what you would like to do the next day, even make a list and try to stick to it. I assure you, when you go through this list and mark the things you have done, you will feel satisfied. The state of conscious self-satisfaction is a very important state! And the more often it happens to you, especially if it really happens on business, the better. There is a wonderful expression by Richard Bach: "To have what you did not have before, you have to do what you have never done." Start small - with simple actions and watch the changes progress, mark them for yourself so that it becomes your habit. Any habit comes in 21 days!

The hardest part is taking the first step. The power of intention can help in this - you firmly make the decision "I will move forward for the sake of my development." And it is important to understand here that the actions that you perform after first should be aimed at your good, and only then you can designate what you want to achieve or improve in your life.

For example: I want to develop, changing my character traits, learn to do something for my good, and this will then allow me to: grow as a Personality, move up the career ladder, improve my relationship with a partner or with children …. (enter the required).

It will be a big mistake for you if you choose the wrong support in your development, wanting, for example, to start developing for the sake of another person. And he may not need it, in the end, he can always leave you. Or, begin to develop in yourself that quality of character that would help in getting the desired position. And this position may well be given to someone else, or you yourself may be disappointed in it … There may be many examples, but the important thing here is that in any of them, a person relies on the external, on what he cannot always control, and deprived of such a false support, emptiness, resentment, misunderstanding always remain in the soul.

Therefore, if you decide to work on yourself, answer first of all to yourself the question: What will I get by developing this quality in myself? What can I achieve? How will it help me in life? Be healthy and selfish. This is very good. As the Bible says, "save yourself and many around you will be saved."

Often a person finds himself in a state of stagnation according to the following scheme: he gets what he wants and what then he is very happy about. For example, you got a raise in your salary, position, or you got married or got married, or something else - something that you really, really wanted. For some time you are in a state of high spirits, joy, but then, naturally, in everyday life and troubles, the acuity of sensation decreases, addiction occurs, and this is where all the development processes stop. If you have forgotten for awareness, then again it is worth remembering for it. Sit down and think calmly: what is happening in general, what is wrong, why has it ceased to please me, what is the reason? And what can I do to get the drive out of life again? Naturally, you can realize this, and start moving in the right direction, which you will certainly notice. Are you in doubt? But in vain!

The fact is that when we enter a stagnant period, even without realizing it, the Universe begins to send us signs, if we do not react to them, then we begin to receive kicks. For our own good, she tries to lead us out of the zone of comfortable or even uncomfortable stagnation so that we continue our development and improve as a Personality.

In any case, you were born into this life in order to fulfill your destiny! As this world lives and develops, changing every minute, so you, as a part of this world, are called to go forward, to keep pace with the times. And you decide whether the Universe will have to pull you out of the comfort zone every time, alas, by not very pleasant methods, or you will do it yourself on time and voluntarily, thanks to awareness and wisdom.

Co-author: Leah Shatush
