The Most Destructive Emotion

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Video: The Most Destructive Emotion

Video: The Most Destructive Emotion
Video: Which emotion is the most powerfully destructive? 2024, April
The Most Destructive Emotion
The Most Destructive Emotion

Realize that shame is a highly human and socially conditioned emotion. Animals have no shame.

Understand what Shame is based on?

Shame as an emotion is based on the fear of evaluation. This emotion puts external interests ahead of internal ones.

Shame often forces the suppression of personal needs in order to please group ideas about what is beautiful, good, or acceptable in order to maintain belonging to that group.

Shame is the keeper of group comfort. He makes sure that the individual in the community / group is more stable and comfortable than without her.

Shame was formed as a tool for gaining a place in the group hierarchy

This emotion controls so that the person is comfortable with its members. A person, Shame insures against rejection, helps to merge with the group, not to stand out, so as not to cause condemnation and disgust, and not to be expelled. Indirectly, Shame seeks to control a good reputation: to be branded "nice" for status promotion "clinging" to the strong.

This was true when expulsion from the group or loss of ties with important members of it threatened to starve to death in loneliness. Therefore, this reflex is so easily developed in young children when they are condemned by their parents - after all, they cannot survive without their parents.

Realize the destructiveness and irrelevance of this emotion in most cases

Shame is the most destructive emotion, it must be well remembered.

Shame is a type of fear. The fear that creates auto-aggression.

Autoaggression is an activity aimed at consciously or unconsciously harming oneself, through the prohibition to manifest itself.

Activity that did not come out, aimed at suppressing their physiological processes and suppressing vital functions. Shame destroys the name system, suppresses interest in expressing oneself in the world. Moreover, suppression can occur in all areas: physiological, emotional, intellectual and in creativity.

What can you do to reduce or remove the pressure of this emotion?

Shame is treated by educating people about the mechanisms of healthy functioning of the physical and emotional nature. That is, studying how natural forces and reflexes act in us: feelings, emotions, motor skills of movements, speech timbre, temperament, desires and, of course, our physiology.

Man is an open system. In it, as in any living system, something flows continuously and from it something is constantly allocated.

Studying how the navigational and protective forces of physical and emotional nature arise and why act in it, what causes and mechanisms activate the body for action, peristalsis, excretion, expression of the emotional reaction of rejection of what is worked out or is not useful to it, we can be convinced of the wisdom of the body and so to accept the expediency of their own natural manifestations.

Rehabilitate the value of one's own reactive and impulsive nature

Perceive the mathematical aesthetics of the expediency of natural mechanisms and see them as their own natural perfection.

The ability to see deep purposefulness in one's own physiological manifestations, through a shift in the focus of attention to how wisely nature is arranged, from how what is perceived by society.

Comprehend the invisible, deep meaning of each of your emotional impulses and keep it in focus, primary significance. By giving the wisdom of the body more value than the fear of external evaluation.

Controlling your own attention, by shifting the focus from the external manifestation to the internal semantic, heals the body and rehabilitates the value of a person. This strengthens the individual in his right to his own authentic identity.

Working out the feeling of shame not only heals and frees the blocks of physiology, but also teaches you to rely on yourself and Nature in yourself

Consider the wisdom and expediency of each of our reflexes and / or emotional impulses, as a dialogue of Nature with our Intellect.

To see the seniority and supremacy of our, somatic and emotional intelligences, over the mental, less ancient, through the phrase: "the world is wiser." Recognize this as the world's natural concern for our survival.

To consider Nature as a group worthy of belonging, to which one can and should give oneself - we reunite with ourselves.

Having recognized the primacy of our natural belonging, we restore our integrity, reuniting, at the same time, with our inner factual truth and the Whole World.

So we put "everything in its place", rehabilitating the primacy of our own natural belonging. By the fact of having a body, we always belong to it, but pushing it to the background, for the sake of social role-playing status games, we lose touch with our own truth and trust in life, which formed us in the womb, high-quality and viable.

Pushing into the background, our own natural signals, for the sake of our own conclusions, we justify acts of violence against ourselves and claim to compete with the wisdom of nature, for which we pay dearly with diseases and acts of external aggression.

The strategy of suppressing one's own natural impulses, for the sake of relying on unsteady social recognition, leads to chronic neuroses and somatic disorders.

By accepting the secondary nature of social dynamics, we maintain a deep connection with our natural roots and health, and arrive in constant global trust in life

This restores true identity and the foundations of health and happiness.

Awareness of the true hierarchy of living natural and inanimate social systems provides courage and calm confidence in the author's living of his life and trust in his own inner world.
