How To Turn The First Year Of Life With A Child Into Joy That Turns Into LOVE

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Video: How To Turn The First Year Of Life With A Child Into Joy That Turns Into LOVE

Video: How To Turn The First Year Of Life With A Child Into Joy That Turns Into LOVE
Video: How to Connect with Your Child - Peaceful Parent Happy Kids, Dr. Laura Markham (Summary Part 2/3) 2024, April
How To Turn The First Year Of Life With A Child Into Joy That Turns Into LOVE
How To Turn The First Year Of Life With A Child Into Joy That Turns Into LOVE

I am Mom, not Echidna

Echidna is a creature that had the appearance of a half-virgin

half-snakes. Has given birth to almost all the most vicious

antiheroes of ancient Greek mythology:

the two-headed dog Orff, the three-headed Cerberus, Lernean hydra, Nemean lion, Chimera, Sphinx, Colchis Dragon and Ephon (eagle

Zeus, who ate the liver of Prometheus).


(How to turn the first year of your child's life into Joy turning into Love)

To live in the body of a Woman is real happiness. Woman - Goddess, Wife, Mother. There is no limit to the admiration for the Woman. God's creation is perfect. She was loved by the creator from the very beginning. Any woman born on Earth is capable of awakening and feeling this plan of magical purpose in herself.

Mom, mommy, mommy, mommy, HOW I LOVE YOU! - words filled with warmth and tenderness. They are addressed to that one, tender, caring woman who gives Love, who did everything to make these words a real reward for her. There is no time for these words. Their sound fills the Soul at any age. What should be done to receive this award?

“We will have a child” is a phrase that future dad and mom are aware of with special joy, realizing that the life of “DO” will change beyond recognition. They agree to these changes and begin their creative path in order to get a lot of pleasure from it.

Bearing, childbirth - the time filled with experiences, behind…. The first 6 hours of life are very important for a child. This is the first acquaintance with the WORLD he came to. The important thing is how it is received, is it welcome? Already in this solemn moment, show the baby your delight at his appearance, joy for him, his desirability. He coped with all the difficulties and deserved your Love.

Express your feelings in words filled with emotions, touch him, do not be afraid to disturb him. He expects these manifestations from you, from his relatives mom and dad. Bodily contact between baby and mother is a natural anti-stress after childbirth. Touching the breast, the smell of the mother's body, her gentle voice will forever be recorded in the subconscious as the best experiences of joy, security and peace.

If the birth was successful, then sleep, as a natural process for recovery and relaxation, will be shown to mom and baby. Fall asleep together and don't worry about waking your baby up during sleep. Rest assured this won't happen! Close your eyes, feel your breathing and your baby's breathing. Imagine that you are in a garden filled with fragrant aromas of flowers, birdsong. A warm, gentle breeze touches your cheeks, the blue sky above your head gives your WORLD a sense of peace. Believe that your baby sees the same picture and that this state of complete safety, the knowledge that mom is always there, extends to him. Restful sleep will be an important indicator for you and your baby that trust is being built between you.

The next step is natural breastfeeding. This is a whole ritual. A person learns the world through the senses, officially there are five of them. Four are in the head - eyes, nose, mouth, ears. Hence - to see, recognize smells, taste and hear. The fifth receptor is the skin - these are our sensations in the body. Intuition is the sixth sense. In the relationship between mother and baby, it manifests itself in full. Trust her and get all the information from your little one directly. Begin feeding with a smile and a good mood. Tune in to this process. Try to make it an act of intimate pleasure. In fact, when a baby sucks on the mother's breast, he receives not only satiety, but also pleasure and pacification. Mom is nearby, he smells her, hears her voice, enjoys the taste of milk, her touch is tender - what else is needed for his little happiness ?! His gratitude to his wonderful mother-nurse - calm, long sleep 2.5 -3 hours. This is the time for the mother, too, to sleep next to the baby. You should not experiment - put the child in a crib (cold, lonely), and run herself to rattle with pots or some other household. Mom's place is next to a sniffing little ball of happiness, which will soon and noticeably change in its size and preferences. Please be patient, it will be really soon…. If it suddenly seemed to you that the mother-parent was becoming "glued" to her baby, then it did not seem to you - it is so !!!

The first 6 months (after the first 6 hours) is the second important period of growing up. What happens at this stage? A child comes into this WORLD, not only naked from the outside, but also clean at the level of the psyche. He doesn't have it. She is in common with her mother. He receives all information from the outer WORLD through the sensations of the mother. If she is afraid of something, disappointed, offended, then all these emotions are felt by the baby. He automatically receives information about the World as scary, alarming, evil and begins to protest - showing his anxiety through sleep disorders, poor appetite, painful sensations in the body. At the stage of the first 6 months, everything depends on the mother. Physical health and mental component, like a carbon copy, read from my mother's finished program. Do you want a calm, healthy baby, without night tantrums, tummy pains, feeding problems - breastfeeding? Then "stick" to your baby for at least 6 months.

If you decide to do THIS, and then thank yourself and all your loved ones who help you, you are great! You have believed and will share your experience on how to help your baby get to know the WORLD full of Trust and Love and enjoy it. Then go for it !!!

Morning starts in the morning …

The first signs of waking up 6.30 - 7 am.

Territory cleaning, hygiene, diaper exchange.

Feeding is an intimate process, lying down, turning from one side to the other and giving the baby's breast either the right or the left. It turns out that the baby (KING or QUEEN) lies in the center of the bed, and you are spinning around him. Believe me, this is better than sitting and holding it on your hand. The back can pull, and then the baby's weight will be added, it will be hard for the hand. You can, of course, feed and immediately after waking up, this intuition will tell who needs what more, eat or wash. In the first days after birth, the baby usually falls asleep again after feeding. Then he wakes up again and asks for food. "Eat, now you can sleep" - this motto works only in the early days. Do not forget that you sleep with your baby in these intervals, have time to eat and drink yourself. If you can't sleep, then you can dream, read or listen to calm music. The most important thing is that when the baby wakes up, you are there and smell the most delicious milk in the world, but so far without a bun. This is automatically recorded in the subconscious that everything is the same - mom is always here, there is no reason to worry. That is, when the automatic reaction is strengthened and the baby is sure that the mother is always there, the long-awaited time will come when it will be possible to "crawl out into the wild", but not for long, and begin to put oneself in order. But this is not immediately, somewhere in 2-3 months. You will be surprised how long your hair has become and how overgrown your eyebrows are …

The first month of such a rhythm (no regime!) Will lead you to the understanding that time is eternal, and there is no beginning and no end. The WORLD is in one point. This state can be achieved by the great enlightened ones: Buddha, Christ, … and you are among that number. Congratulate yourself for new sensations and discoveries. If you remain "glued" to your baby, he will feel it very well. "There is no hurry, the WORLD is abundant and filled with everything you need." He will remember this main law for the rest of his life.

The intervals between sleep increase. The main dream is at night. You fall asleep at 22.30-23.00, wake up at 6.30-7.00. Night waking up is possible, but only to check - is there mom nearby? A right or left breast will satisfy this curiosity. Nobody but you will hear that the kid checked his mother at the post. He immediately falls asleep, he is doing well. The next dream - 1 daytime - 11.30-12.00, duration 1.5-2 hours, 2 daytime - 16.00-16.30, duration 1.5-2 hours. These intervals for a walk can be given to dad, grandfather or grandmother. If there is no such possibility, then yourself, you are the MOST STRONG !!! You will get EVERYTHING…. Before sleeping and walking, feeding and after also feeding. There is still time to get acquainted with the surrounding space. Be sure to talk to your baby, tell him the weather forecast, tell him which he is the best and how you love him and how happy you are that he brings so much joy. Put a piece of your Soul into these words. All family members who are always ready to help you will follow your example. Evening bathing brings a lot of pleasure to the baby. If conditions permit, then you can take a bath together. For a baby, the natural habitat for 9 months in the womb was water. He has no fear of diving and being in water. Some children become afraid of water just because their mother is not around. When you are together in a pleasant water space, there is no limit to the pleasure of the baby. An indicator of a harmonious pastime is a good uninterrupted sleep until the morning, without waking up.

Another point in the ability to achieve long sleep. Swaddle your baby's lower body especially at night. Leave your hands free, and swaddle starting from the armpits and legs. What for? Even in Russia, children were tightly swaddled up to 12 months. This method has been adopted to calm down. During sleep, babies experience spontaneous reflex muscle contractions and limb movements. This can wake the baby up. To prevent this from happening, you can try to swaddle him at night, but half. You can also cite the following fact: when a baby lies in a stroller for a walk and is compressed by clothes, then his sleep is calmer and longer.

Holiday 6 months - all of you together. The kid is already sitting, teeth showed, laughs and recognizes familiar objects. Summing up the results. The main indicators are sleep, appetite, mood? - Excellent!

If you received such an assessment, you did everything right. I didn't fail the first session, and you can get an increased scholarship. Choose your own reward, you deserve it.

Recommendations for dad, daddy, daddy … Read this article and realize the importance of the first 6 hours and 6 months. You can start your baby's life "like everyone else." A separate bed under a canopy, let it lie, it gets used to independence! A mom who is afraid that her body shape will not match the original. The beloved husband also needs attention and no less, he is MORE….

Look around how many children with psycho-emotional development disorders. It is not the ecology that is to blame, but completely different reasons, those about which this article is written. Help your baby and his mother walk this WAY with your understanding and support. Do everything possible and impossible to learn to build your common WORLD together based on LOVE. You have such an opportunity, you just need to consciously switch the focus of your attention to the child, because he is already ready to come to YOU to give happiness!

(From personal experience)
