How To Turn The Existing Reality For Oneself And Others For The Good

Video: How To Turn The Existing Reality For Oneself And Others For The Good

Video: How To Turn The Existing Reality For Oneself And Others For The Good
Video: Как узнать себя 2024, April
How To Turn The Existing Reality For Oneself And Others For The Good
How To Turn The Existing Reality For Oneself And Others For The Good

We all have our own idea of life. Each of us has his own image of a successful person, an image of parents, an image of a successful person or a failure. We know what a strong man or an exemplary politician should look like. There are an infinite number of different images in our head. And the most interesting thing is that most people live by relying on these images, each on his own, not checking with reality. And this image is so strong that a person cannot fit it into the existing reality.

For example, a man has an image of a woman in his head that he would marry. And such a man is not ready to make compromises in a relationship, continuing to live dreams of an ideal woman. He either does not marry at all, or changes women like gloves. The same can be said about a woman. Any woman knows exactly what a man should. What a real man he is, how he loves, and how obliged to take care of her and the offspring. And often a woman lives in the illusion of finding her ideal husband, but continues to live with an unloved, lazy and infantile man. What is really going on?

The most difficult thing for a person is to change his idea or image of something in accordance with reality. And any attempts to change the image are accompanied by pain. It turns out that it is easier to live believing in your images than to really look at the surrounding reality and make your choice in favor of your life and success in it.

Of course, a person can change his images throughout his life, but he does not like it when others try to change his image, before he is ready for change. Therefore, we so zealously defend our opinion in a dispute, proving our case.

After all, a successful person is one who knows how to change his images in accordance with reality. It is this skill that leads to the planned results, and therefore to success and well-being.

Now is exactly the time when we can change our images in accordance with reality. Yes, it might not be easy. And someone will forever live in a state of panic, trying to change the whole world to fit their illusory images. After all, staying in ignorance is also everyone's choice. And you can choose health. After all, it is not possible to avoid anxiety. Don't even try. But as fortunate people, we can use our anxiety to our advantage. And this is also a choice!

Many now, have lost confidence in the world, in life, in people, even faith in themselves has been shaken by the majority. We trust when we know what will happen next. We trust when we have a clear plan that we follow to achieve our goals. And when our plans collapse, much like our images, which are far from reality, we get the impression that we will never get out of this difficult situation. And this is exactly what those outdated images of the world tell us …

But, life changes daily, every second. Every morning we wake up refreshed, together with the world. What helped us yesterday can already create great obstacles for us today.

Man believes, and God disposes. It's time to think about your omnipotence and influence on the world around us. Take responsibility and start doing things in your life that you can influence and control.

The first thing to start with is to think now and honestly answer to yourself the question, what can I, as a person, as a part of the universe, influence? What can I do now that is useful for myself and others? What have I wanted to do for a long time, constantly procrastinating, citing lack of time, finances, and opportunities?

Ask yourself, how much does my image of health, relationships, activities, education correspond to reality? Do I have enough knowledge in any area of my life? How will my reality change and what kind of person do I want to leave after the isolation ends?

Start doing what you have never done, and you will definitely get results that you have never gotten. Instead of mourning the collapsed ideals and plans, create your new life algorithm. The one that will suit you personally in the first place.

Take care of your health. Start exercising in the morning. For example, if you sit down 10 times today, and tomorrow 11, and so every day, gradually increasing the load, then you will already feel healthier, which means a more self-confident person. Our brains love small victories.

Review your diet, if only because you often had to snack on the go, eat fast food or sandwiches. Now is a great opportunity to start preparing healthy and tasty food for yourself.

Refuse toxic information, as it poisons your brain and soul just like junk food, your body. Check information from at least three sources. Reading scientific journals and articles will not be superfluous.

Create your dream project that you have dreamed of for so long. You may not have to go to work you hate and your quality of life will improve significantly.

Most importantly, shift your focus to caring for others. By becoming healthier yourself, you are helping to keep others healthy. By sticking to the rules, you show others that they are important and valuable to you. Communicate more with your loved ones. Every day, discover something new in their character, something wonderful that you did not notice, chasing someone else's far-fetched values.

Live your every day in joy and acceptance. Be reborn every day with gratitude for life, health and well-being!

And be happy now!
