Diseases Caused By Dissatisfaction With Oneself And Others

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Diseases Caused By Dissatisfaction With Oneself And Others
Diseases Caused By Dissatisfaction With Oneself And Others

Diseases caused by dissatisfaction with oneself and others

Are you familiar with this situation?

I don't want to live like this, but until my dreams come true

I will suffer a little and live not as I want, Then I'll be patient a little longer, then a little more.

And that in the end you endure most of the time, and do not live as you dream.

It feels like you are writing everything as a draft, waiting for the right moment.

and you become more and more bogged down in what you have created with your own hands.

More and more dissatisfaction with oneself, and then with others.

All you do is that you live not your own, but someone else's life

in the hope that that bright and happy life will come someday, respectively because of that patience and waiting

do some actions that you do not like.

Build this house of cards of yours, indulge yourself with illusions

but nevertheless, all the time you live by

this hateful scenario.

Because of which?

Because fear constantly arises and

start moving towards that bright life more and more terrible, You drown yourself in your dissatisfaction with life, yourself, those circumstances, who led you to this dead end. And even the thought does not arise that you yourself are the reason for such a hated life, because you endured and did nothing to change it and bring your dream closer and you no longer see a way out of this situation.

And discontent is growing

Due to dissatisfaction with oneself, various kinds of diseases arise.

And all because you are going against yourself only because you are afraid.

And now everything around only annoys and does not bring joy, and when they ask you why you are so sad or why you keep silent all the time, you answer

"why should we be happy"

What is right to rejoice at, if only you live in anticipation of a miracle.

And it turns out that you think about one thing and do another.

And so day after day.

It seems like it's time to start walking towards your dream, and you are so mired in what you don't like that even getting rid of it becomes scary.

It is scary and not clear what will happen next if you start this movement.

But if you continue to remain in this state, then this can lead to various diseases.

Emotions such as:

Aggression, dissatisfaction, envy, jealousy, etc. becomes more and more every day.

then these emotions already provoke the appearance of various diseases, at first it is just a disease of the gastrointestinal tract associated with the fact that you cannot digest this situation.

Various heart diseases. Back pain.

Then more complex diseases appear;

such as gallstones

Liz Burbo

As a rule, stones appear in people who for a long time carry in themselves some kind of heavy thoughts or feelings associated with

A person cherishes these thoughts secretly from others, and for a long time, since it takes time to form stones.

Gallstones often occur in people who think one thing and do another.

as well as experiencing such emotions for a long time, one can bring oneself to the disease of CANCER: this disease is associated with bitterness, anger, hatred - with mental pain experienced in loneliness.

So maybe it's time to let go of these emotions?
