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Video: How to pronounce READ - Learn American English Pronunciation YouTube 2024, April

-Mom, what is it ???

-This is a book, sonny !!!!!

- Kn-and-and-yoke? She's so dusty, yellow and smells bad …

-Yes, son, she's been lying here in the attic for many years. Books have been read before, your great-grandmother and great-grandfather. This book was read to me by your grandmother, when I was little, they gave it to me several times, I loved it when they read it to me. Then your grandmother sat next to me, hugged me with one hand, her voice became soft and calm, we plunged into another world … it was so rare and so long ago. And now no one does this, no one reads, and no one spends time together, everyone is busy with their own business.

- Mom, read this book to me !!!!

- Come on, son, you and I haven't spent time together for a long time.

Sad dialogue between mom and son. It is this kind of dialogue that can arise in a generation, already between our children and their children. Here are the prospects that await us very soon.

Reading becomes something wild, incredible, even amazing. If a few years ago in public transport in large cities, where the distances are quite large, one could observe people with pensive faces buried in a book or a newspaper, today everyone is sitting in transport, buried in gadgets. Both young and older, everyone is sitting in social networks, just flipping one page after another. We live other people's lives, leafing through gigabytes one after another … All dialogues, problems, even the inner world of each of us - have become the property of the Internet and electronics. You can easily get away from any problem, fatigue, difficulty by plunging into an electronic device. This is a kind of escape from problems, an opportunity to abandon and not think. Escape from reality, which can be quite difficult and frustrating.

The very process of reading, if we also analyze the departure from reality, and it can be attributed to a defensive form of response. But, unlike the useless flipping of Internet pages, the process of reading itself has a lot of advantages. Which ones?

Reading is a kind, rather complex intellectual process, when a person becomes involved in the synthesis of codes (letters) and analysis of the recognized material. This process requires sufficient perseverance, concentration of attention, depending on the direction of the literature, may require the expenditure of emotions and feelings. Reading develops general thinking. This process is new and difficult enough for the child and requires the maximum involvement of the parent. With the development of scientific and technological progress, "living" books with cover and pictures faded into the background, became a kind of rubbish. But, if an adult who is already capable of analysis, synthesis, abstract forms of thinking, has a critical mind, enough imagination, fantasies, then a small child is not capable of this. One way to teach a child all of this is to teach how to read and instill a love for this skill.

Adults have lost the spirit of involvement and become slaves to technology. WHAT IS THE DANGER OF SUCH POSITION? WHY DO PEOPLE STOP READING BOOKS? WHY OUR CHILDREN DO NOT WANT TO READ? IS IT NECESSARY TO MAKE TO READ OR HOW TO MOTIVATE TO READ ??? These are the questions that are already worrying many parents. Let's try to understand them and try to save the situation in our families.

Why is it important to read to a small child? What does reading develop?

For a very young child, starting from the age of two, the importance of reading is not in reading itself, the baby may not yet fully understand the meanings and not be able to concentrate, his attention is very fragile and lasts only a few pages. The importance of reading for a baby is primarily in contact with an adult who for some time sits next to him, is not busy with anything, is not distracted by anything, his eyes are available to the baby. Secondly, the parent gives emotions, because children's books are very simple, banal, but always require a lot of involvement, especially emotional. Even the same fairy tale about Kolobok, each mother will read very inspiredly, by roles, and maybe even accompanying actions. And, finally, children's books are always colorful, bright, they saturate the kid with images, develop imagination and give new ideas.

How to motivate a baby to read?

Many mothers of young children complain that their children do not want to read, do not like, run away …

Try first of all to give up the idea of what you are about to read to your baby. Reading to children under 3 years old can hardly even be called reading. Call it a book game. Attract attention with a bright picture, show that you are involved in this "game", voice what you see there, smile, laugh, be surprised. Let your little one at first just glance casually, linger for just a few seconds and run further to explore the world. Do not despair!!!! The main thing is that the baby must understand that this will be a ritual every day, that mom at this time is completely his, let him choose a book. Remember, a small child's attention is very scattered, he is always distracted and runs somewhere. Set yourself the task of picking up a book regularly and simply increasing the time from a few seconds to a few minutes. This will already be a great victory.

Reading to a small child is one of the ways to get a live contact between a child and a parent, an exchange of emotions, the importance of which is undeniable!

Reading instruction for preschoolers

If an adult reads to a preschooler, and this develops in him perseverance, imagination, the ability to hear, the ability to communicate with an adult, ask questions, empathize with the heroes with a parent, then a child of primary school age, in addition to all of the above points, may feel pleasure and pride in that that he does something himself, as an adult. More often than not, children who are learning to read do not understand what they have read, but they are incredibly proud of the new skill.

A child who goes to the first grade, according to school standards, should already be able to read, and here, more often than not, parents start having problems. Firstly, the process of teaching reading can be difficult for children, and secondly, at the age of 4-7 years, children, on the one hand, are incredibly initiative, on the other hand, they are quite protesting.

How to motivate a preschooler to read?

For children 4-7 years old, the best way to motivate them to take action is to make reading be the child's initiative. With a developmental norm, with good family relations, with sufficient contact between the child and his parents, with the satisfaction of all basic needs, at about the age of 5, each child expresses his own desire for learning activities, they love to play school, they want to write and try to fold letters … So, the most innocuous way is to join the child's synthesized (period of greatest sensitivity to something) period and start playing school, teaching writing and trying to teach reading. At the same time, it is not so important which teaching methodology the parent chooses, it is important what emotions both participants in the process will experience. Be patient, do not correct mistakes too often, do not scold !!! Praise more often, praise for the process itself and even for trying to read: “You have looked at this book several times already, it seems that you want to pick it up !! If you need my help, I will gladly join you …”. You can do it like this: "Today you read the words so joyfully and loudly, you are already doing very well." Your emotions and positive reinforcements are important to your child. Reading should not be a duty or a punishment. In no case should you punish with reading for bad transgressions, you should not deprive of something pleasant in the name of reading. Reading itself should be the goal and the reward, and not vice versa: “Let's read for 20 minutes and buy you a present !!!”. Choose books that are light, understandable, pictures at this age are still important for a child, although they distract from the learning process itself, but they are an excellent incentive to pick up the book. It is also important that the child and the parent are seen reading, interested, even if it is not every day, the child takes an example from his parents, wants to imitate him in everything, to be “like a dad” or “like a mother”. Remember, children are our mirror !!! What they see in us, so they do themselves.

Junior school age. What develops reading and how to get involved in the process?

Perhaps the most difficult and incomprehensible in learning is the age from 6 to 10 years. Why is it complicated?

As soon as the child goes to school, the parents instantly begin to treat him like an adult, make a lot of demands “you have to study, you have to read”, appeal to the conscience “shame on you, everyone is already reading big books, and you … ?? ? "," You will be illiterate, you will not be able to connect two words when you grow up ", etc.

It should be remembered that at this age your child is still a child, games are also relevant for him. Children's thinking is not yet able to understand why it needs reading at all, and even more so, how it will come in handy in 10 years. He wants to play with friends, frolic, have fun, but let's remember that getting approval from adults is also important. How can there be, how to help the child understand himself and continue to instill a love of reading?

If before this age reading has already become a daily ritual, if my mother regularly read at night, if the process of learning to read has passed more or less painlessly, then you will not bring anything new except to leave this ritual now. For a child of this age, contact with the parent is also important, continue reading with him before bedtime, discuss what you read, let the child ask questions and get answers to them. Choose interesting literature, for example, some children's encyclopedia, in which there are many surprises, or short stories about children, with adventures, with some kind of morality. Let the child choose the book himself, offer it as an enjoyable and free process. But, we take into account that at this age, a student will always prefer an interesting company or an action-packed film to any book, so it is quite possible to add reading to the list of daily tasks that must be done, but with reference to free will, for example, “you yourself choose when read, now or after a walk, but before sleep a few pages should be read”and you can then discuss what you read, listen to the child's opinion and discuss.

Continue reading for yourself, let your child see you engrossed in the book, not at the TV screen or at the phone. Continue to praise the child, you can already praise for interesting thoughts during the discussion during the discussion of the book or for humor, or for fantasies: "What do you think happened next …?" or "Yes, you surprised me with this idea, I had no idea about it …"

Teenage years

It is almost impossible to force a teenager to do anything, and is it necessary ??? Even more so to force to read !!! If before this age you managed to instill in your child a love of reading, if in your family it is a ritual, if both parents read at least sometimes, perhaps even debate, argue about what they have read, if books are a way of life, and not a punishment in your family, then in most cases, the teenager will read himself. At this age, children prefer to be alone with themselves or with their peers, they like to think about life, about being, philosophize, literature can be a good way to draw a resource for fantasies, empathize with heroes, show the criticality of the mind, the ability to abstract thinking, develop in a sense of justice, additional values, to learn about the cultures of different nations, about how they used to live. It was at this age that children were previously asked to write essays on the work they read. In the essay, the teenager had the opportunity to throw out his emotions, share his thoughts, express himself to some extent, and with his criticism, as it were, challenge the author to a duel. A teenager is everything that a parent, teachers, and the immediate environment managed to invest in him in the previous years of his life from birth. All the experience that was received is manifested and used during this period. If the child had good, accepting, moderately strict parents, if the family trusts each other enough, if there is a dialogue, discussion, if the parents are inquisitive and interested, spend time reading, then for a teenager this can become the norm of his inner life …

Why don't kids want to read ???

Our essence is that we always prefer emotions to any other activity. Cartoons, computer games, telephones - this is all that saturates us with just pictures, gives the illusion of contact with something simple and does not require attention. And children love everything bright, where there are many pictures, where there are simple but rapidly changing plots, of course, they will prefer all this to reading, in fact, the structure of our psyche. The creators of all modern games and cartoons are well aware that the more frames flicker, the less controllable the object becomes, and the child's psyche is completely incapable of critical thinking and the ability to control itself. By restricting a child in a gadget, you will not take his life, you will rather help him. And after reading a couple of pages of a fairy tale with him, you will nourish him with lively emotions, develop speech, thinking and intelligence in general.

The dictionary of Ellochka the Cannibal, a character from the satirical novel "12 Chairs", was 30 words, she could freely express herself and express any thought with them, and those around her understood her. And, perhaps, she was a fairly happy woman. But, do we want to sink to a level where our intellect degrades and speech becomes an optional element of existence. And without reading a beautiful, rich, filled speech cannot be developed in any way.
