Video: Circadian Rhythm and Your Brain's Clock 2024, May

When we discuss this topic, most often a basic [1] (fear of going crazy) awakens in us, because some neurosis between old and new contents in our psyche makes itself felt and the question arises:.

Reader, here and now, don't you lose yourself, reading my humble lines, because at least a very small honor is formed in you, but part of something New?.. In fact, remembering the law of negation, this question is not even unambiguous answer with a word, since the person who has read this or that message is already a slightly different person. At the same time, we ourselves have both the old - what was characteristic of our parents, and the new - what we consciously (and more often not so much) synthesized in ourselves. Thus, in my opinion, it is unambiguous in the question raised - it is excluded, which is already banal in its own way.

By the way, I always like to use biology in such matters, so you have just had the opportunity (of dubious significance) to participate in a small seance - and hear what the ghost of an ardent organist has to say about it [2].

So, let's start the dive:

Let's imagine that each of us is just one cell of the integumentary tissue in the body of all of Humanity, the lifetime of each of us is almost nothing in comparison with the existence of the whole organism, however, if we did not tirelessly renew ourselves due to stem cells (the younger generation), then Humanity would resemble an inanimate stone rather than any living system - the ontogeny of the above would be impossible. And now, let's see what will happen if the same thing starts to happen at a higher speed: cells are renewed tirelessly, which increases the body's ability to various kinds of metamorphoses - so we would get instead of a hypothetical organism, an analogue of a butterfly organism, and as you understand, with incomparably shorter duration of ontogenesis. In truth, this approach has its drawbacks, for example, it is difficult to find a correlate to the nervous system of the body in human society, without which, whatever one may say, we would get an infusoria, or any plant (which, in comparison with Humanity, correlates very weakly).

Thus, I, not wanting to seem like a communist, with the help of the above-described ideological carrion, timidly lead you to the recognition of action and in this vein of the law, where the place of antagonists is obviously taken by (New and Old), and in the end, I prove that between these two concepts, almost vitally necessary is the one (and not only in the organic, but also in the mental, social, and in any other context).

But here too, putting another wreath on the grave of past ideas, and returning to real life, we meet another challenge of the time, which sounds like a poignant question: Indeed, we know that information waves inevitably increase, only multiplying the risk of getting a future shock (shock from an overabundance of information). On the one hand, if in our time a person cannot correctly filter information, his brain will resemble one large and colorful advertising billboard, urging everyone to buy something, but on the other hand, we are people, to be able to filter information and adapt to anything - as long as the variability of the environment does not exceed the speed of adaptive processes.

Considering all of the above, in the climax I will introduce you to my personal paradigm, which I use regarding variability, it, in my opinion, adequately answers the question about the modern balance of old and new contents, and also sums up my modest work: the processes of change must happen at such a maximum speed,how it is possible to preserve the subject's ability to operate on his own actual experience, or, speaking more in Russian. I, again for myself, consider this phenomenon to be natural, because we replace the old with the new only when the old ceases to be relevant for us, either by changing the environment, or by changing our own passions and aspirations, our idea of the ideal, and about our values (both quantitatively and qualitatively). [3]

Here are some examples, because I know that in theory it is rather difficult to explain this, especially if the author (like me) has some lack of writing experience on a given topic: the first example - Christianity (at one time) was a progressive idea, more or less, a holistic worldview - on the one hand, in our time to believe in a traditional Christian god (regarding the development of philosophical thought), frankly, is irrelevant (this does not lead us to the desired results of some individualization of morality, which we once could imagine), but on the other hand, with the help of Christian symbols, we can figuratively understand the role of the processes of change for each person - Christ (already an irrelevant copy of ourselves) had to die (change qualitatively) in order to be able to resurrect and stand next to God (that is, come closer to our own ideals, or even to the ideal of oneself); the second example - let's take the average married couple of two people, once the husband in this family suddenly got rich, and like the well-known youth Jordan Belfort (the main character from the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street"), he decided that his former wife did not suit him at all, and simply changed her to a woman equal to him in social status. It must be said that any change in the social and emotional climate is a crisis situation for the family, and (like any other system), faced with difficulties, it either passes through them, differentiating and becoming more complex, or it is simply doomed to destruction. If this hero, or any other person who made such a choice, would operate with the paradigm I described, then perhaps he would once again remember what his relationship with his former wife used to be, would not destroy that, and instead of loneliness and self-deception, growing on a dead body of relationships, would receive a full and happy life, which only deep relationships in a family can give against the background of its financial well-being, or, as some alchemical mystic of the 16th century would say, “I would learn to see above the sky the rising star of eternal love”[4].

Bibliographic list

1) Guntrip, G. Schizoid phenomena, object relations and the self [Text] / G. Guntrip // trans. from English V. V. Starovoitov - M.: Institute of General Humanitarian Research, 2010 - 606 p.

2) Spencer, G. Basic principles [Text] / G. Spencer // trans. L. Alekseev. - St. Petersburg: L. F. Panteleev Publishing House, 2012.-- 476 p.

3) Covey, S. R. Seven habits of highly effective people [Electronic resource] / S. R. Kovi - Alpina LLC, 2011. URL:

4) Neumann, E. Depth Psychology and New Ethics. Mystical man [Text] / E. Neumann // trans. from English by Yu. M. Donets; under total. ed. V. Zelensky. - SPb.: Publishing house: Academic project, 1999. - 44 p.
