The "Golden Keys" Of Therapy And The Thorny Path To The New Scene Of Life

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Video: The "Golden Keys" Of Therapy And The Thorny Path To The New Scene Of Life

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Video: I work at the Private Museum for the Rich and Famous. Horror stories. Horror. 2024, May
The "Golden Keys" Of Therapy And The Thorny Path To The New Scene Of Life
The "Golden Keys" Of Therapy And The Thorny Path To The New Scene Of Life

Dear readers, remember how the fearless, heroic Pinocchio got dolls for Pope Carlo and his friends "A trip to a new life", otherwise - Golden Keywho opened his company entrance to the New Scene of Life?

Let's touch a famous fairy tale?

So, therapy (in a metaphorical sense) is the decisive one that changes the "sick" reality The Magic Key to a new psychological reality, another - another life, correcting the "broken lines" of our destiny. Since it allows (through a lot of mental work) to improve the "matrix program", otherwise - "Pass to Life".

In some cases, correcting the internal reality, in some - respectfully promoting it. But surely through Way (exactly like in the old tale) - The path of serious comprehension, great inner work and tangible spiritual growth.

Indeed, according to the presence of the magic Key, the hero is in search of the Door intended for him for a long time … And this is the main condition for high, significant acquisitions …

Another well-known book story comes to mind, this time for adult readers - "The Thorn Birds", remember? In which Ralph, answering Maggie's question about what the parable he told, says something like this: "All the most beautiful things on earth are achieved through great suffering" (I would clarify - serious achievements, labor).

I will quote …

There is a legend about a bird that sings only once in its entire life, but it is more beautiful than anyone else in the world. One day the rna leaves its nest and flies to look for a bush and will not rest until it finds it. Among the thorny branches, she sings a song and throws herself with her chest on the longest, sharpest thorn. And, towering above the indescribable torment, he sings so, dying, that both the lark and the nightingale envied this jubilant song. The only, incomparable song, and it comes at the cost of life. But the whole world freezes, listening, and God himself smiles in the heavens. For all the best is bought only at the cost of great suffering … At least, so the legend says.

Thus, wise magical knowledge tells about the following: Golden Keys (means) will lead you to the desired roads, but the high, cherished Doors will require responsible work - you still need to master your path … About the same I tell clients at the beginning of our work: therapy is the Key to a new life - a means that opens the Door to a different - better life, but the main thing depends on you: to open the cherished Door, you have to work hard. If there is a readiness - let's go ahead - "The road is mastered by the one walking!"


At the end of the publication, I will leave for the readers a video that is associatively corresponding to the topic of my material - there is the magic Golden Compass, and the Path of heroic tests, and beautiful Love, and the final Victory - everything that was written about in my article.

Be happy, dear friends! Wonderful Doors to You in the Best

To the World of Wisdom, Confidence and Goodness

