Why Do We Believe In Talismans?

Video: Why Do We Believe In Talismans?

Video: Why Do We Believe In Talismans?
Video: What is the Difference Between an Amulet, Talisman, and Charm? 2024, April
Why Do We Believe In Talismans?
Why Do We Believe In Talismans?

But do talismans really work or is it self-hypnosis?

A group of psychologists from the University of Cologne conducted experiments on students. The students who used the amulets showed a total of 30% better results on memory and coordination tasks. Thus, in order to improve by a third, it is enough to simply wish the person good luck or let him take his favorite talisman with him.

Yes, they work and yes, it is self-hypnosis. But we should not underestimate the power of this self-hypnosis.

The literature describes cases when people were paralyzed from fear of curses or died of a heart attack. Conversely, when a person strongly believes, he can go through all the obstacles.

But not all people believe in talismans and they do not help everyone. Why is that?

The law of conservation of energy works in each of us. When a person starts to get nervous, the psyche, not wanting to waste this energy, tries to find a way to calm down. And often this way becomes some kind of external action - to correct an unevenly lying object, repeat a prayer or mantra, put a red thread on the wrist.

After all, it is difficult to put things in order inside the psyche, it is difficult to somehow stop chaos in thoughts, relax the body and stop anxiety.

Remember the cartoon about Dumbo the elephant - the mouse gave him the first object he came across - a feather and said that it was magic. The elephant believed in the power of this feather and flew. In fact, he believed he could fly. This is one of those cases where uncertainty gets in the way of getting things done. Each of us, to a greater or lesser extent, has these doubts.

When and how is the "strength" of the talisman formed?

When a person is under stress: an incomprehensible situation, anxiety, lack of support. And at this difficult moment, the idea comes to mind to use the subject in order to restore balance and calm down. In all religions there are rituals and talismans that help calm down and lead a person into a trance - rosary, prayer, icons, etc. In many families and even cultures, such methods of increasing self-confidence are enshrined and passed down from generation to generation.

In addition, there is a certain type of nervous system prone to rituals. That is why they do not help everyone and not always. It all depends on how much we ourselves believe in the "magic" of the subject. And then an ordinary stone, a feather or a ring of your beloved grandmother can become magical. It is important what feelings this object evokes in us.

If you literally depend on talismans, predictions and your anxiety is directly related to the presence of some kind of "protective" actions, rituals and objects - this may be a symptom of emotional disorders. Therefore, if you recognize yourself in this article, sign up for my consultation and together we will find a way to get rid of this addiction.
