Revolution Of Emotions

Video: Revolution Of Emotions

Video: Revolution Of Emotions
Video: The history of human emotions | Tiffany Watt Smith 2024, May
Revolution Of Emotions
Revolution Of Emotions

Whenever we suppress natural growth or progress it inevitably leads to the consolidation of the suppressed energy and something like an explosion happens and it resembles a revolution. At the same time, changes occur very quickly, sometimes too quickly.

We usually think about revolution in the context of culture, society, politics. But a revolution can take place inside us and it will always happen very emotionally with colossal emissions of energy. This process usually occurs when unreacted affects accumulate inside our psyche, they can be restrained both unconsciously and quite consciously. But sooner or later they break through the defenses.

From the very birth we are in a state of constant growth and development. And not only physically and mentally, but also mentally and primarily emotionally. We are constantly in contact with the outside world and assume that our physical and intellectual experience comes first, but in fact our emotional experience comes first. This can be seen by looking at a small child, because children do not perceive the world through the prism of opinions, thoughts, social dogmas. They react emotionally and physically and they do so in a very direct and understandable way. This connection between emotional experiences and physical reactions persists throughout life. And our emotions not only give us knowledge of what is happening, but also guide us.

As we get older, we learn to interpret our feelings and channel our energies in a socially acceptable way. For an adequate understanding of what is happening, it is necessary to understand your thoughts, a correct understanding of thoughts provides good knowledge about yourself and your inner world, and good contact with our emotional world is responsible for understanding yourself. It is very important that our intellectual work runs in tandem with our emotions. This provides us with healthy relationships with others and a harmonious life, makes it possible to grow and develop naturally, not only physically, but also mentally.

When we suppress, deny, hide some emotional processes from ourselves and from others, they eventually break through the defenses and this leads to the appearance of a symptom (some individual problem - depression, fears, physical problems, panic attacks, etc..) This is very similar to the revolt of our psyche and revolution. At this moment, we are no longer in contact with our emotions and generally do not understand well what is happening to us.

We feel overwhelmed, but we do not understand why and with what it is connected. We do not see what is happening with our senses. At the same time, people outwardly may seem quite happy and cheerful, but inside they feel the completely opposite. They are depressed, apathetic, depressed, fearful. This reflects what is really happening to us, and since it is too painful, a person learns to hide these states even from himself.

It is very important for a person to learn to “hear” to understand and respond to the emotions that he feels. Now we are trying more to remember everything with our mind, and our feelings are in the shadows, it is necessary to fight this erroneous opinion and bring into harmonious balance the work of our mind and the emotional world. After all, all changes always begin within us.
