What To Do When Everything Is Annoying?

What To Do When Everything Is Annoying?
What To Do When Everything Is Annoying?

I've been going to write about irritability for a long time.

But something kept getting in the way.

Now, apparently, the time has come.

Yesterday I had just such a state when I noticed that I was very irritable.

And I want to share with you how I deal with this.

It turned out to be a REMINDER FOR HELPING YOURSELF in such conditions.

When I get very irritable, I react to everything that happens around me with discontent. Everything starts to annoy me literally. I notice that almost everyone annoys me with some of their actions. And this for me is a signal that the matter is not so much in people and not in their actions. And in me, in my inner state.

When I notice this, I ask myself the question: “Why am I irritable? What do I associate my irritation with?"

And the answers are something like this:

“And this situation has not yet been resolved. And with this it is not yet clear. And I don’t like this situation, but I don’t know yet how to resolve it.” Those. there is some situation that does not suit us. And in this regard, we feel anger, anxiety and other feelings. And all this is manifested by increased irritability.

In general, when I notice my irritability, it tells me that in life at the moment there are many different unpleasant situations for me, which are either in the process of solving, or so far I do not see ways to solve them.

And my irritability is a signal to me that the difficulties now are greater than my strength to cope with it.

That it is important to be more careful with yourself and look for where I can save and restore these forces.

What can I do for this?

1. I understand the reasons and outline a plan of action.

A) It helps a lot to understand the reasons for irritability, if you describe in a notebook or speak on a dictaphone (to a dictaphone for me faster) all the situations that bother me.

And reflect on how I would like each of the situations to end.

And what can I do for this in general and right now.

It would be nice to break these steps into small steps.

This will help you get started.

Because sometimes the strength is now only enough for a small step.

And a big step can cause fear that I will not master it.

And this can stop you from acting altogether.

Further, in these reflections, see the situations in which I already invest a lot of effort, but the result of the desired is still not there.

Or maybe he is, but I would like more.

And again to reflect - this result, which is - am I happy with it?

Is it better than it was before?

If so, then ask myself whether I am ready to further invest my efforts to improve this situation, or maybe it will have to be solved in a different way?

Perhaps I will choose to work in order to change my attitude towards this.

Those. I will learn to look at the situation from a different angle and look for other ways to cope with it.

B) I am also very supportive and helped to find a solution to difficult situations, a conversation with a loved one, in which I can share my experiences related to these unpleasant situations for me.

In this case, I choose those people who will be able to listen to me, will not devalue my experiences, and will not give me advice. I'm glad that I have such people now!

Yes, their opinion on these situations is important to me and I am ready to hear it, but only as their point of view.

This makes it more likely that I will hear them.

And I will have the opportunity to choose the solution myself.

If there is an opportunity to meet in person and hug, then it generally recovers my strength.

2. I save energy. Which things must be done now, and which ones I could postpone or do them partially.

3. I restore strength. Think about how I could organize my life so that I have the opportunity to get enough sleep and get enough and quality rest.

4. I restore strength. To do this, choose what I can do from what gives me joy and pleasure.

It would be nice to have a list of things to do that bring us joy and pleasure.

I have this list. And I can choose from it what I want and have the opportunity to do now.

I will share with you the cases from this list.

Drawing gives me pleasure: both the process itself and the result.

And it is great for helping me get through the anxiety associated with these unresolved situations.

And while I am drawing, I can “see” some options for action in this difficult situation for me.

Or some other aspects related to it.

Or find some other attitude towards her.

Drawing can be free.

I like the pencil drawing technique in which I draw different lines with a simple pencil without interrupting them.

I connect the beginning and end of the line.

And then I paint the resulting sectors with different pencils.

I also like to paint in coloring pages.

There are already sectors there.

You just need to choose the colors of the pencils.

As I draw, I notice how my anxiety can transform into calmness and joy.

It also helps me to regain strength if I watch videos of my favorite artists.

I listen to my favorite music.

Or I watch my favorite humorous programs.

Or you can watch a favorite movie that I enjoy.

Or go for a walk and admire the landscape, the sky.

Or just change the environment from home to another.

This also helps me to regain my strength.

Read a book, dance or sing songs.

Usually, after some of these actions, my strength is restored.

And this gives me the opportunity to look at everything that happens calmly or with joy.

And thanks to the restoration of strength, I have the opportunity to cope with difficult situations.

It would be nice to remember this and restore your strength regularly, without waiting for their depletion.

And it also happens that there is no strength to deal with all this on your own, then I will be glad to help you!

Together with you, we will find ways to restore strength and solutions to difficult situations.

After all, if you have someone with whom to share your feelings about difficulties, then it is much easier to cope with them.

What helps you cope with irritability?

What's on your to-do lists?
