Video: Why Are Some People So Annoying? 2024, April

Let's figure it out from the very beginning.

There is a certain person, let's call him Vasechka. It is Vasechka who walks on this planet, performs some functions, plays his social roles and appears before other people in certain social masks. This is how people around him see and know him. This is his Person (according to Jung). But Vasechka has one more side of it - the shadow (the Shadow archetype according to Jung).

In the Shadow Vasechka put everything that his parents forbade him, and therefore, then he began to forbid it to himself.

In the Shadow are all thoughts and feelings that a person does not accept in himself, this is part of the unconscious and consists of suppressed ideas and weaknesses, their desires, instincts and shortcomings. This is how Vasechka lives with his huge Shadow behind him, which he does not even suspect about.

Often Shadow qualities manifest themselves in a state of alcoholic intoxication and in a dream, when the control of consciousness is reduced, and the unconscious climbs out of the shackles of the controlling mind.

Your desire to stand out, be right, independent, inquisitive, openly express yourself, your emotions and needs - all this was not welcomed by parents, school, etc. Everything "safely" went into the Shadow.

And only half of Vasechka remained, his Person, a kind of gray personality, comfortable to most of those around him, he became comfortable, primitive, boring even to himself and not giving anyone trouble.

The troubles began when Vasechka met Mashechka, and she had these qualities not in the Shadow, she openly expressed them.

And then irritation began to rise! Yes, how dare she express herself fully? How did she allow herself to do this?

I can't, but why can she?

Here it is irritation and anger! Allegedly, these feelings are directed at her, but in fact it is anger AT YOURSELF!

Vasechka was forbidden to be angry in childhood - now he is annoyed by everyone who allows himself, he is forbidden to swear - those who swear are annoying, they are forbidden to ask stupid questions - those who dare to be inquisitive are annoying.

In fact, all these qualities are in him, but they are not recognized, they have no place, therefore they are smeared throughout his life.

And the most interesting thing here is that the world will constantly throw such situations to such a person, he will see "angry" people everywhere. This is his Projection. What he does not accept in himself, he will find it in others, and the Universe will only respond to such a "request" in order to show him that he is himself!

Reasonable question: What to do? How not to get annoyed?

Technique: Give Place.

It is important to catch yourself in a moment of such irritation and ask yourself: What quality of this person annoys me? This is what you do not accept in yourself. Next, you need to say the phrase: "I give this quality (call it) a place in my life." Feel, accept it as a resource and integrate it into your Self.

To give a place is to lower your resistance, to stop fighting the "clay blockhead", to accept and acknowledge. Emptiness is stronger than resistance and struggle. The greater the force of impact, the greater the force of reaction.

The reason lies within you, therefore, you are fighting with yourself and do not accept yourself. And accepting yourself, your current position is the first step to change. If point A is known, then it is easy to construct a vector to point B (what you want to come to).

Now you will manifest this quality only in certain situations, and it will not apply to all activities. Some qualities can be renamed using neuro-semantic code.

For example, dullness in others is annoying.

How can stupidity manifest in my life?

Probably when I learn something new and then it is no longer stupidity, but the ability to get to the bottom of the issue. Its name changes and a Place appears in your life, and it does not come out everywhere, but only where I begin to master something new.

"If you want to learn, be ready to be considered a fool and dumb."


One should not be angry with such people, but thank, since they point to our shadow sides.

It is often difficult to give space, but any practice comes to the rescue that makes the question uncharged and it becomes a resource.

How to quickly accept and give a Place is a matter of the power of intention.

You can do this in 1 minute, or you can do it in 10 sessions or more.

Castaneda said that you can instantly throw anything out of your life, at any time. If you are ready to change now, then there are no barriers, only such changes are not always beneficial to you, and this is a different story.
