I Can Do Everything, I Can Do Everything

Video: I Can Do Everything, I Can Do Everything

Video: I Can Do Everything, I Can Do Everything
Video: "I Can Do Everything He Can Do!" | The Player’s Club | Episode 14 2024, April
I Can Do Everything, I Can Do Everything
I Can Do Everything, I Can Do Everything

Everyone can keep their work done and feel satisfied, and all it takes is knowing the keys to increasing their own productivity.

Certainly you know some recommendations. I'm sure you have studied a lot of materials on the topic of personal effectiveness and even use something. We all tend to use techniques that we have spent our own resources on mastering. At the same time, on the other side of the coin lies the desire to limit ourselves to them, even when they cease to be so effective.

And since we usually stick to the old tactics, we stop looking for new, better ones. We will not modify them, because everything that we have done before will be fine.

I assume you want more than just "it'll do." If you really want to feel like your day was not wasted, that you did your best today, try the following 1 5 smart hacks to improve productivity:

  1. Pomodoro Technique

    You may already have heard of this technique, but the question is, how exactly does it affect productivity. The magic begins after a few repetitions. Once this hack develops into a habit, the ability to concentrate on a task for a certain length of time becomes 10 times better. The technique creates the conditions that immerse you in the task, which is why it is so effective. And if you consider that concentration is already 50% of productivity (the other 50% is actually the very beginning of work), then mastering Pomodoro can become an extremely influential hack in your arsenal of efficiency (If you feel the need and interest in this topic, then the technique itself will be revealed in separate article)

  2. Write down the 3 most important tasks for the day each morning.

    Anxiety about wasted days is one of the most accurate killers of productivity. In order to avoid its detrimental effect, it is necessary to devote a few minutes every morning to prioritizing and determining the TOP-3 tasks of the day. In doing so, be precise in your words and use specific wording. For example, "find a hotel" is not suitable. Instead, write "view and compare hotel prices A, B, C". Such a wording will save you from the tempting Internet surfing.

  3. Set a specific time to check your e-mail

    One of the most dangerous time wasters is checking dozens of letters. And it all starts with one e-mail notification, and it will take 20-30 minutes before you come to your senses. To avoid this, you need to define 2 times a day to check your mail. The most optimal time is before lunch and before the end of the working day. This way, you don't miss out on anything important and don't waste your time during the day.

  4. Learn to refuse

    A lot of people don't know how to say no, but if you really want to boost your productivity, you have to stop letting others fill the airwaves. In fact, for most people, the wording is enough: "I'm busy right now. I'll let you know when I'm free." But if this is your boss, then do the following:

  5. a) Listen to the assignment

    b) Say: "I will gladly do it, just look at it first."

    c) Show him your list of tasks

    d) Say: "What item should I postpone in order to make time for a new one?"

    e) Wait for an answer

    These actions are very close to failure, but most importantly, they maintain an atmosphere of professionalism and responsibility.

  6. Use the 5 minute rule - if a task can be completed in 5 minutes, do it.

    It is inevitable that small tasks will “pop up” during the working day, but don't waste time thinking about whether to complete them or not. Instead, ask yourself if you can complete them in less than 5 minutes. If the answer is yes, do it. If the answer is no, add the task to your to-do list (under the TOP-3 important) and take time for it later.

  7. Use ad blockers

    There are so many fun and entertainment sites on the Internet that have a catastrophic effect on our productivity! Start using ad blockers to be able to work without the threat of sudden pop-up notifications and banners. Just ask Google for the best ad blocker for your browser and install it.

  8. Listen to music

    Music is a wonderful way to stay focused and productive. Since we have different preferences, it makes sense to experiment and find exactly the tracks that suit you. You can also use resources that play out the general background noise. For example, the resource Coffitivity () simulates noise in a cafe, which research () shows increases our productivity.

  9. Use templates (letters, presentations, reports)

    A template is a blanket-type document used for all tasks that are done the same way every time. Do you regularly email reminding employees? So create a template for this. The same is true for presentations or spreadsheets - find or create the template you need and it will save you a lot of time.

  10. "Package" similar tasks

    This method works because you maintain the same attitude and activity level for all tasks included in the "package". For example, food preparation can be complemented by washing dishes, cleaning the stove, etc. And checking mail - with the necessary calls, sending template responses, etc. Always try to combine similar tasks when planning your day. This will make your work flow smoother and less energy consuming.

  11. Use an important / urgent priority matrix (Eisenhower matrix)

    How often, after completing a ton of tasks, do you realize that you essentially haven't done anything meaningful? Then you should try this tool.

  12. Divide all your tasks into 4 categories:

    1) Important / urgent (preparing a presentation for tomorrow)

    2) Important / not urgent (training, working on a presentation for a meeting in a week)

    3) Not important / urgent (replies to SMS, calls)

    4) Not important / not urgent (Internet surfing)

    Important are those tasks that directly affect your standard of living or long-term goals, and urgent ones are those that require immediate action or have deadlines.

    The idea behind this technique is to focus on category 2 (important / not urgent), because it invests in your real and long-term success and does not allow yourself to dive into category 1 (important / urgent).

    This will allow you to focus only on the most important tasks. It will also minimize the likelihood of a build-up of "critical" tasks and prevent the "burnout" that is a consequence of trying to catch up.

  13. Start the day "hard" or "easy" (do hard or easy first)

    What you do in the morning builds the mood for the whole day. There are 2 options:

  14. 1) Complete the hardest task to make everything else seem simple

    2) Do the easiest task first to build some momentum

    The first option will immediately pay off with inspiration, since everything else in comparison with this will be "about nothing". But the second option will help make your job easier by reducing the chances of procrastination. Which choice is most effective for you? I suggest you try both first and see which works best. We are all different, so experimenting here is just right.

  15. Use a "said-done" rule (as soon as a new task arises, schedule a time to process it, and do not postpone it)

    Have you ever said "I'll come back to this later"? Rather yes. Have you returned? More often than not. And then a similar task arose and another, and another.

  16. Such situations are repeated, because we do not add (read - do not write down) tasks to the to-do list, but simply "forget" about them. This happens, as a rule, with unimportant tasks (buy bread, pick up a parcel, clean up in the garage), but if you do not react in time, then we end up with a huge problem in the form of a heap of overdue cases. To avoid this development of the situation, you can simply add each new task to the to-do list and do not have to rely on your memory. The next point will help you with this.

  17. Always keep a notebook and pen "close at hand"

    Memory, as you know, a young lady is unreliable. If you're trying to memorize everything that needs to be done, then by the end of the day, come up with a whole list of unfinished tasks. Don't risk it, write down everything you need to remember. Keep a notepad and pen in your work area, but also don't be afraid to use essential apps on your smartphone. What to entrust your memory to is only your choice.

  18. Use a password manager or sync accounts

    If you actively use the Internet, you need to remember many passwords for different sites. And if you really do this, then you are wasting your psychic energy on what an Internet resource can do for you. Install a password manager so that you no longer waste time and energy remembering or searching for your username and password. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this option in more detail - it really saves in many situations and saves time.

  19. Work close to natural light

    The most important productivity smart hack sounds simple - work near a natural light source (i.e. sunlight). Research shows that exposure to sunlight improves sleep, thereby improving your well-being and, in turn, your levels of productivity. Therefore, if you can, sit closer to the window (ideally - with the ability to open it for ventilation). As a result, you will benefit from improved sleep quality and increased productivity.

Be sure to share this article if you find it helpful. Feel free to share your smart productivity hacks. You can do this in the comments.
