Envy. How To Let Others Fly

Video: Envy. How To Let Others Fly

Video: Envy. How To Let Others Fly
Video: Jealous of someone? Watch this 2024, April
Envy. How To Let Others Fly
Envy. How To Let Others Fly

Perhaps every person in his life has come across envy - a feeling of irritation and annoyance, hostility and hostility, which is caused by the well-being, success and superiority of another person.

Envy is an insidious feeling that can turn the success of another person into a feeling of one's own inferiority, and the joy of another into discontent, resentment, annoyance and anger.

It is always caused by an unmet need for something (love, self-realization, respect, stability, etc.), is always associated with comparing oneself with others.

Envy is expressed more sharply and brighter in those cases when the social distance between the object of envy and the envious person is insignificant. If there is a large difference in age or status between people, then the feeling of envy rarely arises. So, it is more likely that a person will become jealous of his acquaintance (friend, friend, colleague, neighbor, etc.) who bought an apartment than a deputy who bought a villa on the Cote d'Azur.

There are several versions of the emergence of envy. According to one of them, envy is an innate feeling inherent in us at the genetic level, inherited from our ancestors in the process of evolution. The adherents of this theory believe that the envy of people in primitive society pushed them towards self-improvement. For example, a less successful hunter, feeling envy of a successful one, tried to make himself a more perfect weapon, come up with a more cunning plan of how to lure his prey into a trap, and in the end he succeeded. This theory views envy as a resource and deals with the so-called "white envy".

More widespread is the theory that envy is a lack of resources ("black envy"). According to her, the manifestation of envy in a person arises in the process of social life, as a result of incorrect approaches to raising a child. When parents begin, for instructive purposes, to compare their child with other children, more "successful" (obedient, educated, smart, courageous, etc.), so that their child hears everything, they sow in him a grain of envy, from which in the future, the corresponding fruits grow. Such an adult's demand "be different" encourages the child to give up his desires and curiosity, and he begins to think that he has neither ambition nor resources to achieve anything. He seems to give up his internal energy, endowing it with other people, clutching at the installation: "he has what I do not have."

According to this theory, the cure for envy is to find and use your own resources to meet your needs. Only when a person realizes his potential can envy be transformed into admiration for those who have already succeeded in doing it. In the desire to learn from them, instead of mentally trying to destroy for the courage to follow your path.

Another way to get rid of envy is offered by one of the philosophical ideas that goes back to the ancient wisdom of Huna, the original teaching of Hawaiian shamans-kahuns (guardians of the secret). This philosophy is based on the power of gratitude.


When you see a person living in a posh home, bless that person and bless their home.

When you see a person in an expensive car, bless that person and bless his car.

When you see a person with a wonderful family, bless that person and bless his family.

After all, if instead of this we begin to hate and envy someone's successes and achievements, we close in ourselves the possibility of possessing this.

By blessing what we want, we give him a pass into our life, even if we do not yet have it.
