What To Do In A New Life Situation?

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Video: What To Do In A New Life Situation?

Video: What To Do In A New Life Situation?
Video: THE CHOICE (Short Animated Movie) 2024, April
What To Do In A New Life Situation?
What To Do In A New Life Situation?

How to find the right goal for yourself in the new financial crisis? Again, I suggest you refer to the experience of the German psychologist Klaus Fopel.

  1. The fact is that all our goals initially arise in the subconscious, i.e. are not recognized by us. Psychologists are sure that if you have a question, then you already know the answer, but do not yet realize it. Otherwise, this question is irrelevant for you (not significant). There is a big secret hidden here - if you correctly program your subconscious mind to solve the desired problem, then it will not only tell us the correct answer in the form of insight (insight - a sudden understanding of relationships and situations in general, unrelated to past experience, through which a meaningful solution to the problem is achieved) or lucid dreaming. Our subconscious mind will begin to direct our behavior in such a way that the necessary events and people themselves will be attracted to us. And this is not mysticism, but a scientifically explainable process. The subconscious mind will build our behavior in such a way that this miracle will be possible without the intervention of gurus, psychologists and other specialists. LEARNING to correctly program my subconscious mind to solve problems and achieve the desired goal.
  2. Our goals are constantly changing as soon as we find ourselves in a different life situation. Existentialists (such a trend in philosophy) glorify crisis situations (the more global, the better) for the reason that it is the crisis that gives a person the opportunity to rethink (or just think) about the purpose of his existence.

- And this is good! - the existentialists assure.

- But not always pleasant - I will add. And this "unpleasant" can go almost to physical suffering and despair. And in order to find a way out, you have to learn that yesterday (before the crisis) I held on to certain conventions and illusions, which today I must say goodbye to forever, having started life from scratch. LEARNING to go into a new reality with new rules.

  1. To realize a new life goal, you need to recharge yourself with a good portion of love of life and optimism about your future, even if you have to use willpower. Of course, when you want to eat, and there are small children at home and it is not clear where to get the money, philosophy rests. But at this difficult moment, I propose to say goodbye to all thoughts of bad things. The state "I feel bad" is a hopeless impasse and this must be learned once and for all if we dream of getting out of this impasse someday. We replace “I feel bad” with “I will definitely find a way out of the situation”! LEARNING to be guided exclusively by an adult (emotionally mature) model of behavior
  2. When learning to work with goals, you always need to start with individual goals in order to learn from them to move to professional goals. In other words, as long as chaos, confusion and inconsistency reign in our personal life in relation to goals, then it is these states that we will broadcast in our team - chaos, confusion and inconsistency. And this is exactly what can finally finish off our business in the near future. In other words, "We think one thing, say another, do the third, but it turns out what happens." How does it manifest in life? Have you ever done something, suddenly realize that you, excuse me, do not need the result, but you wanted to get something completely different? LEARN to start changes from myself in order to change the world around.

And one more thing. When learning to work with goals, it is important to learn how to do this work within a certain period of time. Therefore, do not be distracted by extraneous matters.

Game "Seasons"

There is no bad weather, Every weather is grace.

Is it rain, snow - any time of the year

We must accept it gratefully."

Eldar Ryazanov

In spring life awakens, in summer it blooms in full force, autumn is a time to reap the fruits, winter is a time of rest or a chance to die. And again spring …

Our life also periodically goes through these stages. What's the secret?

Those of us who dream of reaping the rewards of our lives find peace in the end.

Those of us who dream of pleasure and eternal bloom are doomed to fully experience the bitterness of change.

Now take a blank sheet of paper (preferably a notebook or exercise book) and a pen for writing and make 2 lists.

The first list is "Winter - Autumn" of 5 items. This is a list of what is gradually changing in your life, but does not disappear altogether (weakens and dies, loses its significance and becomes a thing of the past): this might be. friendship or work, some kind of feeling or marriage, internal position or philosophy of life, political views, etc. Spend no more than 8 minutes on this work.

The second list is "Spring - Summer" of 5 items. This is something that is at the very beginning and stage of formation, but can become a full-fledged part of your life. It only appears or returns again, gaining importance and significance. Is it a new friendship, a growing interest in something, or a desire to do something? You have 8 minutes to compile this list.

Now say goodbye to the first list and put it aside - realize that it is no longer worth wasting time on this!

From the second list, select only one, the most interesting for you, item - now only he deserves attention.

Describe the history of its formation in your workbook, spending no more than 2 minutes to answer each question:

- when did this interest arise?

- how exactly did it appear?

- what helps its formation?

- what prevents its formation?

- can this become an important life goal for you?

- what exactly do you need to do in order to tune in to achieve this goal?

- imagine that this goal has been achieved and close your eyes. Start a mental film about how your life will change when this goal is completed:

1. what do you see? (imagine a picture)

2. what do you hear? (include voiceovers for your movie)

3. How do you feel about this future? (listen to your feelings).

Game "Poverty, Wealth and the Lord God"

1st series. Imagine that you woke up in the morning alone in an empty apartment, the streets are also empty - no people, no cars. You try to call your relatives, friends and acquaintances - but no one answers. Turn on the TV (radio) and hear a constantly repeating text that as a result of an alien invasion, about half of the planet's population disappeared within one night. You go to work and find out that your colleagues and managers are also among the missing. (Try to answer each question within 1 minute)

- What will you do first?

- Describe what actions you will take next?

- What plans will you build in this situation?

- What will you change?

- What of your property will you save even at the cost of tremendous efforts?

- What habits can you not give up?

- What are you willing to sacrifice in order to preserve these habits?

- What new opportunities will this situation open for you?

- What could be your chance?

- What are you going to think about?

- How will you feel?

2nd series. Imagine that someone is ringing at your door. You open - this is the postman from whom you receive the letter. The letter was drawn up by a notary from the United States, in it you are notified of the existence of a distant relative, about whom you did not know anything. Your relative saw you only once before his emigration, and you don't even remember this meeting from your childhood. Since the recently deceased relative did not have a family and children, he leaves you as his heir. So, you got a small factory, 7 large commercial and residential centers and a decent bank account. (Try to answer each question within 1 minute)

- What will you do first?

- Describe what actions you will take next?

- What plans will you build in this situation?

- What will you change?

- What of your property will you keep?

- What habits can you not give up?

- What new opportunities will this situation open for you?

- What could be your chance?

- What are you going to think about?

- How will you feel?

3rd series. In the evening, a bell rings at your door. You open - there are three wandering monks on the doorstep. They tell you that they have received a heavenly sign that the Son of God has come down to earth again. This is you (even if you are not a man) and nothing is impossible for you. They train you to use their extraordinary power and go into the night. (Try to answer each question within 1 minute)

- What will you do first?

- Describe what actions you will take next?

- What plans will you build in this situation?

- What will you change?

- What of your property will you keep?

- What habits can you not give up?

- What are you willing to sacrifice in order to preserve these habits?

- What new opportunities will this situation open for you?

- What could be your chance?

- What new will you create to make this world a better place?

- What are you going to think about?

- How will you feel?


Now, please go back to the real situation and answer:

- What do you want to change in your life?

- What are your goals that really seem significant to you?

- How can you change your life plans?

Larisa Dubovikova - psychologist, business coach.
