When You Do Not Fulfill Your Purpose, You Are Committing A Crime Against The Universe

Video: When You Do Not Fulfill Your Purpose, You Are Committing A Crime Against The Universe

Video: When You Do Not Fulfill Your Purpose, You Are Committing A Crime Against The Universe
Video: КРАСИВЫЙ И ЭСТЕТИЧНЫЙ ФИЛЬМ! СМОТРЕТЬ ВСЕМ! Сердце следователя. Русская Мелодрама 2024, April
When You Do Not Fulfill Your Purpose, You Are Committing A Crime Against The Universe
When You Do Not Fulfill Your Purpose, You Are Committing A Crime Against The Universe

Imagine an apple. An ordinary, big, beautiful, tasty apple. Have you presented? Now tell me: what is the main function (purpose) of an apple?

Probably to please someone with your great taste. Of course, you can draw a still life from an apple, and use it in a children's craft and use it instead of a ball. All in all, a million different options. But, whatever one may say, the main purpose of an apple is to benefit a person (maybe not a person, but a hamster, for example). And the benefits can be different - from positive emotions to saving someone from hunger. But the bottom line is that the apple will be eaten sooner or later. And this is its purpose.

In order for the apple to “fulfill its purpose”, nature has endowed the apple with a certain shape, color and content:

  • it is beautiful and appetizing;
  • it contains a lot of vitamins;
  • it is tough and helps to brush off food debris from the teeth after eating (as dentists say).

And what happens to an apple if there are no people willing to eat it? Most likely it will rot. Or, if we speak in pompous language, it will die without realizing its main purpose. It's a shame, of course, but it happens sometimes. And if the apple has its own "purpose" (as well as any object in this world), then what can we say about people …

And with a person, in fact, the same thing …

Yes, everyone has 2 legs, 2 arms, a head and all the major vital organs. But, besides this, nature has endowed each of you (yes - yes, everyone) with some "additional options". What are these "options"? This includes our:

  • talents;
  • capabilities;
  • inclinations.

And don't say that you have nothing like that. There is! You just forgot about it. Or they buried them in the depths of their souls, putting a sign "it doesn't matter" on top.

The fact is that along with talents and abilities, we have the energy for their realization. What happens to what is not used? That's right, it dies. In the case of energy that does not find a way out, it begins to destroy a person from the inside. This can manifest itself in different ways and at different levels - from dissatisfaction with life to serious illness.

Now imagine how it looks from the side of the Universe …

She gave you life, endowed you with talents and characteristics, so that you, by realizing them, make the world better and more harmonious, and benefit other people. And you don’t do all this. For some reason …

What happens next?

There are usually 2 main scenarios that unfold here:

  1. Because a person is "useless" for the world, then he begins to die slowly. Let not physically, but psychologically exactly.
  2. The universe drives a person into a situation of hopelessness. And then such conditions are created that a person becomes "forced" to do this.

For example, he loses his job.

And the longer a person “resists,” the more severe conditions he is driven into. So that now he will definitely do what is destined for him.

Why is this happening? A short example. Imagine that you have invested money in a startup. The project manager promises you 20% of the monthly income in six months. Six months, a year, a year and a half pass … You understand that something is going wrong. Income - zero. Your actions? At the very least, try to return the investment. As a maximum - invested with interest. As a super maximum - invested with interest plus compensation for moral damage.

What is the connection with talent? Straight! Talents and abilities are investments that are given to each of us by nature. What happens if you don't use them you already know …

And in conclusion, a couple more questions:

1) Can an apple affect whether it is eaten or not?

2) Can a person influence whether he realizes his talents or not?
