Making An Effort And Committing Violence Against Yourself - What's The Difference?

Video: Making An Effort And Committing Violence Against Yourself - What's The Difference?

Video: Making An Effort And Committing Violence Against Yourself - What's The Difference?
Video: protect yourself 2024, April
Making An Effort And Committing Violence Against Yourself - What's The Difference?
Making An Effort And Committing Violence Against Yourself - What's The Difference?

To make EFFORT and to commit VIOLENCE against oneself are two different things! There are difficulties and resistance, it happens that it does not work out immediately and quickly, and of course, if you make an effort, you can come to the desired result. But, sometimes it does not help, it is not possible to carry out the plan.

What should I do next?

The paths diverge. One of them is to stop and listen to yourself. Analyze the situation. If you find a lack of resources - effort, time, money, skills, experience and support, then think about how you can solve this issue. If you manage to organize the necessary, you can try to move on. And if not, then admit that moving forward is impossible at this particular moment in life, and postpone the matter for a while.

But you can still and still try, push and … rape yourself. To do this, you need to get rid of self-sensitivity, backing your actions with the “right” motivation, which will help you to be tolerant of violence: “You have to be patient. It’s nothing that I don’t like. Who said it would be easy? There is no word WANT, there is the word SHOULD. It doesn't work because you're just lazy. You are now missing out on opportunities and then you will regret or be guilty."

Moreover, violence is the path to joy and freedom. "Now you will pull yourself together, you will do everything, and it will be fine!" Who will feel good after this? Maybe good, but at what cost? It's worth it?

How do I know if I am still making healthy efforts or already committing violence?

The answer must be sought in the feelings that accompany the action and after it. In the effort, in addition to discomfort, the joy of overcoming and pleasure is retained. And in violence there is disgust, a sense of use, resentment, and loneliness. It is important to define these criteria for yourself.

Efforts can be both super-efforts and superhuman efforts, the main thing is that all participants agree. In the event that the stronger and more confident part guarantees full support and protection of the vulnerable part. If there is cooperation between the strongest and the weakest link. And violence is when someone is against, but his opinion is not taken into account at all!

You can expect, of course, compassion from the rapist, so that he stops his actions, but it is safer if the victim dares to declare himself and say: “STOP! I don’t want to and I won’t do it!"

Physical abuse is easy to see, but psychological abuse is more difficult. And it is even more difficult when this action takes place inside the person himself. Those who are accustomed to such an attitude will automatically continue to do the same with themselves. It is important to notice and stop the process of psychological abuse! And start treating yourself carefully and carefully. With warmth, care and love!
