How To Find Your Purpose Or What To Spend Your Life Time On?

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Video: How To Find Your Purpose Or What To Spend Your Life Time On?

Video: How To Find Your Purpose Or What To Spend Your Life Time On?
Video: How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu 2024, April
How To Find Your Purpose Or What To Spend Your Life Time On?
How To Find Your Purpose Or What To Spend Your Life Time On?

How to find your purpose, what to do in life? How to make it so that the business in which you invest your time, strength and energy brings satisfaction, reveals and improves abilities, skills and talents, qualitatively improves life. What do you need to do to feel happy and fulfilled in life? How to find for yourself the activity that will truly begin to bring joy and spiritual satisfaction?

Quite often, you can see people who do not like what they are doing, they do not bring inner satisfaction, their activity takes too much of their life. A person spends the time of his life on the knurled, day after day - gray everyday life flickers, instead of doing something real and worthwhile.

In place of this, life seems dull, boring and meaningless. And at the same time - the presence of laziness and lack of motivation, since it is corny that there is no understanding of the goal for the sake of which I would like to do something, and it kindled to action.

Not understanding your vocation, almost always leads to the fact that a person is forced to work at a job he does not like, simply not seeing an alternative to this. And inside there is a stable feeling that life time is wasting, the boundaries of possibilities do not expand in any way. And although work does bring money, it does not bring the most important thing - true spiritual satisfaction.

How to be and what to do with all this?

It is necessary to find something that will "attract" you, to motivate - to energize the soul and body. Something that will allow you to literally find yourself in this life given to you. Something that will clarify the understanding of what your purpose really is. And in order to find for yourself the activity that truly begins to bring you joy and spiritual satisfaction, for a basic understanding, we will consider here what is very well described in the Japanese Ikigai system.

According to the original model for it (the real life of a real person), the basis of what sets the constant vitality (the desire to live and act, going beyond), are four “foundations, which can be briefly defined as follows:

- I love to do

- I know how to do

- They pay for it

- People need it.

IKIGAI model 生 き 甲 斐, "meaning of life":


Ikigai may be present with you not only in work, but also in relationships, love / family, sex, material well-being and even simply in health: its acquisition and preservation, as it were, is guaranteed by the “ikigai” ideal: passion and involvement in life through a specific its hypostasis or aspect. Because if in the same work (take it as an example) there are only two of the four listed, you have the following, clearly incomplete:

I love to do and I can do - Passion

I can do it and they pay well for it - Career

It pays well for it and people need it - Service

I love to do and people need it - Mission

I love to do and they pay well for it - Hobby

I know how to do it and people need it - Vocation.

If you have not two, but three matches in the chosen type of activity, then you are in luck. Because this slightly magical "three" no longer sets your internal, but much more external your well-being: The nature of life in this version of reality:


So it turns out that in order to find the ideal of life, it is necessary that the “table” of her (life) be on all four of its legs … Any of you can easily determine what he has, well, let again in the same work … And it is just as easy to find out what he lacks in it in order to make the necessary changes in this sphere of his being.

What and how to do?

Let's sort out in order what options are there:

1 The normal option is when you proceed from the present and the existing, making changes, so to speak, within the same work, without changing it itself.

2 The cardinal option is when you just start everything, so to speak, with a clean slate, changing everything that has been for something that has not yet happened.

1 Normal option

In essence, it is the implementation of a rather strange (at first glance) Buddhist saying “If you don’t like your job, try to love what you do”. That is, we are talking here about changing this kind of subjective approach to activity. In which you, having changed yourself and your perception, are able to discover new, missing sides of the existing work. That, in principle, it is possible (how else would there be nerds and workaholics?), But this requires certain knowledge of skills and abilities that are rather difficult to describe here, this is still an article.

2 Cardinal option

Firstly, the acceptance and understanding that, once having chosen a certain path, you are not obliged to follow it until the end of your life, but on the contrary, you are simply obliged to periodically review and change it (otherwise you will simply lose the freshness of perception and liveliness). And secondly, you need to work on identifying your own life meaning according to the algorithm below:

  1. Write down everything you know how to do - down to the smallest detail;
  2. Cross out from this list everything that you, being able to do, do not like;
  3. Cross off from this list what is not being paid for (for you);
  4. What is left should be of benefit to people (delete everything useless and harmful);
  5. What is left, write it down on a separate sheet and think:

- what area of life (health, relationships, money, etc.) does this apply to?

- what Big Game, moreover, can or will be carried out?

- what professional or social role can you take in this case?

- in what professional field can this be done?

- what do you need to master it?

- when do you plan to start and when to finish?

Well, if the above was not enough, there is a specialized program that helps to linearly solve the problem with the purpose: “ SEARCH AND DEFINITION OF MISSION AND PURPOSE . Make the right choices in life, you have one and what to spend it on is up to you.

That's all. Until next time. Sincerely Dmitry Poteev.
