The Main Secret Of Women Who Are Loved Seriously And For A Long Time

Video: The Main Secret Of Women Who Are Loved Seriously And For A Long Time

Video: The Main Secret Of Women Who Are Loved Seriously And For A Long Time
The Main Secret Of Women Who Are Loved Seriously And For A Long Time
The Main Secret Of Women Who Are Loved Seriously And For A Long Time

How often lately we hear accusations of women in commercialism. Men say that women have become very calculating, so it is simply impossible to find a normal wife. I strongly disagree with this. Yes, there are certainly such women, but, oddly enough, they can perfectly arrange their personal lives. And many of them are married, and not for the first time.

In my practice, I most often come across the fact that a girl who cannot build a strong relationship just does not know how, does not allow herself to receive signs of attention, support, gifts from a man.

There may be several reasons for this:

1) Parental attitudes: "A woman should be proud," "You have to pay for everything," etc.

2) The woman’s uncertainty that she deserves it. Lack of confidence in oneself, in one's own attractiveness, in personal qualities.

3) The woman is not used to being taken care of and being given attention. She simply has no such experience. Therefore, in a relationship with a man, she does not know how to react to the manifestation of care, this does not fit into her usual picture of the world, which means that she can cause anxiety and expectation of some kind of catch.

4) Desire to be comfortable for a man: “Unlike others, I don’t need anything from him,” which, as a rule, is also a consequence of self-doubt.

5) Unconscious desire to compete with a man's mother or the desire to literally replace his mother: excessive custody and care.

6) The desire of a woman to play the role of a man in a couple herself: to constantly be the first to give gifts, to protect, control a man.

Women who are loved and appreciated by men, with whom they build strong relationships and whom they value, enable a man to feel like a man next to them, that is, to show his main masculine qualities: to be a protector, a breadwinner, a donor, that is, to be strong for a woman, to be giving … For this, a woman must be hostotherwise the energy balance in the pair will be disturbed.

How often to the question: "What to give you?" the woman replies: “I don’t need anything,” and then she takes offense that the man literally took her words or made a purely symbolic gift. Men, even the smartest ones, tend not to take hints. They just work that way, and the point is not at all that they are callous and insensitive. Women are much better able to guess the desires of another person, they have better developed intuition, since nature intended that a woman should feel the desires and needs of a child who cannot yet speak. A man is a protector, he still needs these qualities less.

Therefore, it will be much easier and more pleasant for a man to make a gift to a woman if he does not need to guess, and even at the risk of offending a woman in case of a mistake. If you want sneakers instead of perfume, say so!

It happens that women scold their men for spending money on flowers for them. But after all, giving presents to your woman is one of the greatest joys for a normal man!

Let your men be your protectors, help them feel strong next to you, accept support, attention and gifts with love and gratitude.

You deserve all the best, just allow yourself to be weak at least sometimes, allow yourself accept, and you will see how much your men want to give you - love, strength, energy, gifts!

Author: Gorshkova Maria Alekseevna
