Accept Or Endure: What's The Difference?

Video: Accept Or Endure: What's The Difference?

Video: Accept Or Endure: What's The Difference?
Video: ACCEPT vs EXCEPT 🤔| What's the difference? | Learn with examples 2024, April
Accept Or Endure: What's The Difference?
Accept Or Endure: What's The Difference?

Lord, give me peace of mind to accept what I cannot change

courage - to change what I can, and wisdom - always to distinguish the first from the second.

This prayer for peace of mind is known to many. In Russia, she became famous in the 70s of the last century thanks to the translation of the novel by Kurt Vonnegut "Slaughterhouse Number Five, or the Children's Crusade."

The American theologian and priest Reinhold Niebuhr first recorded this prayer in a 1934 sermon. She has become widely known since 1941, when it was pronounced by one person at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous - the organization included her in the Twelve Steps program.

It seems that everything is clear, but at the reception I often notice that any thoughts and words about acceptance cause resistance in most people.

Acceptance is steadfastly associated with lowered hands and inaction. If I accept what is happening, then it’s as if I refuse to change and agree that my whole life will be in suffering, and this is my lot.

  • "What do you want to say, I must be silent and endure all this?"
  • "I am not used to accepting everything, I will fight to the end",
  • "How can injustice be accepted?"

- these are the most common responses to the thought of acceptance.

Acceptance does not mean resignation to fate. This is not passivity or a tactic to let things go by themselves. To accept is to stop fighting, fighting and condemning what is happening and instead realize what is happening right now.

This is not a reaction "God, why do I need this horror?" and not the exclamation “Why does this always happen to me ?!”. And it’s not at all “I’m a loser, I won’t succeed!”.

Acceptance is the realization that exactly what happened has happened.

Only when we are aware, we gain experience, can draw conclusions and use them in order to change our life.

Acceptance helps you see what is happening from different perspectives. It is the vision of the situation from all sides that contributes to a change in the situation. Denial of what is happening, attempts to fight, lead to the unwinding of negative emotions and, as a result, exhaustion - emotional and physical.

