Why Is The Body Sick?

Video: Why Is The Body Sick?

Video: Why Is The Body Sick?
Video: The surprising reason you feel awful when you're sick - Marco A. Sotomayor 2024, October
Why Is The Body Sick?
Why Is The Body Sick?

Hello everyone 👋🏻

Our body …

Everyone takes it in their own way:

-For someone this is a house for the soul

-For someone a means of transportation through life

-For someone a tool to achieve their goals

🌱But absolutely for everyone it is a screen that broadcasts the inner state of a person

The inner state is something that cannot be touched and seen, but can be felt through the body.

💥The body never cheats, but do you know why?

Because it does not know how to do it, as the mind can do, although its deception is always for the good too.

💥All processes that occur in our body are built like a clock, like a regulated mechanism that receives a command from the brain, and there information comes from the soul, from our perception of the world

💥And if some emotion, reaction to the situation was ignored, forbidden, not lived through and postponed for later, and it's good if “for later” it's not a couple of decades, the body starts to beep about it. At first quietly, through mild symptoms, then stronger through recurring pains, and if even after these hints a person ignores, then of course the body begins to "scream" 🗣

Psychosomatics you will say, and you will be right in part.

Why is the body sick?

🍀In order for us to learn to hear ourselves, understand and accept our essence

🍀In order to live in a new way, the emotions forbidden by our parents, society, could not do this with their children

🍀In order for us to continue to develop and go through pain to recovery, become closer to the knowledge that was laid in us by nature

🍀 And undoubtedly for everyone this "cry" will be about his own, but always and for everyone in a single understandable language - in the "body language"

🤗Do not neglect your body, do not heal the symptom, have the courage to understand the root cause, react in time, accept help and do not be afraid to ask and be interested.

Change the question to the space "For what?" to the question "For what?" and you yourself will be pleasantly surprised by the answer 🙏
