The Practice Of Restoring Inalienable Psychological Rights. Continuing The Previous Article

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Video: The Practice Of Restoring Inalienable Psychological Rights. Continuing The Previous Article

Video: The Practice Of Restoring Inalienable Psychological Rights. Continuing The Previous Article
The Practice Of Restoring Inalienable Psychological Rights. Continuing The Previous Article
The Practice Of Restoring Inalienable Psychological Rights. Continuing The Previous Article

…To be youreself; manifest; feel what you feel; think what you think; promote your interests; make free, independent choices, and so on, in a similar vein. These rights (although they are automatically bequeathed by society and fate) are often violated, blocked and taken away by the wrong influence of childhood. But through psychological practices, these inalienable personal freedoms can be returned to oneself. So my practice …

The practice of returning inalienable psychological rights

1. Imagine in front of you the image of a sacred spiritual judge who, in a special, solemn atmosphere (very soon, right now), will return your legal (once taken away or violated) rights to you.

2. Imagine the image of the honorary legal representative vividly and distinctly. The judge is behind the podium. He is dressed in a judge's robe. On the head is a cocked hat. He is endowed with special judicial power. His verdicts are indestructible. His decisions are significant and powerful.

3. You are opposite the judge. It is best to imagine yourself at 18 years of age. At the age when, according to the law, you become independent, free from anyone's care, independent, separate person. Have you presented? Ok … Let's move on …

4. Prepare a special judicial roll of your individual rights, which for some reason are still being infringed upon. Take the time to do it. Think over and register these rights.

5. Identify yourself with the legal representative of the authorities and, with absolute conviction of the accepted judicial verdict, read out to the person opposite the scroll of the rights returned to him. It might look something like this …

Referee: “Dear plaintiff, at this solemn moment of your personal history, I, with undeniable confidence in my decision, return you your legal rights and freedoms in order to improve the quality of your life. Take it and use it! I'll read the entire list.

- I give you back your right to be yourself-real.

- I return to you your right to show your true nature, and not someone else's instructions to be.

- I return to you your right to feel what you feel (and not what you are told to feel).

- I return to you your right to think what you think (and not what you are prescribed to think).

- I return to you your right to openly express your opinion (and not hide it, pretending and drowning in lies).

- I return to you your right to live freely, without being prejudiced by anyone.

- I return to you your right to exercise your own (and not prescribed by someone) choice.

- I return to you your right to self-determination.

- I return to you your right to self-realization.

- I give you back your right to promote your interests.

- I return to you your right to live in harmony with yourself, to be happy."

And so on and so forth…

6. Having read the scroll, the judge transfers to the petitioner his legal rights and freedoms. (In the practice of playing, he puts on the chair opposite - the one where the imaginary you are).

7. Move to a different role position. Become yourself 18 years old. Accept the Scroll of Transferable Positions. Assign your legal rights and freedoms to yourself. You have received a long-awaited, significant document that will change a lot in your life.

8. Thank the judge. Say your answer. It might look like this …

Plaintiff: “Dear judge, I sincerely thank you for such an important participation in my life. You gave me freedom and opened up significant opportunities that give well-being and comfort to an independent person! And now, at this momentous moment in my life, I solemnly promise you, myself and God within myself to confidently use these new powers for the good of myself and the world! Thanks!"

9. Explore this scroll from the role-playing position of yourself-present. Give him a place of honor in your personal space. Come back to it again and again until the positions written in it become an organic part of your matured "I".

Thus, we symbolically return to ourselves those significant rights and freedoms that define our independent (in contrast to the previous child status) position and position, moving us into the zone of psychological adulthood and contributing to happy (harmonious with us) realizations in life. Through this symbolic initiation into adulthood, we confidently move on to an independent path in our life, taking personal responsibility and care for it.

/ The author of this publication is a professional psychologist Alena Viktorovna Blishchenko. /
