Illusions As An Escape From Reality And Pain As Payment For The Opportunity To Live In The Present

Video: Illusions As An Escape From Reality And Pain As Payment For The Opportunity To Live In The Present

Video: Illusions As An Escape From Reality And Pain As Payment For The Opportunity To Live In The Present
Video: INZO - Overthinker 2024, April
Illusions As An Escape From Reality And Pain As Payment For The Opportunity To Live In The Present
Illusions As An Escape From Reality And Pain As Payment For The Opportunity To Live In The Present

Illusions attract us because they relieve pain

and as a substitute they bring pleasure.

For this, we must accept without complaint that when

Illusions collide with a piece of reality

they are smashed to smithereens …"

Sigmund Freud

Illusions - our usual safe haven from a terrible unjust world - are very much needed in early childhood, when there are many questions, when there are many unknown and inexplicable, many fears. With the help of illusions during this period, the psyche protects itself from a strange and cruel reality.

But, during growing up, when the sphere of awareness expands and our ideas about the world around us, when knowledge about ourselves and the surrounding reality accumulates, reality no longer seems incomprehensible and scary, but on the contrary, it becomes interesting and exciting for living.

It is then, ideally, that illusions should dissipate with the “wind of change”, “sink into oblivion”, break into small pieces, falling into the abyss over which rye is growing.

But it often happens differently: we until the end, ignoring all possible rational beliefs, hold on to our illusions, like a lifeline, which should protect us from pain when faced with a difficult reality.

That is why in our adult life, in our adult relationships, we bring particles of our ideal world, where “everything is simple and familiar”, because it is composed exclusively of our ideas and laws about how it should be. But these ideas are very different from the laws of reality.

What can you do in order not to ruin your life in vain expectations, living in an illusory, invented world?

“In fairy tales, good, after a grueling struggle, always triumphs over evil. Well, that's what fairy tales are for. In reality, more often than not, everything ends the other way around and people with pain gradually lose the illusions planted in their childhood with the help of fairy tales,”Ali Apsheroni wrote.

Illusions, nevertheless, sooner or later break against reality: when a person is no longer able to hold them back, for rational laws are firm and unshakable; or when the illusory perception of the world already begins to threaten some aspects of survival; or when someone repeatedly steps on their "rake", until they have stuffed their forehead hard enough, begins to realize that something is wrong here and finally takes off their "rose-colored glasses".

And real happiness when you manage to remove these "rose-colored glasses" yourself!

Because often they still break on reality, irreconcilable with illusions … And, as you know, they break glass inside …

It is intolerable, terrible and, at first glance, intolerable when you go out, as if naked, on the piercing winds of common sense, rationality after a quiet, calm, warm harbor of an illusory world.

These winds uproot everything that we so enthusiastically held for years, carry our carefully and troublesome castles in the air far, far beyond the sky, blow away completely illusory oases in the deserts of our souls.

And then a fearful but logical question arises, "What's next?"

And then: pain … Unbearable terrible pain …

But at this very moment it is important not to turn back, not to allow yourself to escape again to that cherished safe, but not real world.

It is at this moment that it is important to live and experience everything that needs to be lived and experienced.

Because this living is a new discovery of everything hidden about our real life. And this experience is a movement forward through pain, through powerlessness, through disappointment to our real life, and to ourselves, the way we could always be and what we will be when we trust this authenticity, which we have been hiding from ourselves for so long …

The pain will pass … The wounds will heal …

Over time, we will no longer feel naked without our illusory ideas about the world and life. Gradually, we will learn to choose appropriate clothes for the weather.

And again the world will shine with rainbow colors of happiness, inspiration, love, faith and hope.

But all this will already be many times fuller, deeper and more beautiful! Because it will be real!

And somewhere there we will all find our real harbor, quiet and safe … And it will be like returning home …
