What Difficulties Do Parents Of Two-year-olds Face?

Video: What Difficulties Do Parents Of Two-year-olds Face?

Video: What Difficulties Do Parents Of Two-year-olds Face?
What Difficulties Do Parents Of Two-year-olds Face?
What Difficulties Do Parents Of Two-year-olds Face?
  1. Constant “I don’t want, I will not”. Proof that the child has desires. Advice: You can offer your child a choice without a choice: will you be a banana or a pear? what jersey will you wear blue or yellow? This is his desire, he himself chose, and not imposed on him. Thus, the child will feel his own importance and that his opinion is taken into account.
  2. "He achieves everything with tears, freaks out for any reason, is capricious" … Ask yourself a question: do I hear him, do I understand when he asks for something without tears? It is important for a child, like an adult, to defend their boundaries, to defend their interests. Sometimes, adults only hear him when he screams or cries. Advice: Never forbid crying! Since he is crying, there is a reason, caress, hug, calm down. Make it clear that even now you love him. Then calmly ask: what does he want?
  3. "He achieves his goal with a wild, piercing screech, and arranges recumbent strikes." Thus, the child checks the limits of what is permitted, tries to manipulate. Advice: If you decide NO, then a firm NO. It is worth once to follow the child's lead and, in response to his screeching or lying strike, give the desired, this will be constant behavior. He will know - that this is the way to achieve what he wants. But, if he realizes that in this way he will not achieve his goal, this behavior will not be repeated.
  4. "The word CANNOT understand, categorically does not accept any CANNOT" … Indeed, children often react negatively to prohibitions, especially to the word DON'T. Put yourself in the child's shoes if we can't talk all the time? how does it feel? Advice: There should be few bans, only those that are really NOT (touching the stove, hitting mom in the face). But these prohibitions must be permanent and never canceled, even as an exception. If you prohibit something, then be sure to explain why it is NOT POSSIBLE? Notice in what tone you pronounce this word? The child will get used to these prohibitions, they are adequate, understandable for him. In other cases, replace the word DO NOT with another, for example, DANGER. And use positive constructs more often. For example, an apple has fallen to the floor, the child wants to pick it up and eat it. instead of CANNOT APPLE - take a banana, a dirty apple.
  5. "They settled in their arms again." At 1 year old, the child separates from the mother, begins to move independently, then he ceases to like the separation, because the mother can also leave, so they settle in their arms. Advice: Ask yourself a question? Am I paying enough attention to my child? Attention must be of high quality! You can be with your child all day, but at the same time - telephone, internet, TV - and there is practically no attention to the child. Is physical contact enough? Hug the child, pet, indulge. Then he will be sure that his mother is there, and there will be no need to hold on to her once again, hang in his arms.
  6. “You have to do everything yourself: put on your shoes, get dressed. Any attempt to help is accompanied negatively. " A great time to instill the quality of independence in your child! Advice: Encourage any attempt to do something yourself and praise! Be sure to ask if you can help him. In order not to rush the child, start getting ready for a walk a little earlier, for example. The next step to growing up is when the child realizes that he cannot cope and asks for help himself. Now we only help when he asks for it. Trying to do everything for the child, we are doing him a disservice. First, we teach that they will do everything for him (what will it be like for him in kindergarten?). Secondly, we suggest that he cannot cope on his own, that he is incapable.
  7. "Began to be greedy." The child begins to understand that there is someone else's and there is mine. And he, like any adult, does not always want to give his own. Advice: It is up to the child to decide whether to share or not. These are his things, toys, he is their owner. Do not put pressure on him or shame in any way. If you decide to share, be sure to praise. If they share with him, please note that the kid shared the toy with him, how great and pleasant it is.
  8. "Has become very constant: without a panama and will not go for a walk, look for a panama and that's it" … For children, consistency in everything from regimen to clothing is of great importance. Advice: small children perceive any changes as a potential danger. The world is impermanent = the world is insecure. Try to stand in the child's place, understand him, this will help you survive these, as it sometimes seems, whims (I gave the wrong cup, put the chair in the wrong place …)
  9. Became aggressive. Aggression in a child is generated only in response to an adult's aggression. Is there no aggression in your behavior? Or maybe the child is just your reflection - look inside yourself, is there a source of hidden aggression - who are you angry with? for what? Advice: Do not under any circumstances prohibit the child from showing aggression, do not scold or shame him for these feelings! Talk to him, call the emotion a word (you are angry now). First, the child will not be afraid that something is wrong with him, that he is not like everyone else. Secondly, he will know that his mother understands him, and there will be more confidence in his mother. Draw anger or sculpt it from plasticine, dance, throw the ball against the wall, that is, help the child throw out negative emotions so that they do not stay inside, this is very important. Exercise periodically to express your aggression (you can shout in the woods or hit the sofa with a wet towel).
