Waiting For The "spice"

Video: Waiting For The "spice"

Video: Waiting For The
Waiting For The "spice"
Waiting For The "spice"

"They got married and lived happily ever after …" This is how most fairy tales end.

Girls, regardless of passport age, are arranged in such a way that they dream of a spice. And each has its own, individual. Rather, the dream of him.

The parameters of a prYnets change with age. So, at 15-20 years old, he should have a wheelbarrow-loot-bituha-clothes. At 25-30, intelligence, success, ambition are added here. At 35-40, sincerity, kindness, a rich inner world, love for children, etc.

Previously, divorces were not so widespread. Therefore, disappointed in the prYntse soon after the wedding, the girls endured the unloved until the end of their days.

Now the reality is different. And, having gone into a trial relationship, and having returned from them, the girl joins the ranks of the Waiting for the Young On the White Horse.

But there are no ready-made princes, and the wait sometimes stretches for many years. With these years, J. experience also comes. Requests, demands, expectations are increasing. And so, he should already be "a mixture of a vibrator and an ATM", successful, athletic, rich, generous, to love children, respect all my relatives, etc.

And, the higher the level of claims to the young man, the lower the likelihood of meeting Him. And life goes by!

Girls! Let's descend from heaven to earth! So you can wait all your life, but she is alone! What to do? Become more realistic.


Divide the sheet into two columns. In the left one write down all the pluses of your "candidate", in the right - the minuses. Write quickly, in one go. Put the sheet aside, get distracted, forget about it for now.

After a while, look at what you have written with a fresh eye. In the pluses, highlight with color the most priority qualities of Him, without which - well, nothing! These qualities should be no more than 20-30% of your list!

Next, mark in the "+" those qualities without which you can live.

The main thing, when choosing priorities, determine for yourself what kind of relationship format is needed for you? For example, you want him to be a charismatic leader and the life of the party. This is good for your ceremonial events, for business and so on. But, if you are already ready for a long-term relationship, and then children are not far off, think about those qualities that will be priority in this case: maybe it is care, reliability, thoroughness?

Do the same with the minuses. What absolutely NO for you, and what you are ready to accept in it. Attention! DO NOT DAMAGE YOURSELF! For example, scattered socks are not on your list of deadly sins, and his flirting with a colleague at a corporate party is unpleasant for you, but you are afraid to tell him so as not to anger / offend him. This is “to the detriment”.

Looking at this list, you may be amazed at your own inconsistencies.

For example, if he cooks well, loves children, and finally is a family man, then expecting a press with cubes is unlikely. Or do you want him to be successful, ambitious, and make a lot of money. Then how does that fit in with your need to “have him spend a lot of time with me”?

After this work, your prYnts will come off the pedestal, the gilding will peel off, but you will see the outlines of a real person, the likelihood of meeting with whom will increase significantly!
