Hysterical Character

Video: Hysterical Character

Video: Hysterical Character
Video: Understanding Histrionic personality- The Pain Behind the Drama 2024, April
Hysterical Character
Hysterical Character

People with a hysterical character have no equal in the ability to attract attention to themselves. Relaxedness and exceptional sociability make them the center of any company. They instantly engage in what interests them, but are also quickly distracted. They are usually considered unreliable and superficial. This is due to some theatricality of behavior, absent-mindedness and ease with which hysterics refuse from their obligations. This type of character is more common in women.

They feel best in professions that do not restrict rigid boundaries and allow them to be in sight - an actor, singer, politician or teacher.

A hysterical personality is formed in families where there is an attitude that people of different sexes are not of the same value. The father usually belongs to all the fullness of power, and the mother is completely deprived of it and is perceived rather like one of the children. In these families, the main goal of a woman is to take care of a man and there is a hidden struggle for his attention. In addition, such parents do not react adequately to the daughter's puberty - the dad becomes detached, or, much worse, seductive, and the mother becomes competing. Perhaps the daughter's involvement in parental conflicts as a rival to the mother, confusion of roles.

As a result, the girl becomes convinced that women are by definition weak and passive. They can get access to resources only by entering into a relationship with a strong man, influencing him with the help of "female cunning" and sexuality.

Tantrums are characterized by the egoism of a small child, who should get everything only by the fact of his existence. Often they act under the influence of a momentary impression, taking into account only their desires, without thinking about the consequences.

They are terrified of aging, as they believe that the only strength of a woman is in sexual attractiveness. All forces are thrown into the fight against age-related changes.

The bodily hysterical character is expressed in some nervousness and flirtatiousness of movements. Clamps in the pectoral and abdominal muscles, movable pelvis. Sexual intercourse is often heightened active, but not accompanied by a corresponding sexual experience. This activity is an attempt to deal with intense anxiety. Physical attraction is more common than other types.

Signs of a hysterical nature

- Provocative behavior.

A hysterical woman flirts always and everywhere, which creates the illusion of her temperament and availability. In fact, sexually provocative behavior of this type of character has the goal of anything but sex itself. It can be a disguised way to gain care and safety, or it can boost self-esteem and demonstrate superiority to a man.

They try to get closer to what they fear. They behave seductively when they are afraid, show themselves off when they are unconsciously ashamed of their bodies, provoke authority figures when they feel threatened by them.

- A tendency to build love triangles.

Not many hysterics are able to establish deep, long-term relationships with one partner. Are systematically involved in a variety of love triangles, the meaning of which is not in building relationships, but in an attempt to cope with childhood traumas

The recurring romances with married men are characteristic. The unconscious goal of which is a symbolic victory over the mother in the fight for the father. The third, that is, the wife, is necessary in this situation in order for the game to continue.

If a hysterical woman finds herself in a relationship with a stable partner, she very quickly begins to perceive him as boring. And she turns on a lover who is used to confirm her attractiveness and importance.

- Striving is in the spotlight.

The need for hysterics to confirm their own attractiveness in the eyes of others is limitless. It is important for them to be in the spotlight, overshadowing potential competitors among the people around them of the same sex and to gain recognition from the opposite sex.

When spectators are present, they exaggerate and dramatize their emotional reactions. Can't stand indifference. In the absence of attention to their person, they return him with the help of outbursts of anger, tears, resentment.

The goal of hysterical therapy is to work through feelings of shame and guilt in situations of sexuality and competition. Mastering planning skills. Replacing romanticized relationship models with more mature, realistic ones. The development of the desire to use other resources for self-realization, in addition to external attractiveness.
