A Woman Who Wants Money ⠀

Video: A Woman Who Wants Money &#10240

Video: A Woman Who Wants Money &#10240
Video: Joe Rogan & Gad Saad - Men, Women, Money and Mating 2024, May
A Woman Who Wants Money ⠀
A Woman Who Wants Money ⠀

I think we have at least once met the experience of the accusation “you only need money”. It could be both our experience and a loved one.

In today's article, we'll talk about how a woman, trying to prove her love to her partner, refuses resources and care. And despite this, she still does not succeed.

And so, having received the experience of childhood, or a reproach from a man, a woman believes that it is necessary to show how she loves a man without money, that her love is sincere and even in poverty, their couple will always be happy. The consequence of such a decision is "I will earn for myself."

As a result: fatigue, lack of sexual desire and, over time, a lot of resentment towards a partner. And then I would receive praise from a partner, they say, what a fine fellow you are and you love me and you earn money. But…

How is it really going on?

There are men (and women, of course, but today about men) who are interested in the myth “women only need money”, this is a way to maintain stability, devalue love in a partnership and the partner himself.

The fact that a woman goes to earn money is another confirmation in the man's fantasies “she only needs money,” I did not give it, so she went to earn money herself. Sootstvenno, a woman will not receive any gratitude, and even more reproaches and devaluation.

The consequence of such a relationship can be thrush, cystosis, cystitis, solubility of arousal and other sexual dysfunctions.

And here, as a sexologist, I first have to deeply work with the topic of money in a partner network, and only after that I have to deal directly with the sexual relations of a couple.

Do you think you can prove your love if your partner is not ready to accept it?
