Why Does A Person Brag?

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Video: Why Does A Person Brag?

Video: Why Does A Person Brag?
Video: Why do people brag? | Irene Scopelliti | TEDxSquareMile 2024, September
Why Does A Person Brag?
Why Does A Person Brag?

Every person at least once in his life wanted to boast - to show new outfits, a car, an apartment, to talk about his achievements and successes. If boasting becomes a need and happens regularly, then it turns from an innocent weakness into a bad habit.

What is bragging

Many of us are annoyed when someone brags openly. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the fact that a person talks about their achievements or the successes of their loved ones.

People like to feel special and unique, they want attention, approval and even a little envy from others. If your coworkers or friends occasionally talk about their life events and boast about their purchases, that's okay.

But when a person turns bragging into a way of life, exaggerating his achievements, extolling his own qualities and even mocking others at the same time, such behavior can already be called a bad habit or disease.

Reasons for bragging

With the ubiquity of the Internet and social media, people have more opportunities to showcase their accomplishments and successes. But why does an ordinary desire turn into an almost manic desire to humiliate or offend someone with your irrepressible boasting?

Most psychologists agree that the main reason for this is low self-esteem.

Even if everything is going well in the life of a braggart, he periodically feels like an unhappy loser and must necessarily assert himself at the expense of others. To get rid of the feeling of insecurity, he begins to prove to everyone how unique, successful, rich and smart he is.

If some people are afraid to tell others about their plans, fearing the evil eye or force majeure, then boasters, on the contrary, repeat their intentions to everyone they meet. Enthusiastic oohs and envious glances make them happy and give them peace of mind for a while. Often, braggart women exaggerate in order to create jealousy and feel their self-esteem grow.

True, the feeling of confidence quickly passes, requiring a new recharge. Self-esteem is still low, but relationships with others can be hopelessly damaged. A passion for exaggerating one's abilities over time has a negative effect on the psyche.

Sometimes bragging can be used to manipulate people into envy and irritation. The braggart deliberately demonstrates his happiness in order to ruin someone's life. But envious people do not suffer for long, and he again has to come up with something new.

How to get rid of bragging

Relentless bragging refers to forms of destructive behavior, the rejection of which will help preserve the psyche, save energy and improve relationships with others.

If you tend to lie and exaggerate, try to dose information and not spread all the information about yourself. A complete list of your merits and abilities will be required only when applying for a prestigious job, in other cases you can keep silent.

Try to watch yourself and stop the urge to brag in time. At the same time, be extremely honest with yourself.

It is by getting rid of the desire to exalt your virtues that you can increase your self-esteem. After all, a confident person does not need to prove anything.

He lives as he sees fit, without looking back at someone else's opinion. By giving up bragging, you can feel the same satisfaction as giving up bad habits.
