Give The Pain To Paper Or Draw My Spasm

Video: Give The Pain To Paper Or Draw My Spasm

Video: Give The Pain To Paper Or Draw My Spasm
Video: Боль по-английски: pain, hurt, ache 2024, April
Give The Pain To Paper Or Draw My Spasm
Give The Pain To Paper Or Draw My Spasm

Headache - the main symptom of civilization in modern society. Within the framework of psychosomatic analysis, headache can be viewed as a manifestation of certain conditions. In acute reactions to a conflict - as a manifestation of emotionally significant or psychotraumatic experiences.

To creatively work through these pains, try the following forms of drawing:

  1. Completion of monotypic casts on a separate sheet with a search for deep saving meanings.
  2. Impression drawing with liquid paint, which makes it possible to symbolically blur the meaning of psycho-emotional experiences.
  3. Completion of the whole from individual details in order to form new images, the creation of harmonious self-healing systems in reconstructive technologies for overcoming traumatic psychoemotional states.

Often, short-term head pains with psycho-emotional meanings can symbolically reflect resentment, unexpressed aggressiveness, angry reactions, indignation. Also, as an option, it is necessary to take into account the reactions to overwork, internal and external overloads against the background of external and internal conflicts associated with the recognition of one's own meaning in space. And such a form of response as disappointment can serve as a triggering situation for the impossibility of achieving the realization of socially significant aspects of "I".

In such situations of life and headaches as forms of working them out, there is the possibility of repressed emotions immersed in the body.

Let's consider the main forms of working with a drawing, which have proven themselves especially well in practice:

  1. Express your worries and emotions through spontaneous painting over large spaces.
  2. Gesture and kinesthetic body painting.
  3. Point drawing of symbolic images.
  4. Relieve stress by painting with natural materials, food, wax, clay, mud.

These forms of work provide a constructive and creative experience of psychoemotional states, are a necessary method for the prevention of mental exhaustion in a state of acute and chronic stress.

The drawing is a preventive means of minimizing dysphoric conditions and makes it possible to provide the necessary form of protection from aggravating situations.

Verbalization and recognition of one's sensations in the head with the help of a drawing acts as an environmentally friendly form of relieving stress and vascular spasms, as well as training the reactivity of the vascular system.

What to do if you have a headache and you have found the psychological reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Sketch in any color as many sheets of paper as you can use negative words to describe the pain.
  2. Depict your headache with geometric shapes in different color ratios.
  3. Blow the headache through the straws: Put diluted watercolor paint into a cocktail tube and blow it onto a piece of paper.

And let thoughts of love, not pain, live in your head. Leave room in your head for the beautiful and the important.
