Birth And Death - The Duality Of Life

Video: Birth And Death - The Duality Of Life

Video: Birth And Death - The Duality Of Life
Video: BBC Medieval Lives: Birth, Marriage, Death Documentary - Episode 3 - Death 2024, May
Birth And Death - The Duality Of Life
Birth And Death - The Duality Of Life


People are born - each in his own way and die as well …

And in this there is some very unique and inimitable human experience, in my opinion.

The birth of a new long-awaited person is generally and generally welcomed. They rejoice at the newborn, prepare for his appearance, look forward to getting to know him and his features, dream of contemplating his personal formation and development.

This is understandable, because the child symbolically carries: the future, growth, energy, renewed strength and opportunities, hopes, dreams, happiness and, of course, love …

In a word, this is the birth of a new Life, in all its manifestations …

This is what will happen, but you always want and think, and basically, that there will be something good, interesting, developing and positive.

What does loss, death, separation from someone close and dear to you bring with it?

Devastation, heartache, suffering, loneliness, horror at the impossibility of meeting, touching and communicating …

Birth and death are two opposites, two sides of the same coin, called His Majesty Life.

Who died alive ?! Nobody. Who would like to live forever? Almost all…

Because, basically, no one wants to die. And everyone is afraid of this break with reality, eternal separation from people dear and close to the heart, deeds, in short - that which brings joy, inner individual-personal satisfaction in this World and that which one does not want to lose and let go …

It is terrible to lose and never again … never see, feel, hear …

It is painful and incredibly difficult to lose, even if not everything was cloudless and serene. It's unbearable … To know that ALREADY never …

Two opposites in life - birth and death - leaving and meeting, separation and hope, love and parting …

A little man - a child - comes into the World bald, toothless, unable to walk, think, communicate, practically helpless. He simply comes with wide-open eyes, in which curiosity, interest in life and an irrepressible thirst for knowledge of life in general flow …

And those who anxiously open their arms towards a New miracle on Earth - a new born person, only those people can be guides for him to the world of society for many years, teachers in the world of relationships between people. They will show him by example and teach him to trust or not trust his feelings, emotions, to understand or not to understand himself, and therefore others …

And it depends on this how the little one will live in the future, and then the adult, how comfortable and safe he will be in his inner world and in the world with other people.

An aging Man also leaves gradually … Development happens, as it were, the other way around. He loses hair, teeth, memory, his thinking becomes peculiar, it becomes more and more difficult for him to move. The once mobile and dexterous body can no longer be such and it moves with the help of a support - a stick, crutches, someone's caring hand …

Time goes on as usual and the body inevitably fades …

Sometime in childhood, we rely on a parent, an adult and strong person, stable and authoritative, significant, almost powerful … Very strong and important, according to our ideas. In old age, he already needs support, both physical and moral …

The aging process is increasingly irreversible and the once vigorous, energetic person becomes dependent and weak, helpless and almost like a "newborn child" … And he walks under himself, and forgets a lot, and does everything awkward …

Only now it often causes not emotion at the same time, but irritation … The process of dying is terrible in itself, terrible in its irreversibility and reality, the understanding that "we will all be THERE …"

An aging and fading person is a beacon of the fact that soon he may not become, and this causes in his close people, in addition to warm feelings and fear of the unknown - that other world …

Nevertheless, I think that birth and death are somehow very interconnected, it is like one indivisible whole, like two in one, without one phenomenon there can be no other …

What remains after birth, life and death, what then?

Or maybe all the same - the Soul, as the quintessence of feelings, emotions, experiences, amazing moments of joy, sorrow, in a word - a unique and unique life experience …?

Such questions are not asked by those who have not lost someone very significant and valuable for themselves, as well as those who are simply unbearably scared to think about something like that. It hurts to worry and even think about the loss … After all, these are really and really difficult inner feelings to bear.

But only after experiencing them, suffering and letting go, you can accept something new, reborn into your life …
