Signs Of A Healthy Family

Video: Signs Of A Healthy Family

Video: Signs Of A Healthy Family
Signs Of A Healthy Family
Signs Of A Healthy Family

Oddly enough, the absence of fights is not an indicator that everything is fine in your house. But how to understand that in building family relationships you are on the right path?

Here's a list of signs that are signs of a healthy family.

📍 You know about your partner's problems, and he knows about your problems. You have no secrets from each other, all problems, be it a lack of money or a bad mood, are discussed and solved together.

📍 Everyone, including children, is entitled to their own feelings. You have no prohibition on feelings, both negative and positive. You can be angry, offended, happy.

📍 You may have fights about important issues.… The main thing is that feelings are not imposed, and there is no such thing: since mom is sad, then everyone around is sad and has no moral right to laugh.

📍 You are ready to ask for help if the problem is not solved within the family. For example, if the family does not have enough money for something important, you can afford to ask your friends and parents for help.

📍 Decisions are made together … Neither husband nor wife puts each other in front of a fact when it comes to important family steps. Job change, relocation, large purchases - all this is discussed at the family council.

📍 You can have fun together. It is not necessary to spend all the time next to each other. But on free evenings you get together and have fun together - children and parents. Joint leisure, which is not a duty, but brings real pleasure to everyone, is the most important indicator that everything is fine with you.

📍 All family members can say no and disagree. Nobody, including children, adjusts to someone "in charge". Often the authoritarian mother or father acts as this “main”. “No” is the word that helps us defend our feelings and our boundaries. If it is banned, stress will build up.

📍 There are plans for life and goals for the family. This is an important indicator that you are doing well. You are not flowing through life, not just living in the same territory, but together you are moving towards something important for everyone. It doesn't have to be something very global. For example, you can plan to buy a car, renovate, purchase a new home, etc. It is important that these goals are set together.

📍 There is a place for loneliness. Family evenings together are good. But at the same time, each family member should have the right to be alone, to do their personal affairs, entertainment. Happy, healthy families always find a balance between freedom and spending time together.

📍 No place for outsiders … Grandmothers, best friends, old friends - none of them makes a decision for your family, does not impose their opinions. You can of course ask them for help. But any help - only at your request, without "doing good" and obsessive advice.

📍 If there is a conflict, then it is resolved directly by its participants … Parents do not convey messages through their children ("here, daughter, you see, it is more important for dad to go fishing with friends, and not to spend time with us on the weekend"), but communicate directly.

If you are not happy with everything in your family, then there is room for correction.
