I Want To Influence The World With The Power Of Thought. Constellation Research

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Video: I Want To Influence The World With The Power Of Thought. Constellation Research

Video: I Want To Influence The World With The Power Of Thought. Constellation Research
Video: This Is How Powerful Your Thoughts Are and Most People Don't Know This! 2024, April
I Want To Influence The World With The Power Of Thought. Constellation Research
I Want To Influence The World With The Power Of Thought. Constellation Research

At the meetings of the experimental constellation group, processes take place at the request of the participants. And these are always metaphorical processes. I recommend taking them as a description of a dream or a fairy tale. For some, this will not give anything, but for others, even a very abbreviated description of the process can give a lot. Of course, the group members who perceive the metaphor-process directly, with each cell of their body, receive the most. They are the lucky ones!

Figures in the arrangement:

  • Fatima
  • Hermes
  • Magic

In the image of the constellation:

Hermes: I stand in a line of men, lined up by height, I stand in this line 95th out of 100.

Magic: I was clearly not called that. Internal protest because of this. I need to give a different name. I need to be shown. Fatima looks at me with childish admiration. I am a very feminine energy, very perky, a lot of buzz, pleasure in this. This is the embodiment of the spirit in the body. I have a lot of feminine energy, joy and anticipation, flirting. And this state is internal, not dependent on anyone. Fatima needs to see me, notice me, acknowledge myself and manifest. Fatima, as a man, needs to show the feminine essence in herself. This is a feminine beginning incomprehensible to men. This is the eternal question of men: "What is feminine?" Men tend to distinguish between masculine and feminine. And in this context, nothing needs to be divided. The peasant has the feminine. There is masculine in a woman. This is one whole. This is not a dichotomy. The woman created the whole world by dancing. Everything around is feminine. This is right up to goosebumps. It doesn't matter what you call me. This is the essence. This is energy. The Greeks called their gods by the same names, and in ancient Rome, these same gods were called differently. It doesn't matter at all what you call it. And my energy does not depend on the names. And she is one for all. She just has a lot of names. And my figure does not need to prove anything, 95th or 96th in a row. All this is not needed here. I am just an endless dance of lightness and high.

Fatima: I look at the figure of Magic and for me it is like a magic wand on water, this is magic, this is a miracle, it just fascinates me. For me she is like a mother goddess with wide hips, with big tits, for me this is fertility, this is creativity at the level of the creation of entire planets. This is completely indescribable in words. This is such magic as the creation of the world, the universe, this is the cosmos in which the female energy gives birth to worlds and galaxies.

Solution: Fatima becomes in the role of Magic and feels the role with her whole body, all her skin. “You are in my life. And I am very grateful to you for that."

Magic: “Male energy is to do, this is to do, this is to go forward. And feminine energy is just to be. Feminine energy is in everything, everywhere, in everyone, inside and around.

  • When it comes to choosing (what to connect, what not to connect), this is male energy.
  • If we are talking about feminine energy, you do not need to make any mental effort consciously, it will unite itself as it should.

Solution: Fatima becomes in the role of Hermes (this role is seen as a warrior in armor) and feels the role with her whole body, all her skin. The feeling is very masculine - verticals and structures. He's definitely not in this world. He is somewhere far away and is busy with something important, and we pulled his heel: “Look at us!”. And he pulls back the curtain on the window: “Let me see who is bothering me, pulls my leg. If you really want something, talk to me in my language."

Solution: Fatima becomes in the role of Himself and feels the role with her whole body, all her skin, turns to Hermes. “I want to feel the energies. And to understand whether this is how it is written in the ancient texts, or everything is arranged somehow differently. I just want to understand. And it is possible to become a conductor of these energies …"

Hermes: “It’s interesting for me to talk not with a child, but with my husband. Admiration is not interesting to me - it is a childish attitude towards an adult. Wanting to be a conductor of what you do not know is the most real childhood, childishness. First understand what you are talking about, and then choose the degree of contact. If you ask a question from the perspective of a husband (an adult man), you will surely get a decent answer from me. So what do you really want?"

Fatima: "I want to influence the world with the power of thought."

Hermes: “This is not for me. For our level of communication with you, the request is enough: “I want to better understand you the way I could understand you now at my level of awareness. This is fine. It's like a man and a man sit down together at the table and begin to get to know each other, and begin to speak for life. And please do not need these "I want to learn how to influence the world by some kind of force …". It's too early to talk about it. Let's get to know each other first."


After getting in touch, Hermes gave Fatima what can be called in our manner " running boots", Magic shoes that help in movement in space.

Process image, which takes place after running boots are put on their feet - a circus act when motorcycles arrange vertical races and do somersaults.

Hermes: Wow, how you quickly understand the essence of magical things.

This completes the study constellation.

Instead of a conclusion

Exploring the various phenomena in the constellation method is a fascinating process.

And the Big Figures (in this case Hermes) are ready to cooperate and reveal their secrets. But for this they need an adult position of a researcher, not a childish admiration.

Meet first. Make contact, find out what you are dealing with, and then everything else.

Ivan Tsarevich told Baba Yaga about the same thing: "Drink, feed, steam in the bathhouse, and only then ask …"

So a fairy tale is a deep thing. In a fairy tale - a lie, but there is a hint in it, a good fellow - a lesson!
