In Search Of The Lost Self

In Search Of The Lost Self
In Search Of The Lost Self

Hurry is akin to greed, only here greed unfolds not in the material aspect, but in the temporal aspect: "It's a pity there won't be enough time to swallow even more information, I won't have time to redo a bunch of things, get a bunch of pleasures …". Every minute is so precious that a person finds himself in complete time trouble: he urges himself on in fear of not being in time for something, and in fact, no matter what is not in time, the focus of attention is in the very "I will not have time". I remember the song of the cat Basilio from Buratino: "You won't be in time, you will be late, you won't sow, you won't reap. I don't know what is going on, You are your own enemy!"

In this race of greed, a person runs with an open mouth, gasping for air, all in anxiety about the future. He's not in the here and now … What happens if you stop such a person? Put a high fence in front of him. He will beat his forehead against him at first, but finding that this STOP cannot be overcome, in complete despair he will see inside himself a huge gap of emptiness, into which he frantically threw everything he could, everything he managed to grab from life in this hurry, in this greed.

Those people who are empty inside are greedy … And if life puts an obstacle in front of them, they come into contact with their emptiness and their soul begins to cry from the pain of emptiness. So what are these people running from? Of course, from your emptiness. They are not inside them. They are filled with all sorts of unnecessary garbage of their own vanity and haste, but they are not at home, within themselves. There is rubbish that replaces itself with it. If you stop such a person on the run, he will become unbearably sad, lonely, despair will seize him and he will do everything to rush further away from himself. But!

Life sometimes brings surprises in the form of serious illnesses that stop a person and his race and escape from himself. He becomes greedy for external values, because there is a desert inside. So what needs to fill this desert? In the beginning, you just need to stop and experience the pain of inner emptiness. To become "beggar and hungry", not to cling to anything. Feel melancholy and despair, experience them in the moment “here and now” and begin to fill yourself with yourself bit by bit.

But where can you find yourself lost? How to get back your lost soul, how to rethink your values, change them? I think this is a very difficult process. But I propose to go to yourself, through complete inner consent to lose everything in this world: money, family, home, job, car, absolutely everything, but not yourself. After all, people often abandon themselves for fear of losing what they have managed to become attached to.

I often ask people the question: imagine everything that you have now - you don't have all of this: no housing, no money, no family … What are your decisions in this situation? The answers are surprising. A person suddenly discovers that in addition to what he was firmly attached to, there is also himself and his “I”, which in essence does not need anything external. It came into this world without anything and will leave with nothing.

In general, in order to find yourself, you need to lose a lot on the inner plane. But oh, how painful it is to decide on this consent to get rid of everything that is so valuable to you here in this world. I'm not talking about down shifting. No. I am about inner consent and humility to lose everything in order to become free from attachments and find yourself.
