Personal And Social Identity Of Persons With Chemical Dependence And Disabilities

Video: Personal And Social Identity Of Persons With Chemical Dependence And Disabilities

Video: Personal And Social Identity Of Persons With Chemical Dependence And Disabilities
Video: Наркотики и борьба с ними в современной России / Редакция 2024, April
Personal And Social Identity Of Persons With Chemical Dependence And Disabilities
Personal And Social Identity Of Persons With Chemical Dependence And Disabilities

Currently, the problem of social adaptation of disabled people is quite acute. The number of persons with disabilities in our country is approximately 8.8% of the total population of the country, these data determine the relevance of the study of this problem. The problem of the spread of chemical addiction is also very relevant.

In accordance with the principles of humanization, modern society sets the task of understanding and solving problems associated with the acquisition of a person with the status of "disabled". The tasks of improving the quality of life of the population also remain important: reducing and preventing alcoholism and drug addiction, especially among the underage population, work on the socialization of chemically dependent people. There are centers for the rehabilitation of disabled people in our city, where a team of professionals is successfully working. Likewise, there are narcological dispensaries for chemically addicted people, there are long-term rehabilitation centers, where all-round professional assistance is provided.

The aim of our study was to study the general aspects of the problems of disability and chemical dependence. In both cases, there are difficulties in socialization, in timely rehabilitation. Both those and other people have significant limitations, both physiological and psycho-social. We chose identity as the main target for our research - personal and social.

The results of this work can be used by psychologists and social work specialists in narcology and rehabilitation centers for the disabled.

Identity disorders can form already in the early stages of ontogenesis. The content of these violations is usually as follows:

  • Diffuse Identity Syndrome;
  • Fragmented identity;
  • Situational identity;
  • Rigid identity;
  • Dissociative identity disorder;

As a result of identity violations, "interruption of contact" occurs, that is, the normal interaction of a person with the environment and other people.

Violations of identity, its "vagueness", diffuseness can be both the cause of use (the absence of an internal "core", an internal "I"), and a consequence. Since addiction is destructive both on a physical and mental level.

The chemical often leads to serious irreversible damage to the physiological and mental levels. There is also a connection between the problems of disability and dependence: disability often occurs as a result of the use of chemicals.

In the case when disability is not preceded by the use of psychoactive substances, the identity also undergoes changes: the body changes, the state of health worsens and the quality of life in general decreases. This leads to the experience of a deep crisis, sometimes to depression and isolation of the person. These processes inevitably affect social and personal identity.

At the individual level of analysis, identity is defined as the result of a person's awareness of his own temporal extension - an idea of himself as some relatively unchanging given of a particular physical appearance, temperament, inclinations, which has a past that belongs to him and is directed into the future.

The research was carried out using the following methods:

  1. Identity test A. A. Urbanovich. The technique allows us to make a conclusion about the formation or violation of personal and social identity.
  2. Personality questionnaire of the Bekhterev Institute. The questionnaire diagnoses the attitude towards one's illness, which is also an indicator of personal identity.
  3. Art-therapeutic technique "Drawing mandalas" A. Kopytin and O. Bogachev. The technique involves creating a drawing based on a circle, which is then filled with an image of its internal state. Any colors, shapes and symbols are used in drawing. The drawing is then discussed.
  4. Art therapy technique "Drawing the coat of arms" A. Kopytin and O. Bogachev. The technique involves the creation of drawings on the basis of a shield, which is then divided vertically into three parts, consistently indicating the past, present and future. In the drawing, the respondents depict the best that was in their life, objects of pride, belonging to a particular social group: family, work, society. When the image is ready, a motto is drawn up for it, containing the main life principle of the respondent, his life credo. The drawing is then discussed.

The study involved 60 people: 30 people with chemical dependence and 30 people with disabilities. An anonymous survey was conducted on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution of Education “Togliatti Narcological Dispensary” and the State Budgetary Institution of Social and Social Center “Overcoming” in Togliatti. The diagnostic results confirmed the hypothesis that there are no differences in the personal and social identity of persons with chemical dependence and disability: people with addiction and disabilities have identity disorders.

According to the test of A. A. Urbanovich, the following results were revealed: in persons with chemical dependence below the norm, such indicators as: "work", "family", "relations with others", "inner world" - which speaks of a violation of identity. People with disabilities have the following indicators below the norm: "work", "inner world", "health" and "relationships with others."

According to the personal questionnaire of the Bekhterev Institute, the following results were obtained: with chemical dependence, a neurasthenic type of attitude towards the disease, as well as egocentric and apathetic, is more often observed. People with disabilities are more likely to have a neurasthenic, ergopathic and apathetic type of attitude towards the disease.

Neurasthenic type: behavior of the "irritable weakness" type. Outbreaks of irritation, especially with pain, with discomfort, with treatment failures, unfavorable examination data. Irritation often pours out on the first person who comes along and often ends with remorse and tears. Intolerance to pain. Impatience. Inability to wait for relief. Subsequently - repentance for anxiety and incontinence.

Egocentric type : «Leaving for illness. " Showing off your sufferings and worries to loved ones and others in order to completely capture their attention. The requirement of exclusive care - everyone should forget and give up everything and take care only of the sick person. Conversations of others are quickly translated "to themselves." In other people, who also require attention and care, they see only "competitors" and are hostile towards them. A constant desire to show your special position, your exclusivity in relation to the disease.

Apathetic type : complete indifference to their fate, to the outcome of the disease, to the results of treatment. Passive obedience to procedures and treatment with strong external prompting. Loss of interest in everything that previously worried.

Ergopathic type: “Avoiding illness to work”. Even with the severity of the illness and suffering, they try to continue the work at all costs. They work with ferocity, with even greater zeal than before the illness, they give all the time to work, try to be treated and be examined so that it leaves the opportunity to continue working.

If 3 or more patterns are diagnosed, this indicates the absence of a pattern of attitudes towards one's disease and a violation of identity. Thus, for each respondent, the number of identified patterns was counted, and then a search for differences was made.

As a result of the analysis of the inference statistics for the A. A. Urbanovich identity test and the Bekhterev Institute questionnaire, no significant differences were found in personal and social identity in persons with chemical dependence and disabilities.

For a quantitative analysis of projective techniques, diagnostic criteria and points were allocated. In persons with chemical dependence, as well as in persons with disabilities, results were obtained below the average score, which also indicates the presence of violations in personal and social identity. A qualitative analysis of the drawings also showed some differences: among the disabled, diffuse and rigid identity is more common, and in the case of chemical dependence, it is fragmented and diffuse.

Thus, the qualitative and quantitative analysis allows us to confirm our assumption that people with chemical dependence and disabilities do not have differences in identity: personal and social identity in both cases is impaired. A qualitative analysis reveals some differences: in relation to one's illness, in the characteristics of a violation of personal identity. Thus, having this data, we can adjust the methods and ways of working with these categories of clients, take into account the presence of certain traits and patterns of behavior.
