Do You Know Why Sports Interfere With Losing Weight?

Do You Know Why Sports Interfere With Losing Weight?
Do You Know Why Sports Interfere With Losing Weight?

I have yet to meet a dietitian, nutritionist, psychologist, or others like them dealing with fat burning issues who would not recommend their clients to exercise of various types and intensities. Someone, after visiting such specialists, the next day at four in the morning, runs down the street, frightening the still sleepy dogs and their owners, someone puts a more impressive pancake on the bar.

All of the above, and even with a decently compiled diet, gives its results and a person loses weight. Here it is necessary to say about the main thing - the issue of losing weight has long been not in the first place in the ranking of nutritional problems. Nutritionists have a problem with how you can keep this weight, and with me, a psychologist, how to remove that neurosis-like state that you have acquired for the hundredth time on a diet. There are two categories of people, some simply cannot but play sports, a person lives by movement, this is an established tradition that has grown into an internal need. The second category is people who temporarily imitate sports for medical reasons. But it is physical activity in the cohort of the second type that not only does not contribute to harmony, but also reduces all efforts to zero already in the first month.

Let me explain why. In ninety-nine percent of cases, a donut is beaten with sports, if it is simpler, then physical activity after a few days of a diet has its exclusive purpose to burn calories that have been increased due to disruptions to "prohibited foods". As the client had a carbohydrate addiction, it remained, as there was a neurosis and an inferiority complex, it did not go anywhere, as the client lowered his blood sugar level until the moment when, in 5 minutes, a box of chocolates went to zero, so he continues do it. But physical activity gives the illusion that everything will burn out, and the process is going in the right direction, although it is difficult to imagine a larger mirage. A person goes to the hall not because it is an internal need, but only because he ate two eclairs at breakfast. Sport becomes a punishment for a crime and, apart from rejection, can cause nothing else.

The same happens after a tortured workout, when after hell of hell you need to be sure to encourage yourself. How? Well, not an apple for sure. Apples with kefir are needed for self-torture for ten days, and for normal guys who hammered their feet into the butt of the treadmill for an hour, only pizza.

Similar problems still arise due to the fact that there is an orientation towards a quick result, I would even say lightning fast, and this is the first path to defeat. And the way to victory they are on the surface, correction of carbohydatrophobia (pathological fear of carbohydrates), preparation for the beach season from the beginning of the first cold weather in November, and not three days before July, and not after New Year's eating. Trust in professionals and luck, which allows, in principle, to meet them. Search for unbound sources of pleasure. Correction of complexes and neuroses. And remember that the one who is not in a hurry is in time everywhere.
