Time Management For Slobs

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Video: Time Management For Slobs

Video: Time Management For Slobs
Video: the definitive TIME MANAGEMENT GUIDE for busy but lazy people 2024, April
Time Management For Slobs
Time Management For Slobs


- Do you have plans for 5, 10 years? Where do you see yourself through this time? - Go nafig with your planning. It spoils all the joy of life for me. This text is dedicated to slovens … Those whose lives are constantly changing. Those who cannot work monotonously and step by step. Those who have a constant rush-one in their heads, then in the rest of the world. A banal thing led to the creation of this methodology and the conduct of research: there are many things to do, and little time. We tried classical time management techniques, but the result is the same: a lot of energy is invested in the techniques themselves, and after a period (a few weeks or a couple of months) - when motivation weakens, or simply lets go - all these technologies will surely go to hell … But it is still necessary to plan somehow, and not only yourself … Many years ago, serious and consistent boys agreed to consider themselves an ideal and a measure of life. And all the dissimilar - to be considered a painful and malicious deviation from this beautiful norm. Stereotypes and traditional ideas about upbringing directly indicate that every child must develop orderliness in himself, preferably to an extreme degree. And the changeability in mood and business is the result of an irresponsible attitude towards their duties as teachers and parents. Here is a list of the most common stereotypes:

Responsibly I declare: Razgildyai are not to blame for their slovenliness! And their parents are not to blame for this! It cannot be cured, it cannot be fixed! Sloppiness is a derogatory name for a deep innate property of the psyche - irrationality. An innate tendency towards stability or changeability is the most significant of all innate properties of a person. For the first time this property was described by one famous Carl Jung in his cult book "Psychological Types". Up to this point, we have come across only the traditional type of time management techniques. The essence of which is to teach a person to be rational. This traditional approach contains a deep-seated error. The essence of the mistake is that the rational does not need these advice and revelations. They already intuitively feel them and act in accordance with these recommendations even before reading them. And for the irrational, almost all of this advice is harmful. For they are practically not feasible, or, when trying to follow them, have an extremely negative effect on affairs. I don’t think that it is necessary to give special examples of rationals and irrational. I am sure that the life of any reader is full of both bright slobs and steadily pedantic rationalists. I turn to the theory of the question.

Theory Jung was the first to single out rationality / irrationality as an independent property of the psyche and described the signs and characteristics inherent in these types. But even before Jung, we can find traces of this property in the temperaments of Hippocrates. Choleric and Melancholic are irrational. Sanguine and Phlegmatic are rationalists. Socionic authors have identified several basic manifestations of rationality / irrationality. 1. Change in mood 2. Speed of switching 3. Efficiency 4. Reaction to rare and frequent events 5. Size of thought Erational people have a fairly stable mood. It does not change quickly and, as a rule, is influenced by external factors. Irrationalists have the opposite picture. The mood changes unexpectedly and dramatically. And so that the plans outlined in advance become completely irrelevant and difficult to implement. In fact, the irrational has two states: turbulent activity and dull fish. Irrational people very quickly switch from one case to another. They can work in constant switching mode all the time. The rationalists need to concentrate on the new occupation. Smoothly enter the process. It is advisable to plan it in advance. Sometimes this process takes long minutes, sometimes hours, and sometimes several days. I have a decorator. Negotiations about the simplest case take place in at least three stages. The first meeting never ends with an agreement. Here you can only indicate the need. At the second meeting, the results of the first are confirmed. And only on the third - the coordination of details and the decision to start work. This, of course, is an extreme case, but it is quite in the tradition of rationalists. The efficiency of the rationalists is very smooth and long-lasting. They slowly accelerate and then work for many hours with virtually no breaks and intensity reduction. Irrational people light up very quickly, release a sea of energy, and quickly get tired and lose interest. If for a rational the active period usually lasts for weeks with breaks for sleep and weekends, then for an irrational such a period rarely exceeds an hour or two. A researcher from Vilnius Kalinauskas proposed a hypothesis according to which irrationals react to single events, and rationals only to those that are often repeated. This idea seems to me to have a right to exist. Although I have not yet found definitive confirmation. According to Kalinauskas, a single event attracts the attention of an irrational and with a high probability leads to action. Rationals, on the other hand, may not give meaning to individual signals for quite a long time, and only their regular appearance is accepted as a fact sufficient for making decisions. The last sign of manifestation is short unconnected thoughts-statements of irrationalists and long connected constructions of rationalals. This difference is very stressful for communication. Irrational people lose the train of thought of the rational. Rationals, on the other hand, try to find a connection between individual independent statements of irrationalists.

Risks The affairs of the irrational and the rational are subject to different risks. The risks of rationalists are associated, for the most part, with the unwillingness to react to sudden and rapid strong changes in the situation. But we will not dwell on them in detail, since there are other heroes in this text. 1. Evaluation for rare events Goal selection and planning based on rare events should take into account the high likelihood that the conditions for the implementation of the plan may not develop by the date of the deadline. Perhaps never at all. In fact, the irrational is always in the state of the venture capitalist, whose ideas work once in 20. 2. The risks of improvisation Irrational people often rely on improvisation. She is their strong point. However, any improvisation is fraught with a high probability of both individual mistakes and general failure. 3. Risks of rapid assessment The assessment of fast events has not only the problem of low frequency, but also a negative psychological side. Psychologically, irrational people tend to overestimate the significance of an event. It is very likely that the estimate will become more modest in a couple of days. 4. Risks of rescheduling Constant irrational rescheduling introduces a fairly high probability of administration error. In a complex project with a large number of cooperating parties, constant transfers of events and checkpoints provoke the appearance of incorrect approvals and subsequent disruptions of work.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Irrational Employees The prevailing stereotypes about the correctness of even and planned work make it difficult to objectively evaluate the irrational as a worker. Rational employers, seeing the first signs of slovenliness, put the stigma “Not suitable” and start thinking about looking for a new employee, while irrational employers do not reflect on this topic, because they avoid stepping on the sore corn of their own irrationality. It took me 15 years of meditating on the RTS Index for the irrational trauma to dissipate. After that, I was able to see the true face of the irrational as a worker. That's what I did:

Irrational problems 1. Not in the mood for work Rather, it is that is, it is not. You need to either catch this mood or create it. 2. Difficult to complete the case For the initial irrational enthusiasm and a quick start you have to pay with agony at the end of the project. 3. Aversion to lengthy, rationally structured activities such as study and routine work Yes, irrational people do not like this. If you want to punish the irrational or manipulate them, feel free to demand discipline. 4. The problem with the implementation of large and endless projects Most often, long-term projects contain a lot of rational elements, which are not easy for irrationalists. The irrational is required to have a great deal of experience in irrational ways of solving such problems. 5. Suddenly ending attention. The main point here is that it cannot be revived for quite a long time. Not earlier than lunchtime or Tuesday. 6. Initial overestimation and subsequent disappointment. The first desire of the irrational is to get involved in the situation. Irrational people often do just that. The next day, everything is already seen in a different light and the dreary process of rolling back begins. 7. Difficulty in carrying out large projects and affairs. Mainly because of ignorance of its nature and attempts to apply classical rational approaches. (Everything works out great with normal planning)

Pros of irrational 1. Strong improvisation I don’t know why, irrationalists make great improvisations. Either because the brain explodes with new ideas and associations from each new fact. Either from the fact that irrational people constantly find themselves in situations where a changed mood makes them urgently come up with a new plan. And this is the result of training the brain functions responsible for improvisation. Or maybe from one and the other together … 2. Ability to do a lot of things at the same time The irrational does not need to strain for this at all. Brains themselves switch all the time and control is smeared. In principle, this ability for fast switching can be taken out in a separate item. 3. Ability to quickly switch and adjust Sometimes it is very important to react quickly, irrational people can. 4. Ingenuity The process of invention is based on the property of the psyche to go beyond standard and stereotyped routes. Irrationalists are many times more inclined to this than rationalists. 5. A lot of energy in a short time When irrational people work, they do it very quickly. In an active state, their intensity is very high. It's a pity, not for long … There is one peculiarity: tk. the processes of the irrational run in parallel, then there are often periods of "calm" when no results are seen from the irrational. Then all this is replaced by a sharp shot of several completed processes in a short time.

Rational and irrational activities

Usually in any profession there are niches for both rational specialists and irrational ones. But there is still a certain imbalance.

Time management itself Now that we have more or less examined the theory, we can move on to the practical issues of planning time, goals and efforts for the irrational. Let's start with a list of classic mistakes that irrational people make when trying to plan and execute things while ignoring their innate nature.

Typical mistakes of irrational

Revision of traditional time management tips Irrational time management is quite different from traditional time management in many recommendations related to planning tactics. But in the field of goal setting, both techniques are the same - it is useful to highlight the main thing and concentrate on it … For clarity, we have summarized in a small table: traditional advice and irrational comments.

Irrational lifestyle. The concept of irrational time management and lifestyle consists of the following fundamental theses:

    • Respect your irrationality and don't try to become rational
    • Highlight the most important and significant goals
    • Plan carefully in an irrational way (or at least don't plan hard)
    • Monitor your mood and change your activities in time
    • Do the unpleasant during the apathy phase
    • Outsource everything rational
    • The rational that you have to do yourself, do it carefully. Respect the feelings and plans of rational partners

Irrational time management techniques 1. Write everything down and create numerous convenient reminders Fast switching and frequent rescheduling lead to regular loss of some data. And since there is no rigid structure of plans, what is lost cannot always be calculated by logic in time. Fortunately, there are now many tools out there that integrate reminders on your computer, phone, and the Internet into a single reminder environment. 2. Capturing ideas and plans Capturing ideas is especially important. There are many of them and they are forgotten. And, at the same time, ideas are a market advantage and an important asset of the irrational. 3. Make a to-do list that you never like Such a list allows you to understand the risk area and pay due attention to it. 4. Unpleasant things to do when there is no mood Nice things go well when you are in the mood. But he never gets into an unpleasant mood, and then quickly falls. If unpleasant things cannot be thrown off on anyone, then the most practical way to do them is when there is no mood … 5. Monitor mood swings It is very important. Mood changes and loss of interest should be monitored. And as soon as this has happened, it is necessary to change the occupation. Otherwise, everything that is done after the loss of interest will be done poorly. We'll have to redo it and the time will be wasted. 6. Flexible schedule Flexible scheduling isn't just about eliminating rigid scheduling. It is also a big job of building a lifestyle that will allow such a schedule to be implemented. It is necessary to build formats of interaction with rationalists among partners, to find an infrastructure suitable for an irrational lifestyle. 7. Flexible to-do list Since irrational people replay plans all the time, it is very important to be able to optimize the filling of time with accompanying tasks during this rescheduling. And for this, the cases must be on the list already prepared in advance. Prepared so that they can be implemented at any convenient moment. 8. Frequent adjustments to plans Since irrational people are constantly making new decisions, giving up some things and grabbing on to others, written plans quickly become outdated. By the end of the week, a piece of paper with a plan for a couple of years in advance almost completely loses its meaning. It is important to take time each day so that long plans reflect today's news. 9. List of end goals While the rational's list of ultimate goals naturally forms the basis for today's to-do list, the irrational's ultimate goals often take on a life of their own. It is important that these goals are not forgotten in the hustle and bustle and, with the next rescheduling, retain their influence on the current plan. 10. Set not only a deadline, but also many reminiscent deadlines Irrational people do long things in many approaches. For each successful iteration, there may be several unsuccessful ones. When there is no mood and things have not gone well … It is important that there are a sufficient number of successful attempts. 11. Minimize hard time bindings Of all the possible options when planning, you should choose those that will give the maximum freedom of maneuver in time. 12. A separate list of things that you don't always like It is important to separate those cases that must wait for the mood from those where the mood never appears. There are different rules for them. Pleasant - according to the mood. Unpleasant - at any time when there is no mood. 13. Planning long cases and projects, taking into account the peaks and failures of performance. For a productive assessment of the time allocated for the project and the correct setting of the deadline, it is necessary to have an idea of the duration of the peak performance, the peak of apathy and the performance in the active phase. To do this, you can measure the duration of the phases and collect statistics on the real time spent on different projects. For the irrational, this is not as simple as it is for the rationalists, who only need to add up the hours spent. 14. Strengthen memorization. "Thinking through your hand" Some forgetfulness may well be compensated for by any standard means of improving memorization. Constant writing with pen on paper is one of the easiest ways … 15. Draw diagrams to improve memorization Visualization with charts is also a good way to enhance the quality of memorization. It is also a good way to quickly change information. Mindmaps and others like them. 16. Clearly define milestones and connectivity in large projects Problems with planning and implementing large projects can be partially solved through better planning. It is important not to forget that this must be irrational planning. 17. Use the inspiration of the ending for the most complete and high-quality completion of the case The prospect of finishing a job and parting with a project creates a surge of energy and emotion. This positive energy can be used to design and implement a beautiful end to a project. 18. Take a break after the first peak of enthusiasm for a more sober assessment of the case before making decisions This very simple way of making difficult decisions is described even in fairy tales. So, it's a sin not to use it. In general, the authors plan to test other folk wisdom using modern approaches to scientific experiment. This season we plan to test the adage about high labor costs in fishing. Blind participants in the experiments will be divided into groups by blind organizers, and it is planned to involve experts with limited vision to evaluate the results. You can sign up for groups in the club application. 19. Prepare to play on a rational field. It is very useful to determine in advance partners and cases where you will have to adapt to rational forms of behavior. Forewarned is forearmed!

Tips for rationalists I hope that the rationalists reading this text have already recognized some of their acquaintances in these descriptions and their behavior has become a little more understandable. I would venture to give you some practical recommendations for dealing with irrational people. 1. Yes, they are from birth and cannot be altered. 2. Try to be sympathetic to the shortcomings of the irrational. 3. Especially to being late and changing plans … 4. Give them the opportunity to work on their weird schedule. 5. Try to reduce the number of time-consuming activities involving irrational people. 6. Delegate irrational affairs and activities to them. Let them be your hands in an irrational world. Authors: Alexey Vetryuk, Dmitry Pestryakov
