Fill Yourself With Yourself First

Video: Fill Yourself With Yourself First

Video: Fill Yourself With Yourself First
Video: Fill yourself first by Geri Podkowa 2024, April
Fill Yourself With Yourself First
Fill Yourself With Yourself First

When a person has nothing to give, accordingly, he will not be able to CREATE

And in order to give something, respectively, you need to have it.

How can a person engage in creativity if he has nothing to give, if inside he is unfilled and empty? By the way, this is equally applicable both to creativity and to the sphere of relationships, as well as any kind of interaction and communication.

However, I'm sure you have heard about this principle more than once, but most often it can be found in the form of the phrase "love yourself."

The principle " Fill yourself with yourself first"Is not only the path of self-love, but also the establishment of one's own boundaries.

Imagine that there is a vessel inside you, and your daily responsibility is to fill it. Imagine that without the life-giving fluid inside, you will not be able to create, act, show love, communicate, talk and even breathe.

Moreover, feeling in you that you are filled with life-giving and healing liquid, people are drawn to you. This is exactly the way it is, when people are thirsty, they are the ones who go to the jug or vessel, isn't it? Fill yourself with yourself first. Also, this state can be compared to a luminous night light or a lamp that attracts the eyes and shares its light.

Every time when faced with negative information from the outside, whether it is criticism, manifestation of hostility, abuse, conflicts, ask yourself: "Do I want MY vessel to be filled with this?" Therefore, very soon you will come to the conclusion that you should not even react to most external negative manifestations. This is the greatest manifestation of caring for oneself and cultivating one's worth.

Moreover, soon you will very clearly understand that those who fill themselves with negativity not only share them with others, but also try to create in this state. If at first it will be difficult for you to keep your boundaries from penetrating negative into it, you should mentally say to yourself: "This is not me" or "This is not mine."

But how to fill your vessel, it's up to you, because you know better what motivates you, makes you happy or moves you forward. I can say with confidence that over time, your vessel will expand, thereby you will be able to bring more and more positive and creativeness into your life.


Thus, before embarking on any important business, be it an important meeting, work, creativity or a trip, take yourself 1-5 minutes to "fill yourself with yourself first." If at first there are difficulties with mental "filling", you can try to concentrate on breathing and on inhalation to fill yourself with the necessary states.

The most important indicator of achieving this state is pleasure. At least the smallest, but the feeling of pleasure and "drive" from it. We can and even must fill ourselves with "drive" on our own.

Accustom yourself to small pleasures: ice cream, a small purchase for no reason, a call to a good person, a nice song. If at a particular moment there is no way to do or go somewhere physically, then at least think about it, scroll in your thoughts: your favorite song, the taste of ice cream, dreams of a walk or a purchase. This is much more effective than plunging into dissatisfaction with a particular situation.

Elena Osokina (c) from the book "Knockin 'on ideas".
