"I Can't Fulfill My Potential!" Five Reasons Why This Is Difficult. Part Five

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Video: "I Can't Fulfill My Potential!" Five Reasons Why This Is Difficult. Part Five

Video: What do top students do differently? | Douglas Barton | TEDxYouth@Tallinn 2024, April
"I Can't Fulfill My Potential!" Five Reasons Why This Is Difficult. Part Five
"I Can't Fulfill My Potential!" Five Reasons Why This Is Difficult. Part Five

"I can't fulfill my potential!"

Five reasons why this is difficult. Part 5.

“I don’t allow myself to create, because I’m not a genius like …” “I don’t believe that I have talent.” "Yes, I have been interested in this since childhood, there have even been successes, but …" "No, I cannot admit that I have talent, because this is so, nothing serious, just for myself." I have repeatedly heard such beliefs from people who have talent and have done a lot in the direction of its development, but do not notice it. Why? Because this is their nature. They do not understand that this is TALENT, and it should be consciously realized.

Let's take an example, a person reads a lot from childhood and not some kind of superficial literature, but serious, real one. Before finishing school, about a hundred books of world classics have been read! Excellent school essays were written and admired by teachers and classmates. But the professional path is chosen in a completely different direction. Years go by, then dozens of new books are read, stories are written, dazzling with fantastically colorful metaphors, admiration for the style of speech of a given person is expressed, but recognition to myself that writing is my talent never happens. Have you met such people? When talent is their essence, they are the embodiment of their talent, but, unfortunately, they do not understand this.

Reason number 5. Denial of my talents or "Yes, I can do it, some people like it, but I'm not genius like …"

I have seen very talented people who have talent and their purpose, as they say, “written on their foreheads,” but they deny it with great fervor. Why?

On the one hand, these people have a very developed inner critic.

I heard such conclusions: “Yes, I write well, there are those who like my work, but this is not serious, I’m not Marquez, not Remarque”. Or “I design something, they say in an original way, but I don’t believe in it, it’s original - this is Gaudi, and I’m just playing around”.

Being educated and intelligent enough, they make serious demands on themselves and raise the bar high. And this is characteristic of them even in childhood.

On the other side in a robot with each of these clients, as a rule, we come to the moment when their talent was discounted as a child, someone significant to them or the talent was not appreciated, not noticed by others.

But they really needed support and encouragement so that they could give themselves the right to take the first steps and accept themselves before they reached the level of Geniuses. They sincerely needed faith in them, since they themselves criticized themselves, compared only with the Great ones.

As for me, in this case these lines will be relevant:

Talents need help, Mediocrity will break through on their own

Each of us has our own talent. Be considerate and patient with yourself. "Heal" your psychological blocks, trauma and pain. Don't think that it doesn't matter whether you realize yourself or not. Don't think that you are not important. We are all like one ecosystem. You are important! The development and fulfillment of each person matters. Don't give up and take responsibility for your implementation. And the result will definitely be.

You can read the first part of the article and reason # 1 that prevents you from realizing your potential at this link:pyat-prichin-pochemu-eto-slozhno-sdelat-chast-1 /

You can read the second part of the article and reason # 2 that prevents you from realizing your potential at this link:pyat-prichin-pochemu-eto-slozhno-sdelat-chast-vtoraya /

You can read the third part of the article and reason # 3 that prevents you from realizing your potential at this link:pyat-prichin-pochemu-eto-slozhno-sdelat-chast-tretya /

You can read the fourth part of the article and reason # 4, which prevents you from realizing your potential, at this link:pyat-prichin-pochemu-eto-slozhno-sdelat-chast-chetvertaya /

Learn how to realize your potential in the article "Twelve Steps to Realizing Your Potential" at:shagov-dlya-realizatsii-svoego-potentsiala /

Psychologist Linda Papitchenko

The photo for the article was taken from the Internet.
