
“My dear parents, Uncle Fyodor from Shao-Lin writes to you. I gained enlightenment and non-judgmental perception, so I can't do anything."

For a long time I could not understand why I was slightly thrown up by the words "highly moral", "high moral principles" and others from the same series. Well, they smell like a mossy communist past, but so what? Smells and smells. Recently it dawned on me.

As a rule, the people who say them are not ready to calm down and leave me alone, for example. Not only me, of course, as a rule - the whole world, but first of all it worries me for personal reasons, of course. This incredible perseverance of the old women at the entrance strains - they care about everything, they have their own judgment about everything and always - the light sulfur amber of the Last Judgment. You sit to yourself, peacefully mending your primus, and they poke a trident in your side. It's unpleasant.

For me, it’s morality or is it or not, it is neither high nor low. Low morality? No, I haven't.

Morality is when there is a positive intention behind your actions. That is, you do not act to the detriment of yourself or others, you simply live in accordance with your ideas about life. At the same time, it is not necessary for everyone to like your actions. If your actions do not fit into someone's picture of the world, this does not mean that they are immoral. The main thing is that the motivation is good. At different times, the norms were different. From puritanism, buttoned up to the permissiveness of the feasts of ancient Rome. There is no absolute truth in either one or the other, simply because everyone has their own. Someone considers it immoral to bare the body, someone - to hide. Both are normal, as long as they do not infringe on anyone's freedoms. Let each adhere to what he considers natural for himself, without interfering with the other. Skirts of any length (or lack thereof) are good as long as no one is forced to look at it. As long as there is freedom to turn your head the other way, everything is in order.

In this world, it will become so much freer to breathe without Procrustean beds! When everyone is busy with themselves, instead of discussing others and passing verdicts on them. It has always been a lot of fun to note how close the words “holiness” and “violence” are. How often in human history have they walked hand in hand … Is there a pattern in this? I think yes. When there is a division into "high" and "low", "holy" and "sinful", "moral" and "immoral", tension arises between these concepts. The alternative to this way of looking at things is to just accept things as they are. If possible, no ratings.

This is definitely an advanced level. But this is a great landmark on the way. Non-judgmental perception. Yes, the same one about which Uncle Fyodor wrote to his parents from Shao-Lin.
